The CIA is a Terrorist Organization (Capitalism, Socialism, and So-Called Shock Therapy in Russia) – The Duran

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.


  • Well no, have we ever tried to meddle in other countries’ elections?
  • Oh, probably, but it was for the good of the system in order to avoid the communists from taking over. For example, in Europe in ’47, ’48, ’49, the Greeks and the Italians.
  • We don’t do that now, though; we don’t mess around in other people’s elections.
  • Only for a very good cause.


  • We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price.
  • To make them pay the price by killing Russians.
  • Yes.
  • And killing Iranians?
  • Yes, covertly. So you don’t tell the world about it, right? You don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say we did this, right? But you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran. Here’s the other thing I’m going to do. I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal power base, right? I want to scare Assad. So, I want to go after his presidential guard. I want to bomb his offices in the middle of the night.
  • Well, that happened about two years ago, as you remember, when his brother-in-law was.
  • I want to destroy his presidential aircraft on the ground. I want to destroy his presidential helicopters. I want to make him think we’re coming after him, right?

The CIA would develop techniques to aid them in the destruction of foreign nations. One such batch of techniques was compiled in a 90-page handbook titled Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare, which was distributed to the U.S.-backed Nicaraguan Contras. It detailed how armed propaganda teams could build political support in Nicaragua for the Contra cause through deceit, intimidation, violence, and assassination. This was a trend that would prove very useful to the U.S. By outsourcing their more heinous crimes, including over 50 assassination attempts on world leaders, to local U.S.-friendly groups, the CIA could maintain a level of plausible deniability.

Here’s former CIA officer John Stockwell discussing his time in the agency and what their goals were:

“They undertake to run operations in every corner of the globe. They also undertook the license of operating just totally above and beyond U.S. laws. They had a license, if you will, to kill. But also, they took that to a license to smuggle drugs, a license to do all kinds of things to other people in other societies, in violation of international law and every principle of nations working together for a healthier and more peaceful world. We manipulated and organized the overthrow of functioning constitutional democracies in other countries. We organized secret armies and directed them to fight in just about every continent in the world. We encouraged ethnic minorities to rise up and fight — people like the Mosquito Indians in Nicaragua, the Kurds in the Middle East, the Hmong in Southeast Asia. We have organized, and we still do, and fund death squads in countries around the world, like the Treasury Police in El Salvador, which are responsible for most of the killing of the 50,000 people just in the ’80s, and there were 70,000 before that.

An orchestration of CIA secret teams and propaganda led us directly into the Korean War. We were attacking China from the islands of Quemoy, Matsu, Thailand, and Tibet. A lot of drug trafficking was involved in this, by the way, until eventually, we convinced ourselves to fight the Chinese in Korea. We had the Korean War, and a million people were killed. Same thing for the Vietnam War. We have extensive documentation of how the CIA was involved at every level, or the national security complex because it’s a very cooperative thing, into manipulating the nation into the Vietnam War.

Let me just put it this way: the best heads that I coordinate with, studying this thing, we count at least a minimum figure of six million people who’ve been killed in this long 40-year war that we’ve waged against the people of the Third World.”

CIA operatives were heavily involved in trafficking drugs into the United States. CIA planes would make routine trips to and from places like Costa Rica and Honduras, working with cartels to secure massive amounts of heroin and cocaine, which they would then shuttle back to the U.S. and sell for a healthy profit. Because of their secretive line of work, these planes could land in places where normal customs regulations don’t apply. It’s a dream scenario for drug smuggling. The piles of money the CIA makes from this practice have directly funded the undermining of democracy throughout the world, with the added effect of introducing harmful drugs to the American population.

Why would our country allow this organization to exist? It clearly doesn’t protect freedom and democracy like Reagan claimed. The answer is simple: the U.S. wants to maintain its number one spot. We’re currently the sole world superpower, and in order to maintain that position of power, the country needs to make sure that the rest of the world depends on us. It also needs to make an example of alternative economic structures that would undermine the notion of American capitalist supremacy.

