How do you become someone like Bruce Wayne? (Full guide one of the best existing out there)


The answer is simple: You have to be obsessive compulsive.

The average American goes to work for 7–9 hours a day, comes home, eats dinner, watches TV, laughs a bit with friends and family, then goes to sleep. Then you look at the people that are considered above average, the people that work their day away to accomplish great things. Consider Elon Musk, one of the hardest working, and smartest businessmen of our time. He regularly puts in 75–85 hour work weeks towards his two companies SpaceX and Tesla. That is literally twice as much hours of work as the average American. He is seen as the modern pinnacle of entrepreneurship and determination to accomplish a goal.

Now we have our baseline, Elon Musk. Now in order to be anywhere near the level of a real life Bruce Wayne, you have to work 5 times harder than Elon Musk, and 5 times smarter. He would have to be seen as a lazy slob compared to you. Now Musk already has a hint of obsessiveness in his personality so imagine the amount of OCD you would need to accomplish the things Bruce Wayne does.

Let’s assume you are 15 years old right now. The soonest you could possibly be the closest to a real life Batman would be (if you start your training today) around 30–34 years old. Meaning, if you’re lucky, you might get about 5–10 years of a crime fighting career before your age gets the best of you. So let’s breakdown everything you need in order to become Batman by that time.

What makes Batman…Batman essentially consists of four things.

  1. Relentless Willpower and Determination.
  2. High Functioning Intelligence
  3. Wide Range of mastery in many skills.
  4. Peak physical conditioning.

So let’s start with 1. In order to complete numbers 2–4 requires number 1. So number 1 is most important, yet requires the least time to train. All willpower is, is getting things accomplished no matter the obstacles. Bruce Wayne was probably a regular kid, and probably procrastinated a bit in school before his parents’ death. But after their deaths, for the rest of his life after that night, he never procrastinated for even a second. Every second of his life was dedicated towards training to become Batman, being Batman, and covering up the fact that he is Batman. He has no social media accounts. No video games. No fiction books. Everything he surrounds himself in is by his doing, and is only dedicated towards that one goal of being Batman. If you see Bruce Wayne at a party, it was a calculated decision. You only saw him at that party because he wanted you to see him, because he felt his public image was subpar and needed to maintain it in order to deter suspect of his private life. If you see Bruce Wayne out in public, it is because he is on a mission. You have to understand, when I say Bruce Wayne, I’m simply talking about the acronym for “Batman”. There is no such thing as Bruce Wayne. This “Bruce Wayne” we speak of died as a child. So if you see Bruce Wayne out in public, you are really just seeing Batman in disguise. Every action he takes goes towards his goal. He hates self-maintenance (showers, putting on a Tom Ford suit, combing his hair, etc) because it gives him less time to take action towards his goals, but it’s a necessary evil. Plus it gives him a few minutes to step back and think…plan. There is not a second that goes by where Bruce is not calculating something regarding his career as Batman. He wakes up at 5am every morning, of every day, of every week, every month, every year. He instantly gets to work within 2 minutes of waking up. His lunch breaks are only 5 minutes, and consist of reading an instructional manual, or researching emerging technology that could be useful to his career. He works all the way, non-stop until 11:30pm. Upon that last 30 minutes, he meditates, and goes to sleep for 4–5 hours and does it all over again the next day. That is 18 hours of work a day, 7 days a week. Totaling 126 hour work weeks! Some CEO’s claim to work that much, but they include business lunches, traveling, etc. They don’t really put in that much time. Bruce Wayne actually works on his craft, every second of those 126 hours. No excuses. Sometimes with the amount of endurance and willpower he possesses, he can pull more hours than that by skipping a day of sleep and being just as productive the next day with 0 hours of sleep. This seems impossible for us mere mortals, but it is biologically possible. But like I said, it is not possible unless you are obsessive. Willpower is something that can be trained up to a point. But in order to cross that line of determination that Bruce Wayne has crossed a long time ago, you have to completely change who YOU are in order to become this new person. Socializations, friends, family, can no longer interest you. How will you have time to go see a 3 hour movie with your friends when you have a 3 hour workout session you are already 17 seconds late for? What is the point of going to your cousin’s 2 hour high school graduation when you have a 2 hour study session on differential equations you have scheduled in your room for 6:15pm? They’re going to graduate whether you are present there or not. Doing ANYTHING other than working towards your goal has to be illogical. You have to be consumed by your work. Your schedule has to be rigorous, and you cannot be more than 30 seconds late to anything in your schedule. Ever. That is determination. That is willpower. Let’s not forget, you have to do this every day, for 15–17 years.

