In Occupied Palestine – 28 August 2024

In Occupied Palestine

Zionism in practice

Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land

08:00, 28 August until 08:00, 29 August 2024

(Source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group)

Gaza Strip

Attacks: There are no safe places for the militarily-dominated population in Gaza, who find themselves subjected to airstrikes and other missile attacks on buildings, homes and many essentialfacilities, as well as constant gunfire and invasions by Israeli forces. The Israeli Navy continues to fire missiles, targeting facilities and buildings along the entire Gaza shoreline.

Victims: 68 more people killed in Gaza now bring the total number of deaths, since 7 October, to at least 40,602. With another 77 wounded, that figure has risen to over 93,855. The daily average number of men, women and children killed in Gaza is at least 124 and, of those injured, more than 287.

Palestine today

Don’t say you didn’t know

Ali Kazak [email protected]

Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar faces slow death in Israeli solitary confinement; effective and immediate action needed

To compel Israel to stop the slow and deliberate killing of Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar, who has been in Israeli solitary confinement for 17 days, the Working Group on arbitrary detention and UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Al-Salem, must take effective and immediate action. They must demand her immediate release and an end to Israel’s use of arbitrary detention, including administrative detention, against Palestinians. In an urgent letter to the Working Group on arbitrary detention and the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has detailed the conditions of Jarrar’s arbitrary detention and cruel solitary confinement in an Israeli prison intended for female criminal detainees. The letter also includes a complaint received by Euro-Med Monitor from Jarrar’s husband, Ghassan Jarrar.

Jarrar cited his wife’s words to her attorney, summarising her suffering as follows:

I die every day. The cell looks like a tiny, airtight box. The cell is equipped with a toilet and a small window above it, which was closed a day after I was moved to it. They did not leave me any space to breathe. Even the so-called porthole in the cell door was closed. I spend most of my time sitting next to a tiny opening that allows me to breathe. I wait for the hours to pass while I suffocate in my cell in hopes of finding oxygen molecules to breathe and survive.” She added: “The high temperatures make my isolation even more tragic. Put simply, I am inside a very hot oven. The heat has made it impossible for me to sleep. Not only did they put me in this situation alone, but they also purposefully turned off the water in the cell. It (initially) took them at least four hours to bring me a bottle of water. After eight days of confinement, I was allowed to leave the cell once, to go to the prison yard. Additionally, they purposely postpone the awful dinner for hours.” Khalid Jarrar is an ex-prisoner who served five years in Israeli jails. She is a human rights and feminist activist and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. More than 9,000 Palestinian detainees are currently suffering from arbitrary arrests, harsh and degrading detention conditions, brutal torture, and punitive and retaliatory measures, including starvation and solitary confinement—violations which have seriously intensified since the start of Israel’s ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip on 7 October 2023. About 260 Palestinian prisoners and detainees have been killed in Israeli prisons and detention facilities since 1967. 

UN report: Israeli soldiers sexually harassing Palestinian women

at Hebron checkpoint

Israeli soldiers have increasingly been sexually harassing Palestinian women at checkpoints in the city of Hebron in the Occupied West Bank, according to testimonies reported by Haaretz. In one incident, a young Palestinian woman said an Israeli soldier exposed himself to her at a checkpoint on 17 August. The woman said that she was crossing the Tamar checkpoint in the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood when the soldier stopped her and instructed her to open her bag. After she complied, he took down part of his trousers and asked her: “Do you want it? Come and see.” 

“Out of shock, I left the checkpoint and didn’t know what was happening, I felt as if someone had given me a slap,” she told Haaretz.

Following the incident, other women reported similar humiliating treatment at checkpoints in the city, testifying to a spike in sexual harassment by Israeli soldiers in recent weeks. One young woman reported that an Israeli soldier took photos of her and her sister when they were crossing the same checkpoint. Another reported that an Israeli soldier searched her phone while holding her hand.Others reported experiencing regular verbal abuse as they passed checkpoints, saying that young women are now scared to cross them on their own. In June, a UN report found that Israeli authorities have systematically subjected Palestinian women and girls to sexual violence, including forced nudity, public stripping, sexualised torture and harassment. The report concluded that these abuses form part of the “ISF (Israeli security forces’) operating procedures”. “These acts were intended to humiliate and degrade the victims and the Palestinian community at large, by perpetuating gender stereotypes that create a sense of shame, subordination, emasculation and inferiority,” the report read.