But don’t just take it from me. Here’s former CIA operative and whistleblower Philip Agee talking about the U.S. relationship with Cuba and why we were so adamant in destroying them:

“So it’s not hopeless, but you see how the United States is going around in these areas of economics and of trade and of commerce and finance to try to make the Cuban people suffer as much as they can. This is affecting in a drastic way very young children and infants, and also the older—in other words, the most vulnerable. It is an eternal shame on the United States, in my opinion, that we would do such a thing to an entire country just because we don’t like the system, just because they won’t come under our protection. Basically, it’s a kind of mafia attitude, and it has been that way since Eisenhower. Well, that’s capitalism. It’s also the United States and our tradition of being very nervous when we don’t control something. When a country like Cuba slips out from under our control after we had ruled it practically as a neo-colony or a protectorate for 59 years or so, then it makes people nervous because they know that if the Cubans are successful in their example of being able to provide, as a poor country, the best medical care in the Third World to the whole population—because it’s an inclusionary system; it’s not like we have here where you have this huge bulk of the population marginalized—but there, if everybody can have adequate medical care, if the schooling is adequate for all…

Remember, Cuba has more doctors and more teachers per capita than any country in the world, and they have succeeded in these areas, and it’s all state-supported, which means people don’t have to put money out for medical care. Of course, they pay the cost indirectly as a whole society, but they don’t have to pay the bill in the hospital, and so forth. That cannot be allowed to stand; it’s a very bad example for the United States. There’s a very large mass of people out there who can look at Cuba and say, ‘Well, if they can do it on a per capita income of two thousand, two thousand five hundred dollars a year, where ours is twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars a year, what’s wrong with our system? Maybe we ought to consider an alternative.’

That’s why Nicaragua had to be destroyed. They were a bad example, and that’s why Grenada had to be destroyed, because any movement that comes to power with the idea of providing for all the people and of escaping the control of the United States and its economy—the corporations and so forth—that is bad news here in the United States in the upper circles of power.”

For those of you thinking that this doesn’t matter because you live in the U.S., I’ve got bad news for you. In 1975, a U.S. intelligence committee found that the CIA owned more than 200 wire services, newspapers, magazines, and book publishers and subsidized many more. A separate New York Times investigation revealed an additional 50 media operations run by the CIA, both within the U.S. and abroad, and another 12 publishing houses that had produced over 1,200 books secretly commissioned by the CIA.

What does this mean? It means that the CIA has been running a secret propaganda campaign on American citizens for almost half a century. More recently, the agency has awarded contracts worth billions of dollars to Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Amazon, and Google to complete assignments issued by the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency has its tendrils in every single aspect of modern life: books, magazines, movies, television, social media, and big tech. Just as the CIA works hard to undermine freedom and democracy around the world, it also works hard to keep Americans convinced that they live in the greatest country on earth and that there is no alternative to American supremacy. The CIA is a terrorist organization—the biggest one in the world.

This is all well known and public for a very long time. But as someone once said: ‘Freedom Of Speech is not freedom of Reach’ so in other words books were written about it but they were suppressed and ridiculed while 1,200 books were secretly commissioned by the CIA which were promoted to hide the truth.

I have lived in Poland my whole life. I was born in 1988 so I lived through the transformation in the 90s. I was very young but I saw the horrible state in which my country ended up where 60% of the population lived under the poverty line while I was a kid. I saw a nightmare of so-called shock therapy. Someone may say look at Poland now, yet what Poland is now is thanks to the hard work of Polish people. My state was destroyed, robbed, and obliterated and had to be rebuilt by us from the ground up. Poland is a mere shell of its former self and got a little better and more powerful now only because of the collaboration of Poland with the US against Germany and Russia. Basically almost everything in Poland is owned by foreigners and part of the profits are transferred to the West like everywhere else. During the so-called shock therapy, Polish wealth was sold almost for nothing. Our companies which could compete against Western companies were destroyed or sold to Western companies. For example, Lidl or Tesco, I don’t remember which one, received huge amounts of monetary support to flood Polish markets. In Poland, we don’t have Polish supermarkets not because of free markets but because they didn’t want us to have one, like the automotive industry and everything else.

