Australian National Review – Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears to Threaten Street Artist SABO as His Brilliant Artwork Blaming Kamala for Illegal Invasions Across America Appears on Street Signs and Bus Stops in Aurora, CO

Yesterday, the Internet exploded with a shocking video showing an illegal gang from Venezuela taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.

Here’s the horrifying video, shared by Fox 31 reporter Vincente Arenas:

MJ Ultra Truth shared this incredible interview with Aurora City Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky, who spoke to Fox News about the horrors that the residents of Aurora, Colorado are facing at the hands of an extremely violent and dangerous Venezuelan gang.

Fox News host Shannon Smith asked Ms. Jurinsky about local gang leader “Cookie Monster,” who has literally taken over the city, and according to the Fox News host, Cookie Monster has ordered gang members to “attack the police when confronted.” The Aurora city councilman confirmed that she had heard about Cookie Monster and that he had been arrested and released. “This is nothing short of a full-blown gang takeover,” and called the gang leader’s arrest and subsequent release “an epic failure for the people of Aurora and the entire state of Colorado.”

• This Venezuelan illegal gang, known as the Tren de Aragua
take over block by block, apartment complex by apartment complex
—— Once captured, they mark their territory by writing gang graffiti on it.
—— Gang members are spread out over blocks, using warning whistles. They watch and communicate…
—— Gang members have an internal “green light” to attack police officers if confronted.

• Business owners and residents are experiencing a record spike in burglaries and violent attacks (kicking in doors)

• One tenant has literally disappeared!
—— When police conducted a health check on them, they found an arsenal of weapons, money and giant barrels of gasoline.
—— To this day, no one knows what happened to that man… and it is feared that he was murdered and his property taken over.

• The city is covering up the seriousness of these problems by trying to close some buildings for “code violations,” when in reality it is criminal gangs taking over.
—— The governor and the mayor remain silent…

• Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino, also known as “The Cookie Monster,” is the shot caller for the Tren de Aragua gang in this area.
—— he has been arrested multiple times for brutal assault and involvement in multiple shootings, and has been released every time ‍♂️


Colorado Governor Jared Polis has dismissed anger over the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it “imagined” — despite video footage, police reports and the city’s mayor confirming it’s happening.

Two weeks ago, we shared an incredible art display on the streets and walled entrances of the DNC Convention with powerful messages aimed at the Marxist Democrats who spoke at the Chicago event. The art was created by renowned street artist Sabo. Much of his work is available for purchase on his Unsavory Agents website.

At the DNC convention, Sabo shared his brilliant message about the implications of our vote in 2024. The simple image below, showing a shopping cart full of food and drinks, beautifully illustrates the strong economy that all Americans benefited from during President Trump’s first term, compared to a grocery cart used by a homeless person, which represents the rampant inflation that has forced many to choose between gas, groceries, or rent under a Biden-Harris regime.

Far-left Colorado Democrat AG Phil Weiser attended the DNC Convention and praised a speech by far-left Sheriff Chris Swanson on his X account, who declared that choosing “hope” over “hate” will “protect” the citizens of America, adding that Kamala Harris, who threw away the keys to the locks at our southern border, will be someone “standing up to the drug cartels” and “bullies????” she welcomed into our communities across America.

CO AG Weiser’s X-post proudly boasts: “Instead of hate, we chose hope”; “we need a leader to protect, serve, and unite”; “she will stand up to drug cartels and bullies. That’s @KamalaHarris.” – Sheriff Chris Swanson

Yesterday, someone posted Sabo’s timely messages at bus stops and on street signs in and around the dangerous city of Aurora, CO. Sabo’s poignant artwork accurately portrays Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris as the person most responsible for the takeover of communities by illegal gangs across America in Aurora, CO.

Sabo’s creation seen below is made to look like a typical road sign and reads: “ATTENTION…ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS FROM KAMALA.” It was strategically placed on “Nome St.”, where the viral video can be seen showing the Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, CO.

Another Sabo sign, placed at a bus stop, shows how Democrats have pushed the black community to the back of the bus, while prioritizing “Kamala’s Migrants.” Most Americans who are paying attention now realize that the invasion of America was never about helping those less fortunate, but instead about registering tens of millions of citizens of foreign countries to vote in our elections. The message of the Democratic Party is crystal clear: Democrats welcome you to the United States, in return we expect your votes.

Far-left CO AG Phil Weiser, who has been under fire for allowing violent illegal gangs to infiltrate Colorado, wasted no time in issuing a not-so-veiled threat to street artist Sabo, who clearly shares opposing views to the feckless Attorney General. While AG Weiser has yet to tweet about the viral video shared on social media of a Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, CO, he was quick to address Sabo’s artwork in and around the streets of Aurora, CO, calling it “abominable, illegal, and hateful.” In a not-so-veiled threat, the far-left AG warned, “Hatred against one of us should be treated as hatred against all of us.”

George Behizy shared a video in which the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, confirms that Venezuelan gangs of illegal aliens have indeed taken over several apartment complexes and thrown out the managers so they can extort rent from tenants:

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, shared a video showing mothers terrified for their own safety and that of their children:

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