District of Rhode Island | Internet Safety

Protecting children on the internet

“Our children are growing up amid a technological boom that touches nearly every moment of their lives. Between mobile phones, gaming devices, computers and an ever-expanding number of social media apps, children are constantly connected to platforms that can be hunting grounds for increasingly smart and sophisticated online predators.”

United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha


Internet safety starts at home

Three top tips from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency to keep children safe online

  • Set rules and warn of dangers – Make sure your child knows the limits of what he or she is allowed to do on the computer. These limits should be appropriate for the child’s age, knowledge, and maturity, but they can also include rules about how long he or she can be on the computer, what sites he or she can visit, what software programs he or she can use, and what tasks or activities he or she can do.
  • Monitor computer activity – Be aware of what your child is doing on the computer, including what websites they visit. If they use email, instant messaging, or chat rooms, try to get an idea of ​​who they are corresponding with and whether they actually know them.
  • Keep the lines of communication open – Let your child know that he/she can come to you with questions or concerns about certain behavior or problems he/she encounters on the computer.

Click here for important information that children and parents can review together to keep children safe online

What to do if your child is the target of sexual abuse online

  • Immediately report any suspicions of online solicitation or sexual exploitation of a child by calling 911contact the FBI at tips.fbi.govor by filing a report with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) at 1-800-843-5678 or report.cybertip.org.

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