Opinion: The Reality of America’s Southern Border and the Urgency for Change

It’s no secret that America’s southern border is in ruins.

28% of Americans believe that immigration is the most important problem facing the United States. How come? In several areas along the border there is little security. About 80% of the border is not secure enough to stop illegal entry due to the absence of physical obstacles and barriers.

More than 8 million migrants have crossed the border since President Biden took office, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This is the largest spike in illegal immigration in history. In 2023, there were nearly 860,000 people who did not encounter a border patrol at all. Under the Biden administration, the number of encounters between convicted criminals and non-citizens by the U.S. Border Patrol has also increased. These meetings range from illegal gun possession/transportation/trafficking, assault/domestic violence, burglary/robbery/theft/fraud, DUI, manslaughter/manslaughter, illegal drug possession/trafficking, illegal entry/reentry, and sex crimes. In each of these sectors, encounters have increased dramatically under the Biden administration compared to the Trump administration.

There are a number of issues directly related to Biden’s policies that have created such a crisis.

First, Biden has has withdrawn the policy of remaining in Mexico issued by President Donald Trump during his administration. In effect, the policy stated that individuals seeking asylum must first wait in Mexico until their court hearing. By scrapping this policy, Biden has instead de facto a “catch and release” allowed program where anyone who applies for asylum is released into the interior of the United States. When their court date arrives, individuals are expected to turn themselves in. In reality, most of these people disappear into the United States; the incentive structure is completely distorted.

Why is the influx of illegal immigration at the southern border a problem? Migrant women are primarily raped or abused by the drug cartels that bring them to the border. By continuing to push through the border, a system of women and girls being stripped of their rights and dignity is perpetuated. Some 60 to 80% of female migrants from Central America are sexually abused during their journey.

In 2023 alone there were more than 74,000 Americans have died from fentanyl overdose. Unfortunately, almost 90% of illegal fentanyl is seized at the southern borderIn reality, China is actually subsidizing the production of fentanyIFrom a national security perspective, it is of great importance to combat this drug flow as well.

Of course, illegal immigration is bad for those who wait legally and can’t just cross the border. Many presidential candidates who have promised to crack down on illegal immigration have said that the first time someone comes into the country, they shouldn’t be breaking the law.

Although most migrants have good intentions and are seeking a better life, border cities with populations of a few thousand people cannot handle the influx of immigrants. Pressure on resources, increased crime, overcrowding, and limited resources and jobs are all factors that contribute to the disillusionment of these Americans. In turn, states have begun busing migrants to cities that claim to be sanctuary cities (places where individuals are not deported despite federal immigration laws). Yet even places like New York City and Chicago, which are designated “sanctuary cities,” are Hhave not been able to cope with the large influx of migrantsIn other words, even some of the most urban centers, which have significantly more resources than border towns, complain about the influx of migrants.

To combat the crisis, President Biden recently an executive order issued to prevent people entering the country without legal permission from being granted asylum. However, this has drawn intensive legal control.

Overall, illegal immigration is a complex and important issue that needs to be addressed. Inaction could lead to political losses in 2024. Ultimately, Americans deserve safety and protection. The border must be secured.

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