Deep State – Our “Leaders” Took Blood Oaths – These people took an oath to represent the citizens, but their true loyalty is to Satan (Communism). They are traitors and should be treated as such.

The blood oath is fundamental. Biden and most of his cabinet and most of the courts and Congress have probably taken it. That is why they are exempt from mandatory vaccinations.
These people took an oath to represent citizens, but their true loyalty lies with Satan (communism).They are traitors and must be treated as such.

Globally, vaccine passports are creating a Chinese communist social credit system where every word and move is monitored for political correctness.

Like our “leaders,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are Satanists.
We are now being persecuted by this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny. We are dealing with PURE EVIL.

The final choice is good or evil. Which choice will those with a blood oath make??

The ultimate and final choice is between Good and Evil.

The Chinese say, “You cannot stand in two boats”; if the boats move apart, you are forced to choose one boat or fall into the water. Those who have taken a blood oath are in conflict between doing what is Good or following a path that never stops at Evil.

The way to distinguish good from evil is to evaluate it against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance; this is the characteristic of the cosmos. Those who adhere to these universal principles are good. Those who deviate from Truth, Compassion and Tolerance are evil.


Karl Marx gives the signal of the “hidden hand”, indicating that the real power of the world is behind the scenes controlling him and he has taken a Blood Oath.

In The Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2), Karl Marx explains that communism is Satanism:

“There are, moreover, eternal truths, such as Liberty, etc., which are common to all social conditions. But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of establishing them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

Because communism opposes Truth and abolishes all morality, it is easy to see that communism is evil.

Communism is created by evil and spread by evil people, hidden in the upper echelons of society, with dual loyalties.

Today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) plays a leading role in establishing global communism.

To become a member of the CCP, a blood oath is required. Since taking power in 1949, the party has brutally persecuted many groups in China. It is estimated that 60-80 million people who opposed communism have been killed.

This genocide in China continues to this day, as the CCP is always persecuting someone. One notable group is Falun Gong, a peaceful meditation practice that was made public in May 1992. It has been very popular in China, with over 100 million people taking up the practice. The practice has five slow qigong exercises and a series of lectures that help people improve themselves to their core.

Because Falun Gong practices Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, the CCP has been persecuting them since July 20, 1999. Practitioners have been detained, arrested, forced to do forced labor, imprisoned, tortured, and had organs harvested from living people (

The CCP is against Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Now the CCP and those affiliated with it are using every means at their disposal to persecute the entire world. Good people all over the world are now being persecuted by this evil red dragon in the form of medical tyranny.


The CCP’s goal is to destroy the US and impose The Great Reset — global communism. People are recruited because they hold positions of status or influence in society, and they are able to maintain their positions while secretly pledging their loyalty to something else.

The CCP requires a blood oath to join, stating:

“…always ready to sacrifice everything for the Party…”

“…both parties stop and swear to death while standing in the midst of the blood, swearing by God (thus making God their third party) to kill the covenant breaker and his offspring after him if the terms of the covenant are violated.”


Traitor VP Mike Pence received this “token of appreciation” immediately after voting against Pres. Trump on January 6, 2021. It is rare to see high-level secret society ceremonies in a public setting.

“All this I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same, without the least equivocation, mental reserve, or self-evasion, binding myself under no penalty but that my body be cut in twain, and my bowels thence taken and burned to ashes, and scattered to the four winds of heaven, that there shall be no more remembrance among men or Masons of so contemptible a wretch as I should be, should I, in the least, knowingly or wilfully, transgress or offend this obligation of my Master Mason. So help me God and keep me steadfast.”

The Jesuit Oath (from 1533 Jesuit Oath):

“In confirmation whereof I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all bodily powers, and with the dagger which I now receive, I will sign my name, written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or be shaken in my resolution, may my brethren and fellow-soldiers of the Pope’s militia cut off my head and my feet and my throat from ear to ear, open my belly and burn brimstone therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me by demons in eternal hell for ever.”

Finally, the Mafia also has a blood oath (recounted by Joe Valachi in his testimony before Congress):

“I sit down at the table. There’s wine. Somebody puts a gun and a knife in front of me. The gun was a .38 and the knife was what we call a dagger. Maranzano (the boss) motions us up and we say a few words in Italian. Then Joe Bonanno pricks my finger with a pin and squeezes until the blood comes out. What happens then, Mr. Maranzano says, ‘This blood means we’re one family now. You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife.’

Those who take a blood oath are often required to spy and commit crimes for these groups. Their blood oath takes precedence over any other oath, they literally swear their lives to these groups and must keep it a secret. Their feet are more firmly planted in the evil boat, but they still have a chance until the end to make a better choice.


Dr. Fauci is a Jesuit trained and Deep State agent through six administrations. Watch his signals to know where his loyalties lie.


People who have taken a blood oath can be found all over the world, in positions of authority and power.

Many have literally “sold” their souls for wealth and other benefits. People who take a blood oath are recruited, no one can “sign up” to become a member and membership often follows family lines. The secret organizations see the power that the person has access to, they can also “steer” things to make a person gain even more power, even become President of the United States.

Is it any surprise that the “hidden hand” has guided events and created history in this way? The large scale ritual sacrifices are now on a grand scale: two world wars, the Holocaust (which means “burnt offering”), 9/11 and now the biggest one of all… the COVID/CCP virus. All of these events have been perpetrated by people with dual loyalties, with their feet in two boats.

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