Vapers Digest 30th August –

Friday’s News at a glance:

Is Vaping Under Threat? – BMA Calls For Flavours Ban – Isle of Man Ban – Hull Quits With Vapes – Equality for Care Workers – Businesses Are Avoiding Fines – UK doctors demand total ban on disposable vapes – UK warned vapes ban could fuel black market – Smoking rates in Sweden plummet – The BMA advertises its incompetence – Stop Smoking Services FOI – Nearly 3 million people in the UK quit – Spanish Advocates Fear Worsening Outlook – Public Health Gibraltar’s Concerns – Canada’s Nicotine Pouch Ban – Did Anyone Think This Policy Through??? – The Real Smokescreen is Nicotine Disinformation – Fantasia Loses “Ice” Lawsuit – Menthol Orders May Prove Too Costly – Global Concerns Over New Zealand’s Proposed Vape Legislation – Victorian Parliamentary inquiry into vaping: – Advocating for the Swedish Experience – Brazil Scraps Flight Ban on Vapes – Swedish Match Affiliate Adding 450 Jobs – Paradigm Shift for Nicotine

Six from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes:

Is Vaping Under Threat?

The government has confirmed that it is to act on smoking related diseases and deaths by adding further restrictions. The Sun newspaper has viewed a leaked document and believes that smoking could be banned from the likes of outdoor restaurant areas and pub beer gardens, outside sporting venues and in parks. Publicans and representatives of the night-time industry have condemned the news.

The Sun says the leaked document says there will be a public consultation “prior to the introduction of any ban”, but the leisure industry is angry that it has not been consulted prior to cabinet and Department of Health discussions on the new, tougher Tobacco and Vapes Bill. The newspaper says ministers are “plotting” to ban smoking from:

BMA Calls For Flavours Ban

The British Medical Association (BMA) is calling on the Government to stop what it calls a “growing epidemic of vape use in the UK”. The doctor’s union cherry picks a timeframe to claim vape use among children and young people is “increasing almost six-fold in the last decade”, despite the evidence from ASH UK demonstrating declining use. The BMA report says one of the most dominant factors influencing this rise is the widespread availability of disposable vapes – so, ignoring that there is no current trend of increasing use and a product that is set to be banned anyway.

Within the report, the professional association for doctors across the UK calls for a series of actions “needed to stem the trend of increased vaping, particularly among children and young people, and those who have never smoked”.

Isle of Man Ban

The Isle of Man ban on the sale of vaping products to under-18s comes into full force on 1st September and Manx retailers have been visited by Trading Standards officers. The new regulations are designed to bring the island into line with the United Kingdom, which has banned vape sales to under-18s since 2016.

The legislation to introduce stricter regulations on the sale and promotion of vaping products gained Royal Assent in May. The Vaping Products Act 2024 came into operation from Monday 27 May when the sale and supply of vaping products to under 18s was prohibited.

Hull Quits With Vapes

New figures from SmokeFree Hull show 24 per cent of people who successfully stopped smoking with them between April 2023 and March 2024 used a vape to help quit. The data demonstrates the difference seeking help can make when stopping smoking. People who use SmokeFree Hull, the city’s smoking support service, can get free vapes (for over-18s only), as well as one-to-one help and advice.

SmokeFree Hull says that Hull still has one of the highest smoking rates in the country. One in five people – or 20.49 per cent – in the city smoke, compared with the national average of 12.9 per cent.

Equality for Care Workers

Researchers at the Institute for Social Marketing and Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, at the University of Stirling, and Trilateral Research Ltd, based in London, have published a research paper in the Annals of Work Exposures and Health journal looking at how social care workers are still being exposed to secondhand smoke. A leading harm reduction expert has commented on how vaping could play a role in improving the situation.

Rachel O’Donnell, Ruaraidh Dobson, and Sean Semple’s paper says that a disparity exists; while many workplaces have moved to become smoke-free zones, workers delivering community-based health and social care in private homes “remain unprotected legally in this setting from second-hand smoke exposure.”

Businesses Are Avoiding Fines

3 in 5 businesses avoided fines after selling vapes to children last year, new report from leading vape company Vape Club finds. The data reveals a seven-fold rise in the number of businesses caught selling vapes to minors over the last four years – experts call for harsher penalties

New FOI data shows that two unscrupulous retailers were caught every day selling vapes to teens last year. Despite this, 3 in 5 confirmed cases received no fine in 2023.


