THOUGHTS ON IRAQ: This Day in Iraqi History

War of 1919 Min Churchill wrote that half of the British troops in Mesopotamia should be sent home

(Reflections on Iraq Churchill in his own words on Mesopotamia/Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Churchill’s Folly, How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review US Policy in Post-Saddam Iraq)

War of 1920 Min Churchill denied Middle East commander General Haldane additional reinforcements

suppress the uprising of 1920

(Musings On Iraq review The reconquest of Iraq, the revolution of 1920 and the creation of the modern state)

(Musings On Iraq review Enemy on the Euphrates, the Battle of Iraq 1914-1921)

1962 Mustafa Barzani forces bomb the Iraq Petroleum Company pipeline

1963 Mustafa Barzani rejected the conditions offered by the Baath government

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, a modern history)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, tragedy and hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Uprising 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review Travel among brave men, travel in Kurdistan)

1968 President Bakr closes the Iraqi offices of the Arab Socialist Union and ends plans for an Iraqi-Egyptian union

1986 Iran On Karbala 3 attacked the Al-Amiq port in Basra and took partial control of the facility

Saddam Hussein in his 1987 speech said that Iraq would continue to attack Iran until it accepted UN Resolution 598 for Iran.


1987 Iraqi airstrike on Kharg Island, Iraq’s main oil terminal Iraq also resumed attacks on shipping in the Gulf

after 7 weeks break

(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Mirages, the Dassault Mirage family in service with the Iraqi Air Force, 1981-1988)

(Interview with Musings On Iraq with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on the Iran-Iraq war)

(Interview with Musings On Iraq with author Tom Cooper on the Iran-Iraq war)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The longest war, the military conflict between Iran and Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War, Part 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War, Part 2: Iran Strikes Back, June 1982-December 1986)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War, Part 3: The Triumph of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War, Part 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1992 Reports that
The government has arrested Shiites in the south and transferred them to camps

1996 The Foreign Ministry attempted to mediate a ceasefire between the KDP and the PUK with talks in London.

denied it had a deal with Baghdad as it prepared to work with Saddam to attack the PUK

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, a modern history)

2,000 US, Russians agree not to send UN inspectors back to Iraq

2002 Prime Minister Blair decided that the British strategy would be to have the UN issue a resolution that

ultimatum to Iraq on inspectors or else

(Reflections on Iraq Chilcot Report, section 3.4 Development of British strategy and options for Iraq, end July to 14 September 2002)

(Reflections on Iraq Review The Iraq Investigation Report, Summary)

2002 The UK Deputy Foreign Secretary told the British Ambassador to the US Sir David Manning that the Blair government

needed to begin postwar planning for Iraq, Manning said it was too early

(Reflections on Iraq Chilcot Inquiry, Section 6.4 Planning and Preparation for a Post-Saddam Hussein Iraq, Mid-2001 to January 2003)

2003 Iraq’s Governing Council announced 17 candidates for Saddam’s cabinet

2003 CIA Report Security Enters New Phase After Najaf Bombing That Killed Ayatollah

Hakim Foreign fighters are pouring into Iraq to join groups seeking to undermine the U.S. occupation Warned that the start of the uprising could reverse progress in Iraq and that attacks would continue whether or not Saddam was captured Bremer complained that the report was too negative The White House ignored it

2005 US Amb Khalilzad said the final version of the constitution with amendments had not yet been submitted Never


(Reflections on Iraq How flaws in Iraq’s constitution are undermining the country: interview with constitutional scholar Zaid Al-Ali)

2006 Bush said that if the US left Iraq before the task was completed, it would become a terrorist state and undermine the US


(Reflections on Iraq Did the US ever have a strategy for winning in Iraq before the insurgency?)

2006 Report Mahdi Army Arrested Sunnis in Baghdad Hospitals and Executed Them Health Minister Led by

The Sadrists’ Inspector General said that the investigation into the case has yielded no results. IG was from Dawa who collaborated with Sadrists

(Musings On Iraq review Voices from Iraq, the history of a people, 2003-2009)

