Maulvi arrested for showing pornographic videos, raping minor girls in madrassa

DEHRADUN: A shocking incident of physical and sexual exploitation of minor girls has come to light in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. A Maulvi, who taught Urdu to the girls at a madrassa, has been accused of showing them pornographic videos for two months and raping them. The incident came to light on August 17 when a woman reported the incident to the police.

“The Maulvi showed them pornographic videos and then raped them,” the victim’s mother said in her complaint. “He threatened them that if they told anyone about the abuse, he would use black magic to harm them and their families.”

According to the police, the Maulvi, who hails from Shahabad, Pilibhit, had come to the area two months ago to teach Urdu to the children. “He locked the girls in a room and raped them after showing them pornographic videos,” a police officer said.

The police have arrested the Maulvi and conducted medical tests on the five female victims. Their statements have been recorded in court, in which they have alleged that the Maulvi raped them.

“We have arrested the Maulvi and are investigating the matter,” said SSP Manjunath TC. “We will ensure that justice is done to the victims.”

The incident has shocked the community and many are demanding strict punishment for the accused. “This is a heinous crime and the accused should be given the strictest punishment,” said Rajkumar Futela of Rudrapur.

Police are also investigating how the Maulvi was able to exploit the girls for so long without anyone knowing. “We are investigating how he was able to commit such a crime without anyone knowing,” a police officer said.

The incident has raised questions about the safety and security of children in madrassas and other institutions. “We need to ensure that our children are safe and protected from such exploitation,” a community leader said.

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