Vietnam presents proposals to combat transnational crimes in ASEAN | DTiNews

Minister of Public Security Sen. Lt. Gen. Luong Tam Quang called for enhanced regional cooperation against transnational crime during the 18th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC-18) held in Vientiane on August 28.

Representatives of ASEAN member states pose for a group photo during the 18th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC-18)

In his speech, Minister Quang presented a series of proposals aimed at stepping up joint efforts against cross-border criminal activities. These include intensifying information exchange on criminal activities and joint task forces to investigate and verify crimes across borders. The coordination of patrols to combat drug and human trafficking, organized crime and cybercrime are also discussed.

He said that all parties should better coordinate their efforts to monitor and address crimes committed by citizens of one country in another. He stressed the importance of diversified regional media campaigns to raise public awareness and proactively prevent threats such as human trafficking, terrorism and cybercrime early and at a distance.

Minister Quang called for more effective handling of requests for mutual legal assistance, extradition and the transfer of criminals among ASEAN member states.

This includes tracing and recovering embezzled or laundered assets and ensuring compliance with legal regulations and diplomatic requirements.

To keep pace with the rapid development of technical means used by criminals, Minister Quang proposed to promote cooperation in high-end scientific and technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, big data and virtual assistants.

He also stressed the need to support training and capacity building for law enforcement personnel as a way to improve practical skills and combat cross-border crime, based on the principle that criminals should not be left behind and that crime should be prevented from increasing.

The event participants also made a number of recommendations to intensify cooperation and outline strategies to combat cross-border crime in the future.

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