Three from Clearing the Air & Ali Anderson:

UK doctors demand ban on disposables

UK doctors have demanded a total ban on disposable vapes and all flavours except tobacco to tackle a “vaping epidemic” among young people. In a new report, the British Medical Association (BMA), a trade union that opposed the formation of the NHS, urges the government to “take bold and brave actions” to protect the health of children and young people.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer recently pledged to revive the controversial Tobacco and Vapes Bill that was introduced by his predecessor Rishi Sunak. The bill includes plans to ban disposable vapes and impose restrictions on their flavours, packaging and how they are displayed in shops.

UK vapes ban could fuel black market

British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has been urged to rethink tough new laws to restrict vaping amid fears it could fuel a massive black market. Australian politicians who pioneered a similar crackdown have said it was exploited by criminal gangs and led to violent turf wars that are still out of control.

Fiona Patten, former leader of the Australia’s Reason Party, urged Sir Keir: “Don’t do it. You are doing so well in reducing smoking. So much better than Australia. Why would you follow Australia when our smoking rates have stagnated, and organised crime runs our vaping supply and a third of our tobacco market?

Smoking rates in Sweden plummet

Smoking rates in Sweden have plummeted from 16.5 per cent to under six per cent in less than a decade, a new report reveals. The decline is due to safer nicotine alternatives such as vapes being widely available in the country, according to vaping advocacy group Smoke Free Sweden.

The report by the public health agency of Sweden shows that in 2022, just 5.8 per cent of the population aged 16 to 84 reported smoking cigarettes daily. This is well below the average smoking rate in the European Union of 23 per cent.

Two from Martin Cullip:

The BMA advertises its incompetence

Research consistently shows that Doctors are badly misinformed about nicotine and vaping. Is it any wonder when they are led by a union that sees no problem with it?

Media is alive this week with the bullshit opinions of the UK doctors’ union, the British Medical Association, about vaping.

When vaping went mainstream over a decade ago, and it was no longer possible to ignore the significant benefits of the products for improving public health, one by one British health charities and NGOs fell into line in recognising the benefits of devices which were proving to divert millions from the harms of combustible tobacco use. The very last institution to do so was the British Medical Association.

UK Vape Legislation State of Play – Part 2

The Disposable Ban and Vape Taxes

Part one of this two-part series discussed how the government’s Tobacco and Vapes Bill will be reintroduced after being timed out under Sunak’s pre-election administration.

The ban on disposable vapes will also have to be reintroduced by the new government, as a House of Commons Library briefing on advertising, marketing and promotion of vaping products explained last month. It was to be tacked on to the Environmental Protection Act as a statutory instrument but “the calling of a general election prevented the draft regulations from progressing further.”

Expert Reaction to new report on regulation of vaping
Could a Vape Flavour Ban Drive Users Back to Smoking?
UKVIA Responds to BMA Report on UK vape regulation
Doctors’ Proposed Vaping Restrictions Could Undermine Public Health Goals

Stop Smoking Services FOI shows

Flavoured vapes are helping adults kick the habit

A new investigation has reinforced the instrumental role of flavoured vaping products in securing a smokefree future, just one day after the British Medical Association called for a total ban on all non-tobacco flavoured vapes.

As part of the research, undertaken by the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA), Freedom of Information requests were sent to 45 local authorities and NHS trusts across England about the use of vapes in their stop smoking service.

Nearly 3 million people in the UK …

Quit smoking by vaping in the last five years

In the past five years, nearly 3 million people in the United Kingdom (UK) have successfully quit smoking by switching to vapes, according to new data from the partially government-funded health charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).

Vaping has become the most popular tool for those trying to quit smoking. A recent survey by ASH found that 5.6 million adults in Britain currently vape, with over half of them having quit smoking entirely. However, about 39% of vapers still smoke occasionally and 8% have never smoked at all.

Spanish Advocates Fear Outlook

Kiran Sidhu

“It is difficult to imagine what the real intentions of the government will be,” Carmen Escrig told Filter.

