Historic decision sees notorious Head Hunters home forfeited

Head Hunters News

Police have dealt a major blow to the Head Hunters gang by successfully obtaining forfeiture orders over almost $15 million worth of assets and property, including their notorious Mt Wellington gang compound.

The historic decision made today by the Auckland High Court is the culmination of one of the most complex investigations conducted by New Zealand Police in almost a decade.

Police Chief Andrew Coster says the forfeitures have a total value of $14.8 million and have been imposed on Head Hunters chairman Wayne Doyle under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act.

“I am pleased with today’s decision, which is significant and a blow to the operations of Head Hunter’s largest division, based in east Auckland.

“This sends a very clear message to all gangs and organised crime groups who profit from the misery they cause in our communities: the police are coming for you,” said Commissioner Coster.

During Operation Coin in 2017, police seized several key units, including the East Chapter Headquarters of the Head Hunters Motorcycle Gang, located at 232 Marua Road in Mt Wellington.

The High Court ruling also ordered the forfeiture of approximately $275,000 in cash found at the Marua Road property during a 2017 search.

This also includes several other properties in Auckland, including addresses in Freeman’s Bay, New Lynn and Mt Wellington.

Funds in two bank accounts and a vehicle are also forfeited to the Crown.

“This procedure was one of the longest and most complex that the Asset Recovery Unit has ever undertaken,” said Coster.

“This is part of a continued focus within the police to tackle and disrupt the activities of organised criminal groups through the means available to us through criminal or civil proceedings.”

Operation Coin involved an extensive investigation into Mr Doyle’s involvement in organised crime.

“This decision confirms what the police have known for a long time, namely that Mr Doyle is at the top of the Headhunters and holds an extremely influential position.

“Mr. Doyle established the Eastern Chapter of the Head Hunters to promote and profit from the criminal activities of its members. They pay a portion of their ill-gotten gains directly to him.”

Coster said the Supreme Court’s ruling found that the Head Hunters Motorcycle Gang is an organized criminal organization, many of whose members engage in drug trafficking and violent property crimes for profit.

Today’s decision is the culmination of almost seven years of work and collaboration between the Asset Recovery Unit and the Auckland Crown Solicitor.

“I would like to thank the employees involved for their perseverance and dedication.”

“I would also like to thank the Commissioner’s counsel at the Auckland Crown Solicitor’s office for their efforts during a complex legal case.”

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