Slinge’s henchmen: a usurer and his extortion gang

Publisher: ZealZaddy

Slinge’s henchmen: a usurer and his extortion gang

In the Free City of Vadashar, money lending and usury are a tried and tested way for organized crime gangs to use their ill-gotten financial resources to make more money: including by hounding their victims for payment. Loan shark Slinge and his crew are based in a Lotus and gambling café near the Arena and the dangerous enclave surrounding it known as The Warren. There, Slinge lends money to gamblers, bookmakers, and anyone else desperate enough to require such financial services. Delve deep into the sphere of influence of loan shark Slinge, his henchmen Oohduk and Ssslliithiissslliith, and some of their key associates, allies, and “clients.”

This product is useful in any urban fantasy for Cypher System.

Included in the character Foiio:

  • 10 NPCs in detail, all related to Slinge’s sphere of influence

  • 12 unique numbers and artifacts

  • 4 Adventure Hooks to Get Your Players Into Slinge’s Circle

  • Introduction to the Free City of Vadashar

  • VTT tokens for all NPCs (256px, 512px, and 1024px sizes)

The Free City of Vadashar

The Free City of Vadashar includes a series of reference works, adventure supplements, campaign guides, and extensive information on the Vadashar setting, combining a variety of fantasy elements: swordplay and sorcery reminiscent of the worlds of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian, Clark Ashton Smith’s Zothique cycle, the shared universe of Thieves’ World, the intrigue and daring of Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastard sequence, the carefree adventure of Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, and the modern science fiction horror of the Alien and Prometheus franchises.

About ZealZaddy

ZealZaddy creates roleplaying content for board games, including campaign streams, YouTube Dungeon Master and worldbuilding tutorials, events, and published content via Patreon, Shard Tabletop, and on DriveThruRPG.

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Slinge's henchmen: a usurer and his extortion gangPrice: $3.99

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