Left-wing elites laugh as illegal gangs terrorize American neighborhoods

Five years ago, a 47-year-old Senegalese man hijacked a school bus full of children just outside Milan, Italy’s business capital. He ordered teachers and a janitor to tie up all the children with zip ties. His motive was clear: The man was threatening to carry out a “mass murder” to avenge all the illegal migrants who drowned en route to Europe. Essentially, he wanted open borders, and he was threatening to commit mass murder to get them. And he seemed determined to make good on his promise: During a 40-minute rampage, the man rammed the school bus into several cars on a highway before setting the bus on fire. At that point, the 51 children on board managed to escape, thanks in part to adults who hadn’t actually tied the zip ties on any of the students.

That 2019 school bus hijacking changed the course of Italian politics overnight, and you can see why. People believe in a lot of really bad policies in the name of tolerance and acceptance and all that. But when a man from Senegal hijacks a school bus full of children and tries to set them on fire, it’s pretty clear that a red line has been crossed. That’s an unmistakable sign that things need to change. And voters in Italy responded accordingly. It’s one of the reasons Meloni was elected prime minister in 2022, on a platform that called for a naval blockade to keep illegal migrants out of the country.

On Wednesday, this country came very close to a similar incident in the state of California, which has long since adopted a European-style migration policy. On two separate occasions, groups of illegal immigrants attempted to board a school bus on a highway near the Mexican border in the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District. In the first case, three men stood in the middle of the highway, apparently trying to force the bus to stop. In the second case, a group of about 20 illegal immigrants were waiting for another bus on a different route. It is not clear whether the same illegal aliens were involved in both incidents. Watch:

🚨 | According to new reports, a group of illegal immigrants in San Diego County, California, attempted to hijack two school buses full of elementary and middle school children from the Union Jamul-Dulzura district photo.twitter.com/bezVBPK1zb

— VOZ (@Voz_US) August 29, 2024

So the plan is apparently to just let the kids stand at the bus stop next time with the “migrants”. What else can you do? You can’t let the police round up and arrest this group of people who are in this country illegally, terrorizing children and threatening to hijack buses. That would be simply unthinkable, even intolerant. So instead, the kids can just fend for themselves. The school bus will be out of here like the last helicopter out of Hanoi.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Meanwhile, the San Diego Sheriff’s Office says they’re investigating to determine “if a criminal act occurred.” They’re not sure if standing in the middle of the road, being in the country illegally, or threatening to hijack a school bus are actually crimes. Maybe bus hijacking has been legalized, too. They’re still investigating.

This is one of those moments when an abstract policy debate suddenly becomes a lot less abstract. It’s one thing to talk about how “nobody is illegal” and all that. It’s another thing entirely to tolerate it. And there are very clear signs that Americans, like Italians, are tired of tolerating it. Earlier this year, Axios reported on a poll that found that: “Half of Americans — including 42% of Democrats — say they would support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants.” Additionally, “two-thirds of Americans said illegal immigration is a real crisis, not a politically driven media narrative.”

As more people see the inevitable consequences of mass migration in their daily lives, support for mass deportations will only grow. The reality of unrestricted illegal migration is that everyday events suddenly become much more dangerous, everywhere, to the point that the policy itself becomes untenable.

That’s why it’s not just Californians who can’t escape these consequences anymore. In Aurora, Colorado, an apartment complex has reportedly been taken over by a Venezuelan street gang. Surveillance footage shows gunmen walking around with impunity. Trash is everywhere, residents report that a bunch of illegals recently moved in, and shootings are a daily occurrence. Watch:

🚨#BREAKING: An armed gang of illegal immigrants from Venezuela has reportedly taken full control of an apartment complex and parts of the city of Aurora⁰
📌#Aurora | #Colorado

New images of @vicentearenastv reveals an armed gang in a complex in Aurora, Colorado. Aurora… photo.twitter.com/3xGWP5Yhof

— RAWSALERTS (@rawsalerts) August 28, 2024

Several police departments in Colorado have responded to the footage. Aurora PD, for their part, says they are “aware” that “components” of this Venezuelan gang (known as TdA) are operating in the area. The police department also says they are “gathering more evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area,” though they claim these crimes are “isolated,” whatever that means. But here’s the most incredible part of the statement.

“The City and Aurora Police Department, as previously stated, have created a special task force in collaboration with other local, state, and federal partners to specifically address concerns about the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) and other criminal activities *impacting* immigrant communities.”

So they say the gang is “engaging in criminal activities that impact immigrant communities.” But of course it’s not just the “immigrant communities.” It’s also the millions of American citizens who pay taxes in Colorado — people that the Aurora Police Department is supposedly there to protect. But they’re not even mentioned in the police statement. Even when they talk about the takeover of an apartment building by illegal aliens, the police department is still primarily concerned with the illegal aliens.

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Meanwhile, Denver police have their own proposition. They actually mention the “residents” of their community, and not just the “migrants.” So that’s something. They also denied that an apartment had been “taken over,” despite video evidence to the contrary. That assessment would also contradict the conclusion of the mayor of Aurora, who just said on national television that several buildings have fallen into the hands of Venezuelan gangs, and that it’s possible they were funded by the U.S. government:

Mayor of Aurora, @AuroraMayorMike joins in @SandraSmithFox to discuss how residents of an Aurora apartment complex say fear of gang violence has forced them from their homes, while city officials say the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is active there. #AmericaReports photo.twitter.com/rUWYR2Ng7h

— America Reports (@AmericaRpts) August 29, 2024

This seems like something the Denver police should know. But to be fair, they admitted that the Venezuelan gang is committing a lot of crimes and that they are “learning” about it.

And there’s a lot of that “learning” going on in Colorado right now, one way or another. This week, for example, Coloradoans learned that illegal immigrants can legally drive big rigs on the road, kill American citizens while driving recklessly, and get off with a maximum sentence of one year in prison. That’s what’s happening now in the case of Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza, an illegal alien with no valid commercial driver’s license who crashed his 18-wheeler into a car driven by Scott Miller. Watch:

Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza crashed and killed Scott Miller (64) of Bailey, Colorado.

He was deported 16 times and had no driver’s license.

He faces a maximum of 1 YEAR in prison. photo.twitter.com/VoqDBQcpRi

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 29, 2024

Allegedly, the Democratic district attorney’s office made an innocent little mistake here. Apparently, this is their first day on the job. They didn’t realize that by charging this illegal alien with felonies and nothing else, he could then plead guilty to those felonies. And then double jeopardy kicks in and they can’t charge him again. This was all supposedly completely unforeseeable by the district attorney.

To believe that, you don’t have to know anything about Colorado’s leadership, which has gone out of its way to ridicule concerns about illegal alien crime. In response to the apartment takeover I mentioned earlier, for example, the state’s governor, Jared Polis, made a sarcastic statement mocking Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky, who initially complained about the incident. Polis’ office said “the alleged invasion is largely a figment of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.” (Even though it’s on tape.) He also said that crime has gone down.

This is the kind of response voters in left-wing states can expect when they object to the systematic destruction of their way of life. The more they complain about school bus hijackings, apartment takeovers, and highway accidents, the more their leaders will laugh. There is a precedent for this; it’s what happened in Italy, and in many other European countries. And if that precedent is any indication, it means we’re getting very close to the point where people have had enough. And when that point comes, none of these people will be in power. They will be replaced by leaders who, like Meloni, promise to end unrestricted migration. And hopefully, unlike Meloni, the people we elect will actually follow through on that promise.

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