Martin Ettlin Cuitino ’27 presents at international conference on sexual abuse

“As an international student and survivor, I am deeply honored to have been selected from hundreds of young activists across the country to share my activism experiences with national organizations and federal partners at the NSAC,” said Ettlin Cuitino. “Thank you to Student Affairs for the funding, the Title IX office for all the guidance, and everyone who made this possible.”

Ettlin Cuitino is an elected student representative on both the Student Life Committee and the Title IX Advisory Committee. She continues to work to raise awareness and educate fellow students about sexual abuse.

“Sexual violence is a crisis that demands immediate and sustained action. On U.S. college campuses, one in five women and one in 16 men experience sexual violence. Women ages 18 to 24 are disproportionately affected, and are three times more at risk than any other age group. Globally, the situation is even more alarming; in my country of Uruguay, for example, with a population of just 3.5 million, 529 cases of child sexual exploitation were reported in 2022. This is an undeniable global crisis, and one that remains deeply underreported,” said Ettlin Cuitino. “The statistics on sexual violence continue to rise and reach new heights. We must continue to shine a spotlight on this issue until it receives the attention it deserves.”

Ettlin Cuitino was recognized as a Rising Star on Campus at the college’s 2024 Leadership Awards for being the most active and engaged freshman on campus.

One of Ettlin Cuitino’s long-term goals is to work in health care, either through an MD-PhD program or a PhD in psychology. “No matter where I end up — whether it’s in academia or a job in neuroscience — I’m determined to continue my advocacy for sexual violence prevention,” he said. “Volunteering and being involved in prevention work is fulfilling, and wherever I go in the future, I’m going to make sure that stays alive.”

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