Brazil is on fire because of crime and climate death, but mostly crime

You know the story by now: everything and anything will be brought under the banner of the climate cult

Brazil is on fire, and both crime and climate change are the cause

When Cristiane Mazzetti flew over the Brazilian Amazon this month to assess the damage from forest fires, she couldn’t hide her frustration.

Mazzetti is a forest activist for Greenpeace in Brazil. The environmental group has been trying for years to combat deforestation and climate change that make the country so susceptible to forest fires.

Yes, deforestation is bad, I agree with you 100%. But that is not ‘climate change’.

Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva says the country is “at war” with fire.

Nearly 3,500 fires have been reported so far this month in the southeast of São Paulo state, the highest number since data collection began in 1998. According to Greenpeace, 98 percent more fires have been reported in the Amazon this summer than last year.

According to the government, these fires are anything but natural.

“No lightning-related fires have been detected. This means that people are starting fires in the Amazon, the Pantanal and, above all, in the state of São Paulo,” President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Sunday.

The day after the president made these comments, the governor of São Paulo announced that four men had been arrested on suspicion of starting fires that destroyed thousands of hectares of sugar cane plantations in the north.

Agriculture Secretary Guilherme Piai said Tuesday that some of the arrested men told police they have links to one of the country’s largest criminal gangs, the Primeiro Comando da Capital.

It’s still your fault for living a modern life, in case you didn’t know.

According to Greenpeace and other environmentalists, the main cause of Brazil’s forest fires is deforestation, specifically people and companies who deliberately, and often illegally, set fires to clear the land of vegetation so it can be used for other purposes, such as agriculture.

Yeah, that would be a crime too. What do you think about that?

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