Serbian MP claims West is using ‘mafia tactics’ on Durov

Serbian MP claims West is using 'mafia tactics' on Durov


(MENAFN) In a recent interview with RT, Serbian MP Aleksandar Pavic accused Western countries of using “mafia tactics” in their treatment of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Pavic claims that France is putting undue pressure on Durov to extract encryption keys from the messaging platform, with the aim of using the information to censor content on Telegram.

Durov’s arrest in Paris on Saturday has sparked controversy. He is accused of allegedly refusing to cooperate with French authorities investigating serious crimes allegedly facilitated via Telegram. Pavic described the French approach as a form of extortion, stressing that such tactics are more akin to those of criminal organizations than legitimate state actors.

“If Pavel Durov stands up to me, I think Telegram will come out even stronger,” Pavic claimed, suggesting that the platform’s popularity has only increased since Durov’s arrest. He further warned that any concession from Durov would show Russia and the rest of the world that Telegram’s security and privacy could be at risk. Pavic criticized the Western response to Durov’s plight, contrasting it with the condemnation Russia would have faced under similar circumstances, which he labeled as reflecting a “totalitarian mentality.”

Pavic highlighted the growing global discontent with what he sees as overreach by powerful entities seeking to control information and restrict free speech. He noted that Telegram’s appeal largely stems from its reputation for less censorship compared to other platforms.

Pavic drew historical parallels and connected the current situation to broader trends of attacks on free speech, dating back to the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq and the subsequent arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2010. He argued that Durov’s arrest represents the latest chapter in a long-running campaign against freedom of expression and information.



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