She was commenting on a recent public consultation over Spain’s tobacco products law (28/2005). The Ministry of Health intends to amend the law, which regulates sale, supply, consumption and advertising, in order to “combat smoking.” The consultation opened in July and closed on August 15.

Advocates like Dr. Escrig, who has a PhD in molecular biology and is based in Madrid, have reason to fear that not only cigarettes but vapes and other safer nicotine products will be in the crosshairs.

Public Health Gibraltar’s Concerns

Jason Mitchell

Recently, Public Health Gibraltar has raised alarms about the rising popularity of tobacco-free nicotine pouches, especially among the youth. According to a report by the Gibraltar Chronicle (Source: Chronicle), the Gibraltar Government is gearing up for a public consultation on nicotine this September, aiming to gauge public opinion and inform policy decisions on this emerging product.

The tone of Public Health Gibraltar’s message seems to stem from a place of apprehension, focusing heavily on potential health risks and the spectre of addiction.

Canada’s Nicotine Pouch Ban

Is ‘Deadly Error Defying Science’

STOCKHOLM, 28 August – INTERNATIONAL health experts have criticised Canada’s new laws restricting the sale of nicotine pouches as a “deadly error” and “a backward step” in the global fight against the toll of tobacco.

Nicotine pouches are proven to be significantly safer alternatives to combustible cigarettes and are assisting millions of smokers worldwide to quit their habit. They have played a major role in the success of Sweden, which is on the brink of becoming the first country to achieve official smoke-free status.

Rights4Vapers believes that Canadians …

Who smoke have the right to access reduced harm nicotine products.

It could be vapour products, nicotine pouches, sprays or gum. If it helps Canadians who smoke quit smoking, then it is a good thing. Safer Nicotine products should be available everywhere, that includes Vapes Shops and Convenience stores.

The Minister of Health has decided to make it more difficult for Canadians who smoke to buy legal nicotine pouches. These pouches are now only available in pharmacies – the illegal pouches are still available everywhere…

Did Anyone Think This Policy Through???

Kim “Skip” Murray

Some people say that if one child starts vaping or using any smokeless product, that is one child too many. What if they start smoking instead? Would that be better? Of course not!!!!

Would it be better if their parents smoked instead of using a less harmful alternative? Of course not!!!!

Then why are some places making it easier to purchase combustible cigarettes than it is to buy vapes, pouches, etc?


GUILTY OF TAKING LIVES? – Global Forum on Nicotine

The Real Smokescreen is Disinformation

Mazen Saleh, Jeffrey S. Smith

The head of the American Lung Association (ALA) recently penned a letter to the editor (LTE) in The Washington Post in response to an article about Zyn, an oral nicotine pouch that is growing in popularity. In the letter, he argues that Zyn is an unsafe tobacco product intentionally marketed to youth. He also claims there is no safe nicotine product—never mind the tranche of smoking cessation therapies approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to deliver nicotine without combustion (which the ALA supports). The real smokescreen here is that tobacco control advocates like the ALA have shifted from a strategy of misinformation to one of disinformation; that is, intentionally spreading false information to influence public opinion.

Countdown to the failure

Of the pharmacy vape scheme. Professor Ross Fitzgerald 29Aug2024

Fantasia Loses “Ice” Lawsuit

Jim McDonald

A federal judge ruled today against Fantasia Distribution in its trademark lawsuit against multiple vape manufacturers for using the words “ice” and “iced” to describe their products. Fantasia had claimed the terms were protected trademarks.

In today’s decision, U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto for the Eastern District of New York found that the terms “ice” and “iced” are generic when used to describe e-liquid and vaping or smoking products. Many manufacturers of e-liquid and disposable vapes use the terms as flavor descriptors that denote a cooling sensation.

Vaping Policy Worldwide

Vaping Unplugged Podcast with Jacob Grier Ep. 58

Menthol Orders May Prove Too Costly

Rich Hill

The flavored electronic nicotine-delivery systems (ENDS) road has been a bumpy ride. Going back to pre-deeming days, flavored ENDS were ubiquitous, as were unquantified, anecdotal reports of their cigarette-smoking cessation efficacy. Following the accelerated premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) submission timeline, as everyone knows, the Center for Tobacco Products’ (CTP) decisions decimated flavored ENDS. Likewise, even the most sophisticated companies were receiving marketing denial orders (MDOs) for menthol ENDS.

