We told you about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartments in Colorado. Now there’s video…

Video footage has emerged of armed criminal gang members moving freely through an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.

The images below confirm that a violent Venezuelan prison gang, even more persistent than MS-13, has taken over the Denver metropolitan area, including Aurora.

The armed gang members seen above are believed to be part of the Tren de Aragua (TDA) gang. As previously reported, this gang has seized several apartment complexes in the Aurora neighborhood.

Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky told Fox News that “without a doubt there is now sex trafficking” in the area because of the gang’s presence.

“This is organized,” added one former apartment resident. “They’re visibly patrolling the property with guns, like they’re not trying to hide them. There’s no repercussions. These are ghosts.”

The former apartment resident, a woman, managed to escape from her occupied apartment building on Wednesday with the help of Jurinsky and congressional candidate John Fabbricatore.

“I literally had to borrow from everyone I know to find a new place,” she said. “And it was all the money I had.”

Below is a video of a local resident complaining about the way criminal aliens have taken over the Denver metropolitan area:

Part of the problem is the apparent absence of police. When questioned by the New York Post, Denver police union boss Marc Sears said it was “absolutely false” to say the gang is taking over the city.

“They’re no different than any other documented gang that we have,” he claimed. “I can tell you that the officers, there is a concern about this so-called ‘green light’ that they have on officers. Certainly, there is a concern about it, but in my opinion, as the president of the union, I feel like we’ve had a green light since 2020.”

By the “green light” he meant reports that TDA members had been given the “green light” to open fire on police.

In an interview with a local Fox News station on Wednesday, Denver police said they are “not aware” of any apartment complexes being taken over by TDA.

The female resident was not surprised by this denial of reality.

“There’s no safety net for you because the police don’t come,” she said. “They say, ‘Stay inside and lock your doors.’ I have to work! I paid rent. These people don’t pay rent at all. I’ve been paying rent every month for years.”

“I hope (the police) do something because they could have helped me get out. Literally. Their answer was, ‘Have you ever thought about moving?’ That’s what they said when I was like, and I started crying. There’s no help coming for us. The police have controlled it. They’re not on our side,” she added.

Even Jurinsky was not surprised by the police’s attitude.

“It’s a huge challenge throughout the Denver metropolitan area to get anyone, the media, other elected officials, to acknowledge the presence of this trend and acknowledge that there’s a problem at all,” she said.

Below is more video footage of TDA’s presence in Aurora and elsewhere:

John Fabbricatore, a former ICE official now running for Congress, previously complained to the Post that local officials have been slow to respond to the gang’s growing presence in the area.

“It has become increasingly clear that certain city officials, including the Aurora Police Department, are downplaying or ignoring the criminal activity that is affecting many neighborhoods in North Aurora,” he said.

“It is notable that there have been illegal immigrant gangs in specific apartment complexes in Aurora, but these problems have been underestimated for what seem to be ideological reasons“, he added.

FYI: Denver is a Democrat controlled metropolis…

In response to reports of the madness in Aurora, Rep. Lauren Boebert noted in a tweet that the city as it looks today is not what it was when she was growing up.



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