Watch: Armed illegal immigrant gang takes over Colorado apartment complex

If you have no borders, you have no country. And if you have states in a union that blatantly ignore border laws, so much so that they encourage foreign invaders to take over, then you end up with a foreign takeover. This should not be a controversial notion, especially since it is not a matter of opinion. But never underestimate the sheer incompetence and blatant disregard for federal immigration law from the side that claims that no human being is illegal.

Displaced residents of an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, are warning the rest of the country about what could be happening in a neighborhood near you.

The problem with unchecked illegal immigration is that it is unchecked, meaning anyone can enter the country regardless of their intentions. And while the left wants the masses to believe that immigrant crime is a myth, Americans are suffering in ways that are so preventable and so predictable.

An apartment complex in Aurora has been taken over by the Venezuelan gang known as the Tren de Aragua gang. This gang is known for committing some of the worst crimes in the world including human smuggling and trafficking. There is absolutely no reason why they should be in the United States but no one cares and officials allow them to do nothing but ruin Americans for organized crime and the best we have is officials who gaslight the masses and blame the victim.

According to KDVR:

The video was shot in the building where Cindy and Edward Romero lived until Wednesday, when FOX31 caught up with them as they packed up and moved.

FOX31 showed the video to Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky, who helped the couple move and find a new place to live on Wednesday.

“The city’s nonprofits are lining up to help the migrants who have come here, but no one is helping the Americans who are stuck in these apartment complexes,” Jurinsky said.

“These are not just Americans. Other Venezuelans are being extorted by this gang,” Jurinsky said.

So unidentified NGOs are helping foreigners wreak havoc on Americans and this is supposedly about “squatter rights”. But since when do transnational gang members have rights at the expense of law abiding Americans?

The story gets better as the city blames the apartment owner for the victim, claiming that this is nothing more than his refusal to comply with code. Then the city of Aurora punched the building owner and all the tenants in the face in a twisted and malicious attempt to ensure that people in the Tren de Aragua gang were not illegal.

Are these the people the left claims will save Americans from the rotting fruit apocalypse?

I don’t have to tell you how frustrating this is, especially since the police still don’t even pretend to care, while trying to mislead on social media by saying that “it would be inappropriate at this time for the city and APD to draw any conclusions about specific incidents.”

Really? How stupid do they think people are? The city and the police allow a foreign takeover and no one cares. And the fact that the media is not reporting on this hostile act of terror is telling, especially since it’s an election year.


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