Now let’s move on to number 2. High functioning Intelligence. This is interesting, because it is believed that there is nothing you can do about your intelligence. This is wrong. The people who claim that have never met anybody with the amount of willpower Bruce Wayne has, therefore no conclusive studies can be done without that important component. Intelligence is simply the ability to apply your knowledge to solve problems. Being able to grasp concepts, learn new things, and truly “understand.” In order to do this you need to master the art of “Lateral Thinking”.

Lateral thinking is solving problems using logic that is not immediately obvious to most people. It’s taking unknowns or rather the “not yet considered variables” and applying them to the problem to solve it.

For example, here is a simple lateral thinking puzzle: You are naked and trapped in a room with only 2 ways out, 2 doors. One leads to a room that is fatally cold, subzero temperatures, and the other leads to a room with a giant magnifying glass beaming the sun’s rays at fatal levels of heat. In order to exit to freedom, you have to stay in one of these rooms for 1 hour, both of which take only 30 minutes to kill you. Which door would you take?

Now an example of simplistic lateral thinking would arrive you to the answer of the heat room. Why? Because if the heat comes from the sun, then obviously the sun has to go down, so all you have to do is wait for it to go down, go into the room, wait one hour, and boom…freedom (assuming of course you know when it will go down). The previous paragraph had all the “knowns”. Many people try to solve problems with the “knowns” or what is already given. Lateral thinkers solve problems with the not readily available information. Even though we all know the sun goes down and comes up, not everybody considers that in this puzzle, and are stuck with outlandish answers on which room to choose. The sun going down was not given, but was implied, because it is a constant that exists outside of the puzzle. This is just a basic example of lateral thinking, but it’s a good place to start. Practicing on your lateral thinking skills everyday for years will eventually leave you to becoming a master strategist like Batman. Connections in your brain form and your brain will eventually adapt to this constant stimuli, eventually turning you into a creative genius who is able to efficiently solve problems in seconds, problems that could take other people hours to solve. Also look into systems thinking, holistic thinking, and infallible logic. (This is how he becomes the world’s greatest detective) Bruce Wayne can never be wrong. His logic being off or having flaws, means life or death.

Another thing you need to train in your pursuit of mental perfection is the art of “considering”. Perhaps you’ve heard of Batman’s famous skill, “prep time.” It is assumed that Batman can defeat virtually any foe given enough prep time. But what is prep time? Prep time is not just Batman building things over the course of a few weeks and using them against his enemies. It’s him sitting down, and using his lateral thinking skills to “consider” every possible outcome of every possible situation. If x happens then y happens, and if y doesn’t happen, then z happens. I must plan for both y and z. If my plan for y doesn’t work, then I must plan for it failing, same for z. If that plan for it failing fails, I must do v. etc. Essentially, you need to have a contingency plan for every contingency plan, for every contingency plan, no matter how unlikely the outcome may be. Batman is ALWAYS over prepared. Being under prepared means death. If you know that you are going up against a guy twice your size, you need to come to the fight prepared. Is he right handed or left handed? How tall is he? What will I do if the fight goes to the ground? What will I do if my punches don’t affect him? What if he breaks my left arm? What if he breaks my right arm? Right leg? Left leg? What is the weakest part of his body? See how that works? No matter how unlikely the outcome, you need to have a plan for it. Your plan A needs a Plan B, and Plan B needs a Plan B.1, B.2, B.3, …, B.21, then Plan C.

You can practice this starting right now. Next time you are walking around outside, think about the future possibilities that can occur around you, and plan on if they were to happen. For example, say you are walking alongside a fence and about to turn the corner on the sidewalk. Plan for what could possibly be coming around that corner. What if there is an old lady walking her dog? Plan for that. What if right when you turn the corner, a jogger slams right into you out of nowhere? Plan for that by stopping before you hit the corner and taking a wider turn to increase your reaction time. The smartest people I know, don’t just consider possibilities, they act on them, which makes them seem somewhat crazy or paranoid. But hey, a lot of old people are paranoid, that’s probably why they lived that long. So stimulate your brain everyday with chess, Calculus problems, physics word problems, lateral thinking puzzles, and deep, abstract thought. Doing this all day every day will train your brain to keep that stimuli active, and after a few months, it just becomes natural.Oh yeah, you also need to train your memory as well. Methods of obtaining the closest thing you can to a photographic memory are ideal

  1. Now we get into the more tangible things of Batman. His skill set. This will be the longest and most time consuming part of your Batman pursuits because in order to declare a one man war on crime, that one man has to have the skills of 10. Compartmentalization. Bruce Wayne would not need to have all these skills if he had 2–4 other guys working with him, but at the end of the day, that just leaves the risk of someone being killed, caught, or compromised 2–4x greater.

Let’s look at his skill set here.

