Firefighters Union Boos Vance During Speech


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Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) got a rather unkind reception from the firefighters union on Thursday.

When Vance took the stage, there was applause, but the audience that had greeted Governor Tim Walz so enthusiastically also began to boo.

However, he took it to heart and gave his speech.


Both Vance and Walz attended the International Association of Fire Fighters convention to advocate for the union’s support.

Walz gave a speech on Wednesday and the audience was generally very enthusiastic about him.

Then came the programmed response from a union when a Republican took the stage….

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Vance did not give up, telling union members: “In 2019, this union supported a Democrat for president with high hopes. But unfortunately, I think you were disappointed.

“And we have to be honest, my friends, the hard truth is that Kamala Harris is the latest in a long line of Democrats who come around every few years asking unions for money and promising you the moon, but often don’t deliver. What have you gotten out of supporting Democrats in this union for so long?

“Over the past 70 years, union membership in this country has been declining, and that’s not good.

“The influence of unions has declined and the wages of working people, both union and non-union, have not kept pace with the rate of inflation over the past three and a half years.

“I want to ask you a question that Donald Trump asked America in 2016. What the hell do you have to lose?”

Vance concluded: “We are going to defend your right to free speech, including your right to speak out about the unconstitutional COVID vaccination mandates imposed by the current administration.

“We are going to abolish every mandate and we are going to fight to reinstate every firefighter who has been wrongfully terminated, with all the back pay they are entitled to.”

I really don’t get it… Biden and Harris were the ones willing to throw out health care workers if they refused to get vaccinated. Why are they so loyal to the Democrats?

It’s all about money here… pure and simple.

The Biden administration gave unions billions to shore up their pension funds after years of corruption and mismanagement depleted their pensions.

What happens in return? Union leaders write checks for hundreds of millions of dollars to support Democrats, and take the money from one pocket to another.

Union members are getting screwed, but they don’t seem to know anything about this game.

I have no problem with a union if it does its job, but unfortunately most unions charge ridiculously high dues, overpay their leaders, and are as corrupt as the mafia.

And what happens over and over again… Democrats take taxpayer money and bail out their pension funds after they have been mismanaged by these thugs who run the unions.

And that, my friends, is why unions boo Republicans and continue to support Democrats.

You want to break up corrupt unions? Let the Republicans stay in power for a decade and watch them all go bankrupt because they don’t get tax money.

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Author: G. McConway

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