Israel blocks ambulance access to Nur Shams refugee camp

in West Bank

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society yesterday reported that the Israeli occupation army is preventing medical teams from entering the Nour Shams refugee camp near Tulkarm in the northern occupied West Bank. This comes as occupation forces stormed the camp and killed ten Palestinians, injuring many others. Ahmad Zahran, the deputy director of the Red Crescent in Tulkarm, said: “Since Tuesday evening, the Israeli army has closed all entrances to the Nur Shams camp, preventing medical teams from entering.” “We have received reports of medical emergencies, including cases requiring dialysis and childbirth within the camp, but as of 14:31 GMT, our teams have been unable to reach any of these patients.” Zahran said his team had contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to facilitate the work of medical teams, but the situation remains unchanged. He pointed out that “the army is surrounding hospitals in Tulkarm, searching ambulances, and scrutinising the identity cards of patients and the injured, leading to delays and hindrances in the work of medical teams.”

Communications cut in Jenin as Israeli assault enters second day

Witnesses say snipers are stationed across Jenin as homes are raided across besieged Tulkarm camps. Internet and landline services were cut in Jenin on Thursday as Israel’s largest operation in the occupied West Bank in more than two decades entered a second day. Israeli bulldozers ploughed into critical infrastructure, cutting off communications in the city, the Palestinian Telecommunications Network said. Electricity and water lines have also been damaged. Paramedics report that they are repeatedly losing contact as a result of interference on their channels, with Israeli military vehicles delaying medical teams from reaching hospitals. The offensive began early on Wednesday morning with attacks from land and air on Jenin and two other cities in the north of the occupied West Bank – Tulkarm and Tubas. “From the first moments of the Israeli invasion, the electricity was cut off. We have been without electricity and water for 48 hours,” a Jenin resident, who did not want to give their name, told MEE.  “The situation is really, really bad. Food in our refrigerators has gone bad so we are forced to leave Jenin and take shelter with relatives outside the city.”

Nihad al-Shawish, head of the camp’s popular committee, said the offensive “is very ferocious”. “The raids on homes are brutal and are carried out accompanied by police dogs that don’t hesitate to attack citizens,” he told MEE. “Young men are also detained after being taken to several buildings inside the camp, tied up, blindfolded, and subjected to field interrogation,” he said. “People are crammed into their homes and we hear the sounds of gunfire from time to time amid continuing incursions into dozens of homes and terrorising their residents,” he explained.  Israeli bulldozers in the area were ripping up streets, cutting off water to the entire camp, local reports said. 

Israel’s killing of Palestinian intellectual leaders is an incalculable loss

Throughout the past 11 months of Israel’s war on Gaza, the Israeli army has killed scores of Palestinian scientists, academics and artists, along with their families. Many have been targeted in air assaults, often without warning. Some were crushed to death under debris. Israel’s relentless strikes have also killed hundreds of teachers and thousands of students, while decimating Gaza’s university infrastructure.  Such violence is not new. The Israeli military has a long and bloody history of targeting Palestinian cultural life. Last month marked the anniversary of the death of one of the pioneers of Palestinian literature, Ghassan Kanafani, who was killed more than half a century ago by a Mossad-planted car bomb in Beirut. Kanafani, a decorated and prolific writer whose work cast a global spotlight on the Palestinian cause. More recently, Israel’s deadly violence killed Refaat Alareer, another important Palestinian cultural figure who died in an air strike in Gaza in December.