Victorian Parliamentary inquiry…

Into vaping: a missed opportunity for public health – Colin Mendelsohn

THE REPORT FROM THE VICTORIAN PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into vaping was handed down today. It was a huge disappointment for vapers, and anyone committed to evidence-based policy.

Instead of acknowledging vaping’s potential to help smokers quit, the report fixates on exaggerated concerns about youth vaping. By doubling down on the current, ineffective regulations, the inquiry has missed an opportunity to make a meaningful positive impact.

Global Concerns Over New Zealand’s …

Proposed Vape Legislation – CAPHRA

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is raising alarm over New Zealand’s proposed changes to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill 2024. The proposed legislation, which includes a ban on disposable vapes, poses a significant risk to New Zealand’s progress towards its Smokefree 2025 goal.

New Zealand has been recognised as a global leader in tobacco harm reduction, with vaping playing a crucial role in reducing smoking rates. The proposed ban on closed system vapes, which are popular among those transitioning from smoking, threatens to reverse this progress.

Don’t Deny Smokers….

Their Best Opportunity to Prevent Disease – Joseph Magero

World Lung Cancer Day on August 1 served as a stark reminder of the devastating impact that lung cancer has on millions of lives worldwide.

It was a day to reinforce the global resolve to combat this formidable disease, but it also exposed a troubling paradox.

Just as efforts were being made to raise awareness and find solutions to combat lung cancer, some misguided activists in Kenya were using the moment to advocate for tighter restrictions on nicotine products that offer smokers their best chance of avoiding the disease.

Advocating for the Swedish Experience –

A consumer-friendly harm reduction approach Works better than one-size-fits-all policies – Gabriel Oke

As the world continues to grapple with the devastating health impacts of smoking, countries like Nigeria must consider Sweden’s groundbreaking approach to tobacco harm reduction. Sweden’s model has revolutionized the fight against smoking, and there are invaluable lessons to be learned.

Recent research highlights the effectiveness of various alternative products. Among respondents, 60% perceive Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) as the most effective alternative product, while 26.7% consider e-cigarettes to be the most effective.

Brazil Scraps Flight Ban on Vapes

Samrat Chowdhery

In late July, a speech therapist and public university professor in Campina Grande, Brazil, was about to catch a domestic flight to Salvador. To his shock, he was pulled up by airport security and ordered to surrender his nicotine vape.

“I felt affected financially, since I had bought the device to use on the trip and it was new,” RNB, who requested that his full name be withheld, told Filter. “There was also moral embarrassment as I was called out in front of other people, and anger and sadness at the persecution of vape users.”

Paradigm Shift for Nicotine

In every gas station and convenience store, a new category of addictive products is flying off shelves. This new thorn in the side of public health advocates is tobacco nicotine pouches. These pouches are made of wood pulp and salt, filled with nicotine, and flavors placed under the upper lip to give the user a buzzing sensation.

What do we make of this new nicotine rush and what it means for society? As our smoking rate declines to an all-time low of just 11 percent, it means we’re in for a paradigm shift in how we view nicotine. And we should welcome it.

Swedish Match Affiliate Adding 450 Jobs

With $232 Million Investment in Kentucky

Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) (NYSE: PM) is announcing an investment of $232 million through one of its Swedish Match affiliates to expand production capacity of its manufacturing facility in Owensboro, Ky. The expansion is expected to create an additional 450 direct jobs with an ongoing annual economic impact of $277 million and an additional 410 indirect jobs* for the commonwealth of Kentucky. The facility produces ZYN nicotine pouches to help meet the growing demand from legal-age consumers switching from cigarettes or other traditional tobacco products.

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise….

Is it time to de-demonize this drug?

Charles A. Gardner, PhD, Medium

In the early 20th century, Americans demonized alcohol. In 1920, they codified that demonization in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting alcohol. During the roaring ’20s, in American homes and speakeasies all over the land, Americans thumbed their noses at that demonization. As did bootleggers, smugglers and organized crime bosses.

TWO from World Vapers’ Alliance

The Demand for Disposable Vapes

Falls on the FDA’s Decision Making Proces …

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