That Could Change Too – by TL Davis

I hope that the American people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is in America. It is not just that liberal/communist policies are bad, or that they are hurting the economy. They are devastating, and we are being systematically destroyed by them, even if they only affect isolated areas of the country.

In many ways I understand the feeling that the liberal/communist areas are suffering from their decisions, victims of their own policies, and it is tempting to just let them suffer, but the more they suffer and endure the hardships, the stronger the forces that impose them become. Soon, sooner than most realize, those same forces will move into places that did not vote for such policies and do not deserve the destruction.

Specifically, the sanctuary cities of Colorado are now suffering from illegal gang invasions that are taking over entire blocks and apartment buildings and marking their territory, the territory of the United States, as their own private sanctuaries from which to continue their illegal and violent activities. This is a cancer that the officials of these cities and counties are not addressing, either because they are bribed or threatened, which is the same thing: “take the money or take the bullet” agreements. So there is no protection from the gangs, they are simply doing what they do everywhere else, except that it is here and now. The officials, the police, the district attorneys, the mayors and county commissions work for them, not for the citizens. That is an important truth. In a capitalist world, it makes sense that criminals pay better or offer more drastic consequences than the citizens. That needs to change immediately, and I am not talking about giving raises.

That is the part that needs to be addressed, the consequences part, because that is the same at the federal level. We have already witnessed the consequences of a corrupt federal government that believes that they have the full force of the military behind them to suppress any form of resistance from the people themselves. That is Cicero’s sword of Damocles that they hold over all of our heads, expecting us to suffer anything to avoid the thin thread that they can cut at any moment.

No, the election doesn’t matter. Whatever way votes change things, we must use them, but contingency plans must be made, even if that means internalizing the determination to act at a particular time or under particular circumstances. When your neighbours are being attacked by criminal forces (whether with the appearance of decency or not), it is time to act. If they put enough of us in prison for these actions, we will only become stronger. Remember that there are prisons that are in fact run by Muslim gangs in Britain and probably in America too. I know there are prisons run by criminal gangs in America, perhaps all of them, where the time their gang members spend in there to create the illusion of normality is nothing compared to the time spent by the unaffiliated. That can change too.

Think about what silence gives permission for. We give permission by our silence, or inaction, to a dark cabal of leaders in Washington DC who control ever larger parts of our lives, make a mockery of the rule of law, replace one presidential candidate with another, not to win votes, but to have an excuse to manipulate the polls, to make it seem more likely that the new candidate has changed some perception in the public’s mind. That in turn allows the fraud to occur, it is more acceptable to the general public that there cannot have been enough fraud to sway the election. These are all defensive actions for what they are already planning to do. Not news of course, but that in itself should be enough to trigger action, but that has not happened. All of these outlaw state governments that refuse to correct their laws to provide free and fair elections should have already been called out by the public. Our silence, or inaction, allows it.

Militancy doesn’t have to be overt or belligerent, but it needs to be something we all understand right now. We are the forces that have the power to right all wrongs, but not if we remain in a state of powerlessness, with a sword constantly hanging over our heads. While that may be a way to survive, it is no way to live. Software vendor Microsoft recently warned that if you continue to use their software after September 30th, you will be subject to new terms of service. Prepare to go dark. Banks are warning that they have the ability to seize someone’s assets. Prepare to live without it. It will all come to a head in the next few months. The better prepared we are, the shorter the period of chaos will be. Prepare now. If we somehow overcome this moment, we can continue to function as we do now, but if we don’t, it’s good to be prepared.

The biggest problem, as far as I can tell, is in the mind. We have the weapons to defend ourselves, we have the ammunition, we have the food to survive a period of supply chain disruption, we have the backup generators and solar chargers, we have the precious metals stashed away. What we don’t have, in my estimation, is the mind-set that looks at police departments, militaries, mayors, governors and the like and recognizes that they now have tacit consent that can change as likely and suddenly as Microsoft’s terms of service, or a bank’s acknowledgment that our assets are there for our convenience until the government decides to seize them.

We cannot allow ourselves to accept the role of victim. We are the boss. We have allowed their excesses and criminality to continue because it is not yet worth disrupting our lives by intervening, but that must be a contingency that we keep at the forefront of our minds.

Don’t think they won’t be afraid if we change our terms of service. Everything you’ve seen in the last 30 years is an example of that. Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge were an example of their fear of our autonomy. Waco was another. All of their false flags designed to impose gun control are others. No, they’ve been afraid for a long time, at least as long as they’ve been willing to violate and punish our rights and autonomy. It’s no coincidence, at least not in my view, that 9/11 happened before the stock market crash of 2008, the theft and bankruptcy of millions of Americans. Passing something like the Patriot Act to control us all, treating us all as terrorists, was part and parcel of the ultimate avoidance of responsibility. But they’re just trying to deny the sword of Damocles over their own heads by placing one over ours. We need to reject it, to place our sword over theirs.

If we are ready to mobilize when these terrorist attacks begin, recognizing that the federal and provincial governments have largely funded and facilitated them, we will be a force they cannot withstand. If we show that we are ready, we can turn them back completely. It all starts in the mind, and that is what needs to be reconciled. I don’t mean empty threats and curses, I mean a real understanding of when to risk it all and being willing to make that sacrifice. The only way to survive is to win, because losing will look exactly like not trying at all.


*My daughter has a substack about her love of coffee called Sunrise in the Panhandle and I thought some of you might like it so I wanted to make that connection. It’s free, although the software does require the option of a paid subscription. is still home to quality fiction. If Westerns aren’t your thing, Rebel And villain are more modern (1970s). If you look to the right of the green box on the Amazon page, there are paperback editions of both available. If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, you can get the physical novels from Twelve roundsRead the reviews from those who have commented on Amazon to get an idea of ​​what to expect.

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