#MeToo crisis, no accountability for deaths after police violence

This week host Shivnarayan Rajpurohit is joined by News washing machines Sumedha Mittal, The News Minute- Sukanya Shaji and independent journalist Nidhi Suresh.

Nidhi and Sukanya on the #MeToo storm in Kerala and the exploitation of female actors in the Kerala film industry. They also report on the recently released Hema Commission report, which found that the industry’s top male actors, directors and producers were either involved in the issue or were negligent about it. They discuss the findings of the report and its implications.

Sumedha on the death of a 23-year-old Faizan after alleged police brutality during the Delhi riots in February 2020. A viral video of him lying semi-conscious on the road, being beaten, harassed and forced to sing the national anthem by cops, was circulated widely at the time. She found that despite clear duty schedules, not a single police official was held accountable for what the Supreme Court had termed a hate crime. The probe was eventually transferred to the CBI after the court came out with a scathing indictment of the “slow” police investigation.

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