IEA Prioritizes Projects That Have Been Left Behind for Decades

Since taking over power three years ago, the Islamic Emirate has been paying serious attention to both its obligations as an Islamic system and the progress of the country’s reconstruction. The ruling Islamic system has also started extensive efforts to protect the country’s religion and has undertaken many basic reconstruction projects to provide them with a comfortable life. It is a clear fact that such construction works are taking place in every part of the country, one after another, which has become the reason for the joy of the citizens, although they did not believe that Afghanistan would be saved from the cruel grip of the invaders one day. All the citizens were disappointed that the occupation cast a shadow over every aspect of Afghanistan’s development like a black cloud and did not allow anyone to take action in implementing development projects in the country. No basic projects were carried out in the past because foreigners occupied Afghanistan for their own interests, not for reconstruction. This was also a truth that the Afghans with prominent power in the country for the past twenty years only kept an eye on the pouring dollars of the international community. But now that the Islamic Emirate has come to power, it has started extensive work in various areas for the reconstruction and development of the country, the extraction of various mineral resources including precious stones, oil, copper and iron in accordance with international standards and the process is also underway. Also in the manufacturing sector, from medicine to various other necessary goods such as textile production, cement, oil and plastic production factories are under construction and some of the old ones have been renovated and put into operation. The efforts of the Islamic Emirate in the field of reconstruction of the highways and urban roads of the country are commendable and most importantly, the power of powerful and mafia groups against development has been weakened and instead of personal interests, national and public benefits are given priority. Looking at the rapid development process of the country, it can be said that in the near future there will be a very positive change in our country and our nation will be economically comfortable and self-sufficient.

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