They wanted to do the same with Russia and they almost succeeded. It was well described in one of my posts describing the history of Russia:

A brief history of the new US cold war with Russia(and Putin) w/ Max Blumenthal 25 April 2019


“Yeltsin basically becomes too drunk to continue on, so he appoints Vladimir Putin, who had been involved in the privatization project in St. Petersburg. Putin was close to Anatoly Chubais and the kind of people who had been around Gorbachev and moved into Yeltsin’s administration as the partners of the Harvard boys. Everyone thought, “Oh, Putin is going to be great; he’s going to keep this thing going.” If you go back to 2000 or 2001, you can find a lot of people, including Bill Browder, praising Putin.

What Putin proceeds to do is start throwing the oligarchs in prison—the oligarchs who wouldn’t pay into Russia’s economy, such as those from Yukos Oil. This sent shockwaves through the national security state in the U.S. and the foreign policy establishment in Washington. Putin was no socialist; he was essentially re-centering the economy around a kind of state capitalist model.”

This basically describes the same thing that happened in Poland. The only difference is Putin at some point decided he will not allow Russia to be destroyed like Poland was, and that’s the moment when he became our enemy.

Here is a great description of so-called shock therapy in Russia, so what we did:


In this video Jeffrey Sachs is mention and he is often shown now as a good guy, and it upsets me whenever I see that. He was one of the people responsible for destroying Poland and tried to destroy Russia but now he wants to be seen as a good guy and not admit to the things he did and said and which are mentioned in this video.

In the ending of this video, he says something that well describes what is happening now in Ukraine:
The forces of international market competition have predictably resulted in the capitalist class of one country battling the capitalist class of another to see who will profit from fossil fuel exports. This battle is not just numbers on a screen; it is fueled by the loss of human lives in an actual war.

He is correct besides one fact: it’s the capitalist class of one country in the US fighting capitalist classes of Russia and Germany.

I want to revisit a video where Max describes the history of Russia. Here’s a fragment:


“You should go back and look at that video and observe the expression on John McCain’s face when Putin speaks. When Putin declares that Russia will act in its national security and national interests and will not tolerate further expansion on its borders, McCain’s reaction is notable. Putin essentially puts his foot down, marking the moment when the new Cold War process began to intensify.”


We also have an AI-translated speech from that event, which I posted . In that speech, Putin states:

AI Translated: Putin’s 2007 Munich Security Conference Speech in English, Voiced by Putin Himself(and short history of Russia and Putin by Max Blumenthal)


“The energy sector in Russia intends to create uniform market principles and transparent conditions for all. It is evident that energy prices should be determined by the market rather than being influenced by political speculation, economic pressure, or blackmail. We are open to cooperation, and foreign companies can participate in all our major energy projects. According to various estimates, up to 26% of oil extraction in Russia is conducted by foreign capital.


Consider this figure: up to 26% of oil extraction in Russia is performed by foreign entities. Try to find a similar example where Russian business participates extensively in key economic sectors in Western countries—such examples do not exist. There are no such examples. I would also point out the parity of foreign investments in Russia compared to those Russia makes abroad, which is approximately 15 to 1.”


I have said it before and I will say it again: the Ukraine war has two objectives. If we win, we aim to privatize, destroy, and steal everything from Russia just as we did in Poland and other former Soviet bloc countries. But even if we lose, the U.S. secures economic and political dominance over Germany and, by extension, all of Europe. The U.S. had to act because Europe was becoming too independent. So, regardless of whether we win or lose, the U.S. still gains something from it.


Russia will remain a target as long as most of its oil and other resources are not owned by Western corporations. We already have around 26% of Russian oil in foreign hands, as Putin mentioned, but that’s not enough for the Americans.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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