Critics say Harris takes gaslighting to next level with his border policy flip-flop · American Wire News

Critics say Vice President Kamala Harris’ new border-crossing policy is complete nonsense and easily debunked based on the facts.

“If someone cares about enforcing our laws as they relate to the border, you would think that they would be part of and lead a board that does a good job of prosecuting violations related to illegal border crossings,” Gene Hamilton, executive director of America First Legal, told Fox News.

“The Justice Department’s prosecutions for border-related violations are at an all-time low. They’re even lower than they were in the Obama years, and that’s saying something,” he added.

That’s right. Despite 2.4 million illegal border crossings last year, the Biden-Harris Justice Department prosecuted only 20,000 criminal aliens.

“You know, the numbers speak for themselves,” Hamilton continued.

For example, he noted that while there were fewer illegal border crossings in 2019 under then-President Donald Trump, the Trump administration prosecuted five times as many criminal aliens as the Biden-Harris administration did the previous year.

Another critic, Lora Ries of the Heritage Foundation, added that Harris had inadvertently told the truth during the CNN interview by saying at one point that her values ​​had not changed.

“She said that over and over again,” Ries told Fox News. “She tells her supporters, ‘Look, don’t worry about what the campaign says now. We just have to say that to get elected. But my values ​​haven’t changed.'”

That’s certainly true, and Harris’ values ​​are crystal clear.

“As a U.S. senator, Harris sought to defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),” Fox News notes. “And as California’s attorney general, she directed local law enforcement not to comply with ICE detentions when they request that someone who has committed a crime and crossed the border illegally be held until he or she can be taken into custody to begin deportation proceedings.”

She also compares US Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Ku Klux Klan.

And in 2017 she posted this tweet:

Ries continued her criticism, slamming the Biden-Harris administration for “gaslighting” the American public across the border, but arguing that the vice president’s presidential campaign is “taking it to another level.”

“She’s in power now,” Ries said. “If she really meant it, she would do it now, and she’s not. But pretending that you’re not in power and you’re not in office now is a higher level of gaslighting. I think this is just, you know, for election purposes.”

During Thursday’s CNN interview, Harris dubiously portrayed herself as a border hawk.

“I believe there should be consequences (for illegally crossing the border),” she said. “We have laws that need to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. And there should be consequences.”

“And let’s be clear, in this race, I am the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations that traffic in guns, drugs, and people. I am the only person in this race who has actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws. And I would enforce our laws as president in the future. I recognize the problem,” she added.

Former President Trump did not believe her rhetoric for a moment.

“Now she says, ‘Oh, we want to build a strong border,’” he said Thursday afternoon at a rally in Michigan. “Where has she been for the last three and a half years?”


His question was spot-on. Despite being named border czar in 2021, Harris has done nothing — absolutely nothing — to stop the flow of criminal aliens into the United States.

And when she finally visited the border in the summer of 2021, she deliberately chose a section of the border that was hundreds of kilometers away from the actual crisis.

Vivek Saxena
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