Last December, Israeli bombs killed physicist Sufyan Tayeh and members of his family in the Faluja area of northern Gaza. One of the world’s top researchers and a winner of multiple awards, he had previously been targeted for arrest by Israeli forces. Another victim of Israel’s ongoing assault was Muhammed Qraiqea, a Palestinian artist. The list of victims is long, including doctor Adnan Ahmed al-Barsh; physicist Khitam al-Wasife; and Yousef Dawas, a talented writer and member of the We Are Not Numbers collective – along with many, many others.

Under cover of Gaza war, Israel is seizing Palestinian land

in the West Bank

While global attention remains fixed on the nearly 11-month-long conflict in Gaza, which has claimed the lives of more than 40,000 Palestinians, Israel continues to consolidate its political and territorial gains in the occupied West Bank. In the wake of the 7 October Hamas-led attack, Israeli politicians have leveraged the situation to greenlight the largest land grab in the occupied West Bank in three decades, spanning almost 1,270 hectares in the Jordan Valley. Settlement monitors have reported that the land grab links Israeli settlements along a crucial corridor bordering Jordan, a move they warn jeopardises the viability of a future Palestinian state.

UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric described the action as “a step in the wrong direction,” emphasising that “the direction we want to be heading is toward a negotiated two-state solution”.

Despite the International Court of Justice’s July ruling deeming Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territories unlawful, Israel continues to advance its expansionist agenda. Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, himself a settler, recently unveiled plans to expand settlements in the West Bank further, vowing to solidify Israel’s hold on the territory and “prevent the creation of a Palestinian state”. Since Wednesday, at least 18 Palestinians have been killed in the northern West Bank as Israel launched its largest military incursion in the occupied territory since the Second Intifada. Israel is seizing the opportunity to advance its longstanding settlement agenda, aiming to control as much land as possible, displace Palestinian residents, and undermine the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) ability to achieve any political gains.

Ireland orders airlines to avoid its airspace

when carrying Israeli munitions

Ireland has banned aircraft carrying weapons from using its airspace amid investigations into alleged munitions flights for Israel. Aircraft transporting weapons and military equipment for Israel have been prohibited from using Irish airspace, Israeli media reported this week. It came after the Irish transport ministry was investigating allegations that munitions for the Israeli forces were transported through Irish airspace, according to a report by The Ditch news site. At least four civil flights carrying munitions to weapons manufacturers and contractors in Tel Aviv occurred this year, the news site reported. Irish premier Simon Harris said on Tuesday that the transport ministry was investigating the allegation.

San Francisco State University divests from weapons companies

aiding Israel’s war on Gaza

Demands were part of nationwide student movement calling on universities to divest from companies involved in Israel’s occupation of Palestine. California’s San Francisco State University has begun the process of divesting from four weapons manufacturers currently involved in Israel’s war on Gaza, in a move activists are describing as a “major victory” for Palestinian rights advocacy in the United States. The announcement by Students for Gaza SFSU comes at a crucial time for the student movement for Palestine, as several universities across the country look to punish and deter students from restarting pro-Palestinian advocacy on campuses, and social media companies like Meta look to censor pro-Palestine activism by student groups on their platforms. Earlier this week, New York University (NYU) included criticism of Zionism on its list of hate speech, a move that is expected to have a chilling effect on activism targeting Israel. At the University of Michigan, several students were violently arrested as they conducted a sit-in on campus. Activists say the move to divest from Palantir Technologies, a US-based data analysis firm, arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin, Leonardo, an Italian multinational defence company, as well as construction equipment manufacturer, Caterpillar – corporations described by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) as “profiting from Gaza the genocide” – came following months of protest and advocacy calling on the university to withdraw investments in portfolios that profit from harming Palestinians.

Amnesty calls on EU to respect ICJ and stop trade with Israel

Amnesty International yesterday called on the European Union to respect the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s advisory opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land and stop ‘business as usual’ with Israel. In a letter addressed to the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, as well as the foreign ministers of EU member states, the rights organisation highlighted that the supply of arms and equipment to Israel, along with trade and investment with illegal Israeli settlements, violates the EU’s obligations under international law.