2007 Report: US draft assessment of Maliki’s government said corruption and abuse are the norm. The government is not

trying to stop them Said the Ministries of Interior and Defense are the worst Interior kidnapped and executed people Took bribes Acted like a mafia Oct 06 Interior Ministry officials assassinated Vice President Hashemi’s brother Integrity Comm was afraid to investigate the ministry because they were afraid of being assassinated US Defense advisors protected officials from investigations $850 million missing from defense budget and no attempt to investigate Sadrists stole from Commerce Ministry and blocked investigations Several parties stole from Transportation Ministry One party stole vehicles, another stole grain shipped by the ministry Oil company could not keep up with oil production or stop gangs, militias, insurgents from smuggling oil Integrity Comm officials needed armed guards to enter some ministries PM Maliki opposed investigations Funding cut and meddled in cases involving Shiites Maliki tried to take control of inspectors general in ministries and filled staffs with dawa Maliki brought back the old law that said corruption cases could not be pursued without permission from ministries Maliki banned any investigation of top officials without his permission Maliki ordered the hacking of the Integrity Comm website Integrity Comm staff under siege Commission head living in hiding US embassy fails to help fight corruption

(Reflections on Iraq Iraqi corruption)

(Reflections on Iraq Corruption in Iraq An interview with Stuart Bowen, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction

(Reflections on Iraq Iraq’s Problems in the Fight against Corruption Interview with Vincent Foulk (Former US Anti-Corruption Official)

2007 US GAO Draft Report on Surge Leaked Says Iraq met only 3 of 18 criteria

protection of minority parties Autonomous region Agreed to spend $10 billion on reconstruction, although little was spent U.S. agencies differed on whether sectarian violence had decreased Attacks on Iraqis changed little Prime Minister Maliki’s government failed to pass major laws ISF not ready and infiltrated by militias Politicians interfered with military operations

(Musings On Iraq review Surge, My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Redesign of the Iraq War)

The head of Integrity Comm in 2008 said that no government official had completed the required financial disclosure form.

08 Amnesty law threatened up to 700 corruption cases in Baghdad alone

2008 Sadr demanded a blood oath from his followers to oppose the US

2009 Government Poll 78% optimistic about Iraq’s future 67% said they would vote in 2010 elections 67%

supported strong central government 69% against ethnosectarian quotas in government

2014 Report Many Yazidis blamed the Arabs in Sinjar for helping ISIS Some Arabs were angry that the KDP

led Sinjar and wanted to annex it Felt marginalized by the KDP

(Reflections on Iraq The plight of the Iraqi Yazidis in Ninewa Province Interview with Christine van den Toorn)

2015 People in Rutba Anbar protested after ISIS executed a man who killed an ISIS member. ISIS arrested

70 people

The Salahaddin government in 2017 ruled that IS families would not be allowed to return and would be sent into exile

from the province for at least 10 years

Report 2017 Jurf al-Sakhr liberated in 2014 Completely empty of 30,000 inhabitants due to Badr

Asaib Ahl Al-Haq Kataib Hezbollah who occupied it Some members of the Babil government said they did not want people back The Babil government, controlled by the state judiciary, said they would prosecute anyone who asked for their return Located along the route used by Shiite pilgrims

Protest in northern Basra in 2018 over water crisis

An Asayesh member from 2018 said his unit captured 100-150 IS prisoners and executed them in Nineveh

2019 Kataib Sayid al-Shuhada Secretary General said that if there was a war with Iran Resistance

Groups reportedly taking Americans hostage in Iraq

2020 Member of Parliament Gorran said 650,000 ghost government employees in KRG were paid $450 million in salaries

2020 PM Kazemi said the protest committee had finished 1st work phase counting of dead and wounded

so that they could receive compensation from the government

2021 Former Electoral Commission Member Arrested for Attempting to Manipulate October 2021 Elections

2021 Baghdad Report Sent 2nd budget payment to KRG despite non-compliance with obligations P.M

Kazemi in political deal with Sadrists and KDP to send money to KRG in exchange for political support and hope that he would get 2nd term

(Reflections on Iraq Baghdad sends budget payment to KRG for 2nd Time)

(Reflections on Iraq Kurdish politician: 2021 budget is not a binding agreement for KRG)

(Reflections on Iraq Baghdad sends money to KRG without meeting 2021 budget)

2022 Fighting between Sadrists and Coordination Framework Hashd ended after Sadr called for

withdrawal Up to 30 dead 570 wounded in fighting

(Reflections on Iraq Sadr calls back his followers, what happens next in Iraqi politics?

Report 2022 If KRG did not receive new investments, oil production would already decline.

decreased from 2019 to early 2022

Report 2022 Foreign companies have withdrawn workers from the Khor Mor natural gas field in

Sulaymaniya after repeated rocket attacks by pro-Iranian groups

View the timelines of Iraq’s history

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