Kamala Harris Sacrifices Children and Women for Political Gain

The opinions and positions expressed in this contribution are solely those of the author.

Contrary to her claim in her acceptance speech that her only client is the people, Kamala Harris is a hand-picked front person for an amoral, anti-democratic regime. While the regime’s media falsely portrays her as caring, the regime’s policies send people south of the border straight into the hands of Mexican cartels that enslave children and rape women.

On March 21, 2021, Joe Biden put Harris in charge of curbing illegal immigration at the southern border at the White House, saying she was “the most qualified person to do that” and that “when she speaks, she speaks for me.” Biden compared this to his assignment in the same places when he was vice president.

Barack Obama’s regime continued under Biden, with him as its figurehead. If Harris is elected, that will continue.

As Obama’s point man in Central America, Biden and the State Department (DOS) took over Guatemala’s justice system, persecuted their political enemies, and forced radical socialists into Guatemala’s government. This has continued under Harris with the same damaging results for Guatemala and the United States.

The Biden-Harris administration sent Tara Lee Rodas to help Health and Human Services (HHS) “reunite children with sponsors in the United States.” The horrors Rodas witnessed led her to testify as a whistleblower before a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on April 26, 2023.

Rodas described a child trafficking ring that began in “homelands, smuggled to the U.S. border,” and continued into the United States. She witnessed the abuse of indigenous Guatemalan children who did not speak English or Spanish and who could not report the abuse. They were “brought into modern-day slavery by evil rulers.”

HHS fired Rodas after she made a protected disclosure to the Justice Department inspector general that HHS had delivered two minors to the violent MS-13 gang. Rodas said in July that the Biden-Harris administration was delivering children to “criminal human traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations.” She added: “The United States government has become the middleman in a child trafficking operation.”

Investigative columnist Sara Carter wrote in April that Guatemalan Attorney General Consuelo Porras sent a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton requesting his cooperation in an investigation into child/sex trafficking. Carter added that the Guatemalan Attorney General’s Office (AGO) was investigating a complaint alleging that minors “smuggled from Guatemala into the United States” were sexually and physically abused by U.S. taxpayer-funded NGOs in Texas.

Robby Starbuck interviewed AGO Secretary General Angel Pineda in May about the office’s investigation into child/sex trafficking. Pineda cited “85,000 children who go to the United States (but) no one knows what happened to them.”

Asked if the Biden-Harris administration had contacted the AGO about this, Pineda said the AGO had contacted the U.S. government and had not received a response. The DHS inspector general reported on August 19 that 320,000 migrant children were missing.

Pineda added that not cooperating with the AGO harms U.S. interests by not combating transnational crime. The Biden-Harris administration had sanctioned Porras and Pineda as corrupt because they allegedly prosecuted former prosecutors and judges who DOS said had fought corruption. There is overwhelming public evidence of the criminality of the fired officials.

Pineda told Starbuck that the United States is harboring Guatemalan fugitives and that Interpol has illegally refused to execute international arrest warrants, alleging political persecution. Harris met with three Guatemalan fugitives at the White House on May 19, 2021, and praised them as “justice leaders.” My July 31 op-ed, “Kamala Harris’s Guatemala Actions Predict Puppet President,” explains the fugitives’ crimes.

Harris’ activities in Guatemala undermined the rule of law and promoted emigration, the opposite of her intended goal. Her apparatchiks committed electoral fraud in the 2023 election to make Bernardo Arévalo president. Former Guatemalan Intelligence Minister (2016–2020) Mario Duarte and Tucker Carlson cited the fraud in their discussion of the Biden-Harris regime’s attack on Guatemala.

On March 25, Harris told Arévalo at the White House: “The United States was proud to stand with you, Mr. President, after a free and fair election and throughout your transition.” A Guatemalan civic association said the Biden-Harris regime “pressured our authorities to ignore the law to inaugurate Arévalo and then not remove him from the presidency.”

Starbuck told Pineda that “some U.S. media have given figures as high as 80 percent of all women and girls who cross the southern border illegally are raped and sexually abused.” Pineda responded, “Yes, it does happen.”

Starbuck said border officials had told him about rape trees. He said that at various border points, those who commit rapes collect the underwear of victims and “put them on trees like trophies.” Pineda said his office had not had the opportunity to investigate abuses at the border before the Texas complaint. He stressed the importance of cooperation from U.S. authorities.

Pineda can be sure that the Harris regime fronts will never cooperate. American voters need to see images of the tragedies that child and women trafficking has suffered because of the Biden-Harris policies. That will give us a better chance of electing officials who respect the rule of law.


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