The ICJ Advisory Opinion leaves no room for doubt. The Israeli occupation and its annexation of Palestinian territory are unlawful, as are its policy of establishing settlements, the confiscation of land and exploitation of the natural resources of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Israel’s discriminatory policies, laws and practices against Palestinians violate the prohibition of racial discrimination and apartheid,” said Eve Geddie, director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office. Calling for an end to trade ties and arms trade with Israel, Geddie added: “The Court’s findings clearly point to violations of international law committed by Israel and to the obligations of third states not to legitimise or provide any assistance to Israel’s illegal conduct.”

WFP halts staff movement in Gaza after

vehicle fired on by Israeli forces

The World Food Programme (WFP) announced on Wednesday that it was halting staff movement in Gaza temporarily after one of its vehicles came under fire from Israeli forces at a checkpoint, Anadolu has reported. The UN vehicle was returning from a humanitarian mission when it was hit by at least 10 bullets at an Israeli checkpoint near the Wadi Gaza bridge, despite being clearly marked and having received prior clearance from Israeli authorities. “This is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP’s team in Gaza,” said WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain. She emphasised that the current deconfliction system is failing, and called on Israeli authorities and all parties involved to ensure the safety of aid workers.

This is not the first security incident to occur during the war, it is the first time that a WFP vehicle has been directly shot at near a checkpoint, despite securing the necessary clearances, as per standard protocol,” the official added. Israel is continuing its brutal offensive on Gaza which began after the cross-border incursion by Hamas last October. The onslaught has killed over 40,500 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and wounded nearly 94,000 others, according to local health authorities. Vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Palestinian man found dead in Belgian park with hands, feet tied

A Palestinian man was found dead in a park in the Belgian city of Antwerp with his hands and feet tied, leaving the cause of his death a mystery amid authorities’ suggestion that it may have been a suicide. According to Belgian media, a passerby found a dead man in a grassy area of Antwerp’s Stadspark on Wednesday last week, with the body reportedly having been there for over 24 hours.

Although no ID documents were found on him, he was later reportedly identified as a 26-year-old Palestinian man who was – according to some reports – an asylum seeker rather than a resident in Belgium. The fact that the deceased man had his hands and feet tied at the time of his death has led many in the public, including investigators, to treat the death as murder.

The West Bank: Israel’s other genocidal war in Palestine

The Israeli military assault on the northern West Bank is part of a larger plan to force Palestinians from their homeland. On Wednesday, Israel launched a major military assault on the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army deployed hundreds of soldiers, armoured vehicles, bulldozers, drones and fighter jets to try to destroy the armed resistance in the regions of Jenin, Tulkarem and Tubas. At least 18 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, and scores have been injured. Foreign Minister Israel Katz has called on the Israeli army to force Palestinians to evacuate from the northern West Bank. The military has announced a “voluntary evacuation”. This Israeli talk of forced expulsion masked under the humanitarian term “evacuation” is raising fears that the West Bank will follow the fate of Gaza in terms of massive destruction and displacement.

If this does take place, it would be a major escalation of the Israeli government’s strategy of gradual dispossession of Palestinians in the West Bank, which has been carried out directly through military means and settler attacks but also indirectly – through the purposeful degradation of all aspects of Palestinian life. Over the past few years, the Israeli army has regularly carried out military raids in the West Bank, trying to destroy the rising armed resistance movement in the occupied territory, fuelled by popular anger against the Israeli occupation and especially the intensified Jewish settler activity and Israeli takeover of Palestinian properties in occupied East Jerusalem and elsewhere. The Israeli army has used these raids not only to kill resistance fighters and civilians but also to bulldoze any infrastructure that the attacked Palestinian communities may have in an act of collective punishment. According to the United Nations, the Israeli military has killed more than 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7.

West Bank

Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Ramallah – 08:0011:40, Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition, stormed the town of Abwein, wounding a resident: Khaled Nidal Muhammad Khalil.

Israeli Army attack – 1 killed 3 wounded: Ramallah – 13:20, Israeli forces, firing live ammunition, stormed Kafr Dan, killing one resident, Muhammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, and wounding threeothers: Ahmed Amjad Freihat (aged 16), Osayd Raed Abu Obeid and Osama Ayman Rajih Abed.