In order to become Batman, you need to have the engineering prowess of Nikola Tesla. You can’t go around buying weird gadgets, as this would raise suspicion with the government, and within days, your identity will be uncovered. I would suggest setting your computer on a virtual VPN and downloading torrents of college undergraduate and grad level textbooks. Do not buy anything online either, this makes it easier to track you. You would need advanced knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, applied physics, weapons manufacturing, computer engineering, programming, networking and security, artificial intelligence, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, which require mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Statistics. You also need an intuitive understanding of Biology, Biomedical engineering, Disposal ordinance, Forensic Science, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Cosmology, and Neuroscience.

Theoretical Physics? Why would you need that and Astronomy to fight crime? Well Batman does’t always fight against mobsters and serial killers, he fights powerful extraterrestrial beings as well. Remember, consider ALL possibilities. Even if the likelihood of an advanced alien race coming to Earth with hostile tendencies is 0.00000000003%, you have to have enough knowledge as possible to work with to find an effective plan on disabling them. Imagine if it happens and you all of a sudden have to learn these new things WHILE an attack is going on. If it is a possibility, no matter how small, you must plan for it. It is better to be prepared and it not happen, than not be prepared and it does.

Now you don’t necessarily have to be a master in all these fields, but you do need a wide field of knowledge in them all. And being a genius, you should be able to get all of them to their core within 15 years, but that means non-stop studying, for hours every day, every week, every year. You really only need a mastery in Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Forensics. The rest you need as much foundational knowledge as you can possibly get. You never know what problem can come up with a case you’re trying to solve, and nothing would be worse than you sitting there looking dumbfounded because you forgot to learn some basic concepts. What if a murder takes place, but you thought it was a suicide because you didn’t have the knowledge to know that this mechanism in a car was deliberately sabotaged in the brake system, so the victim ran 50 mph into a wall unable to stop? What if the only way to get the names of possible leads you have on a serial rapist lies in the database of the FBI’s detainee systems? Because you failed to learn how to encrypt and hack networks and databases, you will never get that info, and your lead will get away cold. I forget to mention that over this 15 year timespan, you have to keep practicing on these skills every so often. Sure, perhaps you learned how to wire a circuit at age 17, but what about when you finally suit up in your early 30’s? There’s no way that info and muscle memory will stick with you after all those years unless you practice, practice, practice.

And then of course, there’s one of the most important skill sets Bruce Wayne possesses…Martial Arts. In order to become a real life Batman, who have to literally be the greatest fighter on the planet. The better fighter you are, the less the chances will be that you will come across someone who can beat you in a fight. People like Bruce Lee, Georges St. Pierre, Mike Tyson, Rashad Evans, Anderson Silva, and Jackie Chan should be people that you could take down with your bare hands in less than 10 seconds. Hate to break it to you man, but when you see these people all over the TV screens, movies, cages, etc, you are given this image that these are the greatest fighters in the world. Nobody can doubt, they are great fighters, fantastic martial artists, but only relative to the average person. I guarantee you, the greatest fighter of all time, nobody has ever even heard of. Somebody that skilled has to train more than they breathe. They have no time for competitions and movies, cameras and publicity. You have to not only live and breathe your scientific knowledge and prowess, but also your knowledge of how to most effectively use your body to incapacitate your enemies quickly.

Batman is said to have mastered all 127 martial arts. This is pure comic book fiction. Mastering one martial art takes 7–15 years on average. Even a genius can’t “master” that many disciplines. He can learn them, but not master. Within your 15–17 year timespan of training you need to grasp the core concepts of the top 10–15 martial arts and collectively consolidate them into one discipline. The most effective are: Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Combat Hapkido, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Karate, Wing Chun, MMA, Jeet Kun Do, Sambo, Eskrima, Kali, Ninjutsu, Systema, Western Boxing, Aikido, and Silat. —The main one’s you need extensive training on are Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Krav Maga, and Ninjutsu.

Putting all these into your own style, by brushing off the ineffective methods, leaves you with a wide breadth of techniques for the many possible outcomes a fight could turn into. The point of these is to incorporate muscle memory into your body, so that you literally don’t even have to think when fighting. Every move is automatic, just like opening a door. You don’t really think about it, your body just does it automatically. The brain takes in repetition as novelty and becomes more efficient at a task each time we do it, until we plateau in that efficiency. This is why Batman is able to take down 10 men at a time, he doesn’t have to use his brain power towards the fight like all of us would. Instead his body does the fighting, and his brain calculates who is next to hit, what objects are nearby to use to his advantage, who has a gun or knife, how many people are left, etc, without having to think about technique. This is why people assume it is impossible to win a fight against 10+ guys, they think the only way is to run or line them up. But you will never see a guy who has trained hard enough to fight like Batman, because a person like that is not interested in being seen. This is why you must find a high quality trainer in each of these fields, because you need someone to get into a real match with to practice. Bruce Wayne likely practiced every single martial art technique close to 2,000 times in order to implant the muscle memory into his brain forever. You don’t think about walking, your body just…walks for you. Also, quick stealth knock techniques are vital.

