My Gaming Obsession: Exploring the Golden Age of Video Games

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Introduction: (PlayStation 2)


As long as I can remember, video games have always been an integral part of my life. It was something I always looked forward to doing after a long day at school, where I just wanted to escape to my own world and have fun. If I can remember, I was maybe 9-10 years old then. The first game console I used back then was an old PlayStation2 which was my older brother’s. My fondest memories of that system were playing nostalgic and classic games, such as Spiderman 2, Bully: Trade Show Edition, Grand Theft Auto Vice City and San Andreas, And Crash bandicoot.

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If I had to share the most nostalgic thing about that system, it would have to be the first boot screen. As a kid, it was one of the most unique things I ever saw and it sparked a ferocious curiosity in me to keep gaming and stay up to date with the technological developments that were yet to come.

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Unfortunately, like all good things, my time with this system came to an abrupt end when I came home from school one day and told my dad that he was giving away the PlayStation 2 because it was old and rarely used like it used to be. By the time the system was given away, the power cord was literally falling apart and nearly broke. It would have been incredibly difficult to find a replacement because it was an old generation system and spare parts were not as readily available anymore. Giving it away was very difficult for me because I had developed a strong bond with it and thought back to all the fond memories I had. A few years later, I was given a new gaming system as a gift from my parents around Christmas 2010 and it was by far one of the most life changing moments in my life and changed my entire outlook on gaming forever.

Second gaming system: (Xbox 360)

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On the morning of December 25th, 2010, I woke up to the sound of decorations coming off the Christmas tree in the living room. Almost as soon as I walked into the room, I recognized this large box and felt compelled to open it without waiting for my parents to wake up. I had a strong feeling that this was going to be something great, but I didn’t expect to receive this as a gift so soon, which completely surprised me. The first two games I remember running on the system were: Mafia 2 And Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Before that time, those games were probably the best out there. Now, looking back, we’ve come so far technologically from where we were before.

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As time went on, my video game collection grew to the point where I had a stack of them and had to keep them in separate cases for better organization. One of the most notable games that I remember playing a lot was: Grand Theft Auto IV, Skating 2, Skating 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, And Prototype.

In my observation, the reality of most of these older generation games is that only a select few are converted into a remastered edition to be playable on the newer generation systems with updated graphics and textures, while the majority of these other critically acclaimed titles are ignored and completely dismissed. I fully support the act of bringing back these older title games so that the newer generation of gamers can experience and relive the nostalgic memories of these classic games that you simply can’t get from newer and more modern games.

Over time, the games I had for the system eventually started to stop working due to its age, prompting me to consider a new alternative. The system lasted for about 7-8 years before it completely broke. I remember having to wait a few years from the time my previous system broke until I got my hands on an even newer and better system. If I remember correctly, it was in 2016 that a miracle happened that further changed my perception of video games.

Third game system: (PlayStation 4)

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This was by far the greatest moment of progress in gaming history for me, when I finally got the PlayStation 4. It was the afternoon of my 16th birthday when my dad got a call from the video game store that my system was ready to be picked up and I was over the moon. The biggest difference when migrating to this system was that my previous Xbox 360 was jailbroken; meaning it could run fake games. I always believed in buying the real thing instead of a fake, but my dad insisted I go this route to keep the cost down since I was really into video games and had a large collection. With the PlayStation 4, there was no way to do this without risking dire consequences such as a permanently broken system or the possibility of your account being banned.

Luckily, with the newer generation system, there are plenty of special deals and promotions on games in the digital store, so you can get your favorite games at a great price. PlayStation4 remains my primary gaming console to this day and has held up very well. While it may have collected a lot of dust from sitting idle for most of its lifespan, it is still a great piece of technology that continues to impress me. One of the biggest issues I have had with the system so far is that all of my physical games are no longer compatible with it due to a disc tray issue. I have since bought all of my games digitally as it is often a lot cheaper than a physical replacement.

If you thought my gaming journey ended here, you were completely wrong. In the year 2020, I decided to purchase my very first next-generation handheld gaming device. Looking back on this purchase, it was one of the best decisions I ever made as it still holds up strong to this day and continues to release fun and exciting games. Before I could even afford this system, I experimented with it on someone else’s system and found it to be extremely unique in its controls and functionality. It was nothing like any of the previous systems I had.

Fourth game system: (Nintendo Switch Lite)

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This was the last and final purchase I made for a handheld and portable gaming device. I already knew I had an entertainment system for the TV, so it made sense for me to find something that would be ideal for when I’m on the go or traveling somewhere. One of the standout games I played on it initially was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild And Super Mario: Odyssey.

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My history with gaming goes back to when I was 9-10 years old and now I’m 23 and I still love it. Looking back, the memories I have from this are so amazing, special and unforgettable. I honestly couldn’t even tell you honestly what my life would be like or what kind of person I would have become if I hadn’t grown up in this kind of environment.

My Gaming Obsession: Exploring the Golden Era of Video Games was originally published in Bootcamp on Medium, where people continued the conversation by bookmarking and commenting on this story.

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