Israeli Army attack – 1 killed ambulances prevented from accessing hospitals: Ramallah – starting at midnight, the Israeli Army continues to strike and invade the city and the refugee camp. One person, Firas Bassam Alaqma, has been killed and another one wounded while Israeli forces were surrounding both the Government and Ibn Sina Hospitals. Ambulances are unable to reach the hospitals, the roads to which have been blocked by the Israeli Army. Three people have been taken prisoner so far.

Israeli Army attack – 1 wounded: Ramallah – 01:35, Israeli Occupation forces, firing live ammunition and stun grenades, raided Beit Rima and wounded a resident: Adham Izzat Satouf.

Israeli Army attack – 1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 03:3506:10, Israeli forces, firing live ammunition, stormed the village of Beit Sira, taking prisoner one person.

Israeli Army attack – 4 wounded, including 3 youngsters: Ramallah – 03:55, the Israeli Army, firing live ammunition, stormed the village of Qarawat Bani Zeid, wounding three youngsters, Ramez Mahmoud (aged 15), two 17-year-old youths, Mut’i Majed Rizq and Muhammad Salem Al-Zawawi, as well as one other person: Ahmad Sharay’a.

Israeli Army attack on hospitals 1 wounded economic sabotage: Tubas – Israeli troops stormed the al-Far’a refugee camp, firing live ammunition inside a medical facility, wounding one person, Fadi Khaled Abdel Razek, and assaulting the Director of the Ambulance Centre, Nidal Odeh. Medical workers were menaced and detained, while the Israeli military bulldozed streets, destroyed infrastructure and caused much damage to residents’ property.

Israeli Army attack – 5 killed4 wounded economic sabotage: Tulkarem – Since 23:35, 27 August, Occupation forces have continued to storm the city as well as the Nur Shams and Tulkarem refugee camps, killing five people and wounding four, including one youngster. Three of the five slain have been identified as: Ayed Mahmoud Nimer Abu Al-Haija, Majed Majed Rajih Daoud and Muhammad Samer Mahmoud Jaber. The four wounded are: 16-year-old Ahmed Shadi Jaber, Laith Issam Asfour, Imad Khader Shahada and Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Daama. In the Nur Shams refugee camp, Israeli forces turned a shop into an interrogation centre. Everywhere, the Israeli Army set about bulldozing streets and destroying infrastructure as well as private property. Eight residents were taken prisoner.

Israeli Army attack – 2 wounded: Nablus – 21:50, the Israeli military, firing live ammunition, stormed the city as well as the Askar and Balata refugee camps, wounding two people: Majdi Suleiman Ahmed Abdeen and Ahmed Hussam Khader.

Israeli Army attack: Bethlehem – evening, Israeli troops, firing live ammunition and stun grenades, stormed al-Khadr.

Death: Jenin – morning, 29 August, Muhammad Bassam Arabi (aged 32), has died of wounds sustained during an assault on a suburb in the east of the city.

Home invasion and forced personal demolition: Jerusalem – the Israeli Occupation forced a resident, Abdullah Maher Al-Salaymeh, to destroy his home in the Silwan neighbourhood – or otherwise be forced to pay an extortionate sum to the Israeli Occupation demolition squads, who would be sent in to do it.

Home invasion: Ramallah – 22:1500:50, Israeli forces raided the village of Nabi Saleh and invaded a house.

Home invasions: Hebron – 12:30-14:30, the Israeli Army raided the village of Khallet al-Mayya and searched a number of homes.

Home invasions and armed robbery: Hebron – 01:5007:25, Israeli troops raided the city, invading a number of homes and robbing one householder, Adnan Musa Abdul Rahman Al-Jamal, ofcash to the value of approximately US$12,400.

Israeli Army destruction populationcontrol: Jerusalem – Israeli Occupation forces demolished a car-wash facility in the Wadi al-Joz neighbourhood, as well as part of a vehicle sales showroom, in Sur Baher village.