Another skill you must quickly grasp is accuracy and precision. Batman uses his Batarangs which are key components to his survival sometimes. When you’re 15 feet away from an enemy who pulls out a gun on you and you have nowhere to run and there is no way you can traverse that distance before he gets a shot off, you have to trust your precision to the decimal that when you throw your shuriken at him, it’s going to knock the gun out of his hand every time (Without accidentally firing off the gun). You have to be able to hit a target with your eyes closed, something only a handful of people in the world can do.

Now another major skill Batman possesses is his extreme stealth capabilities. He is a master of the shadows. And so must you be. Being able to move across rooftops and creep around inside buildings without making a sound is vital. A true stealth artist knows his terrain before he even gets there. So say you’re going to stop a drug bust in a warehouse: You have to have extensive knowledge of the full layout of that warehouse. Every vent, door, room, circuits, generators, what buildings are adjacent, what’s the layouts to those buildings? etc. There is nothing worse then a supposedly “badass” vigilante who is creeping around, and doesn’t know which hallway to take, or which route to take to cut off a fleeing suspect.

Being able to take down enemies one by one is essential to Batman’s success. He can’t just drop down in the middle of 15 armed thugs and expect to jump around them with kung fu moves. No. Batman calculates. He hits the lights and gets to work. Batman’s level of calm in quiet situations is staggering. He can stand right behind an unsuspecting enemy for 10 minutes straight without moving a muscle or making a peep, and nobody would be the wiser. You need to be able to use smoke pellets to your advantage. Your chemical and electrical engineering craft should come in handy here. Marble-sized pellets that disperse, dense, black smoke that can fill up a house in 2–3 seconds is a hard engineering feat. But you should be able to do it with your engineering genius.

Honestly though, you get the idea. There’s much more I have to write in this answer to explain what it takes to be like Batman, but I’ve run out of patience writing this. See ya when you get the cape on. 😉

(For the physical conditioning thing, make sure you can bench at minimum 475–500 pounds. Do HIIT 5 times a week for 45 minutes. Do advanced plyometrics to work on your fast twitch muscle fibers and don’t stop until you’re as fast as Bruce Lee. F=MA. The faster you move, the more powerful you become. Simple physics. You need a VO2 max of at minimum 95 Note the average is around 40–45. World class athlete’s are around 80. World record is 97.5. When fighting 8 thugs at once, you get winded, you’re dead. Training 5 hours a day for 5–6 days a week with extreme high intensity takes relentless willpower 99% of people will never have, but it vital to becoming peak human. Working on reflexes, reaction time, parkour, bone conditioning, situational awareness, strength, explosive power, sprinting speed, and vertical jump height extensively for about 9 years non-stop should put you at near peak human levels. No known human has been able to achieve this yet, because of the levels of determination. This is partly due to the fact that if someone is that determined, they will not have time to broadcast their abilities to the world, thus nobody will hear about them. Here is a draw up of Bruce Wayne’s workout and diet:

Small side note: When you finally start your crime/terrorist fighting career, you don’t want to just jump into the crime mobs/human trafficking, and cartels game. No. You need practical experience dealing with crime to understand and tweak specific strategies that may have worked in theory, but not in the field. Things like domestic violence (creep into a house of a man beating his wife, hit the lights, and beat the bats out of him and threaten his life if he lays another hand on her). Then move on to serial killers. Track them down and bring them to authorities, serial killers aren’t going to be like DeatStroke and put up a hard fight, they’ll go down with a quick punch to the jaw. Then move onto corrupt politicians. Sneak in their office at night and hang them off a ledge, let them know you watching their every move, every phone call. Scare the good back into them. Once you get about 35–50 small operations under your belt, you should be experienced enough to go after the big fish. Possibly even ISIS.

You can probably make by with a couple of million dollars net worth, if you’re not dependent on buying tech from outside resources. Build it yourself. Don’t need to be a billionaire necessarily, but you do need a large sum of capital. Invest intelligently in multiple industries you understand. You won’t have time to start a company, but by the time your training is done, some of your heavily researched investing strategies and portfolios hopefully will have paid off. If not, then you’ll have to bootstrap. Being and becoming Batman, is just like moving to Silicon Valley, and starting a startup.

submitted by /u/No_Safety_8607 to r/batman
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