Project Looking Glass: A New Era for Humanity in 2024-2025 (Part 2)



Project Looking Glass Update | August 29, 2024

Submission received from sources within the Alliance.

Project Looking Glass uses a combination of quantum data collection, quantum computer modeling, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualization techniques to create a virtual model of the future. This model is constantly updated with new data, allowing us to see how different choices and events can affect the outcome.

The basic idea behind Project Looking Glass is that it allows us to see into the future. This is not some kind of crystal ball or fortune telling, but rather a scientific tool that would use advanced technology to collect data from the present and project it forward in time. This technology would allow us to better understand the consequences of our actions and make more informed decisions about the future.

Project Looking Glass is used by the Alliance to lead humanity into an era of prosperity, rapid technological advancement, and the opening of public contact with our ET friends. The goal is to transform our civilization into a space-faring utopia.

The following information is one of many predicted scenarios that Project Looking Glass provides. The future is not set in stone and therefore each scenario that Project Looking Glass provides is only a single timeline among infinite timelines. Also note as a disclaimer, we cannot share the finite details that Project Looking Glass provides with the public. Project Looking Glass also provides scenarios in visual form. Therefore, what is shared here is described in words and has been “rewritten” to protect ourselves and the public from interfering forces.


A New Beginning for Humanity: The Vision for 2024-2025 (Part 2)




Imagine a world without poverty, homelessness and fear, a world where every individual has the power to live to his or her full potential, surrounded by love and abundance. This vision is no longer a dream, but a growing reality. The implementation of GESARA/NESARA has ushered in an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity.

The entire fabric of society has been rewoven, allowing individuals to transcend their concerns and live harmoniously. The recent “Event” that has redefined our planetary mission resulted in a ten-day lockdown – not intended to limit humanity’s consciousness, but to awaken it to the vital roles of positive extraterrestrials who have long been our allies throughout history.

Following the event, humanity has a new understanding of its place in the universe. Terrans, the people of Earth, are now celebrated as the guardians of the Milky Way Galaxy, known as NATARU. Our Earth identities are forever changed, as we acknowledge the existence of bases on Luna, Mars, and Saturn, signaling our willingness to embrace interstellar citizenship.

With open arms and grateful hearts we have welcomed “The Seeders”, those positive extraterrestrial beings who are responsible for our origins. This historic first direct contact fosters a deep sense of unity among the surface dwellers, our Agartha brothers and sisters of the inner Earth and our cosmic family. Together we form one profound, galactic community dedicated to nurturing our planet and expanding our collective consciousness.

In this rejuvenated reality, boundaries have dissolved, leading to the emergence of a unique planetary entity: the “United States Republic of Earth Nations”, anchored in a new capital in Paris. This unified nation operates under “God’s Higher Galactic Laws”, emphasizing harmony, love, and the collective rebuilding of society into a higher-dimensional existence – specifically a 5D society where compassion and understanding reign supreme.

Donald Trump’s role transcends traditional leadership; he is seen as King within this new global framework. His leadership has been crucial in spreading GESARA and peace to all regions of Earth, fulfilling his mandate given by the High Galactic Councils who serve a Creator who desires unity and cooperation.

The Trump administration, along with allies—The Earth’s Alliance, positive extraterrestrials, and celestial hierarchies—has rescued millions of vulnerable souls from dark influences, especially children from the clutches of the Khazarian mafia who have committed unspeakable acts. The liberation of these innocents means much more than just salvation; it embodies a commitment to provide love and comprehensive care for their well-being.




As we enter this new era of shared stewardship and mutual support, humanity must recognize the invaluable contributions of our extraterrestrial allies. Their loyalty and love have illuminated paths we might never have traveled alone. By embracing this galactic perspective, we invite ourselves to recognize our interconnectedness and shared responsibility for one another.

To be continued… (Part 2 of 5)


(Note from the editor of OpDis: Sources have told us that the Alliance is asking readers to submit scenarios for Project Looking Glass. We tried asking why, but they were unable to share that information. If you have any questions about Project Looking Glass, please email them to us.)


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