Israeli police and settlers’ mosque violation: Jerusalem – 08:00, settler militants, escorted by Israeli police, invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and molested worshippers.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Ramallah – 22:30, Israeli forces closed to traffic, for a time, the Jalazone refugee camp road.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Ramallah – 22:50, the Israeli Army closed to traffic, for a time, the entrance to Sinjil.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Jenin – Israeli troops barricaded the southern entrance to the city.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Nablus – 00:15, the Israeli military closed the western entrance to Aqraba.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Jericho – 20:30, Israeli Occupation forces took prisoner an Aqbat Jabir refugee camp resident, Muhammad Raed Khabas, when he reported, as ordered, for interrogation at Israeli Military Intelligence.

Israeli Army populationcontrol: Bethlehem – evening, Israeli soldiers closed the entrance to the Ash Ghurab area, east of Beit Sahour, and set up a sign with showing its limited period of daily use is now from 05:00 until 19:00.

Israeli Army assault with rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades: Hebron – 22:15, Israeli Occupation forces fired rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades towards people, near the entrance to the al-Arroub refugee camp.

Occupation settler violence water crime agricultural sabotage: Nablus – evening, Israeli Occupation settlers prevented Ras al-Auja Bedouin community farmers’ access to water from the al-Auja spring.

Raid – 4 taken prisoner: Jerusalem – 15:3017:10, Israeli Occupation forces raided the town of Anata, taking prisoner four people.

Raid1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – dawn, Israeli forces raided the Jalazoun refugee camp, taking prisoner one person.

Raid1 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 08:00, the Israeli Army raided Kafr Ein village, taking prisoner one person.

Raid: Ramallah – 09:20-12:15, Israeli troops raided and patrolled Sinjil, distributing threatening leaflets.

Raid: Ramallah – 09:45-11:50, the Israeli military raided and patrolled the village of Ajul.

Raidstun grenades fired: Ramallah – 22:15, Israeli soldiers, launching stun grenades, raided the village of Nabi Saleh.

Raidstun grenades fired: Ramallah – 23:3001:40, Israeli Occupation forces, firing stun grenades, raided the village of Kafr Ein.

Raidstun grenades fired: Ramallah – 23:3501:10, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided the village of Ghassaneh.

Raid5 taken prisoner: Ramallah – 05:55, the Israeli Army raided the town of Aroura, taking prisoner five people.

Raid1 taken prisoner: Qalqiliya – 00:25, Israeli troops raided the village of Baqa al-Hatab, taking prisoner one person.

Raiddestruction: Hebron – 19:10, the Israeli military raided the village of Khirbet Zanuta and vandalised property.

Raid: Nablus – 18:0502:10, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled the village of Burqa.

Raid3 taken prisoner: Nablus – 19:3502:20, Israeli Occupation forces raided the village of Tal, taking prisoner three people.

Raid2 taken prisoner: Nablus – 21:2504:30, Israeli forces raided the city, injuring two people.

Raidson refugee camps: Nablus – 21:2504:30, the Israeli Army raided the Balata and Askar refugee camps.

Raid: Salfit – 09:05-11:20, Israeli troops raided and patrolled the town of Bruqin.

Raid: Salfit – 01:2503:25, the Israeli military raided and patrolled the village of Masha.

Raid: Bethlehem – evening, Israeli soldiers raided and patrolled al-Khadr.

Raidstun grenades fired: Bethlehem – 20:0022:00, Israeli Occupation forces, firing stun grenades, raided Husan village.

Raid1 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – 21:5002:45, Israeli forces, firing stun grenades, raided Tuqu and took prisoner one person.

Raid1 taken prisoner: Bethlehem – 02:3006:50, the Israeli Army raided the village of Dar Salah, taking prisoner one person.

Raid2 youngsters abducted9 other people taken prisoner: Hebron – 03:3006:10, Israeli troops, firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades, raided the al-Arroub refugee camp, abducting two youngsters and taking prisoner nine other people. Those abducted are: 14yearold Jamal Rami Al-Maghribi and Anas Jawabreh (aged 17).

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