A refresher

Yonder Inc, formerly New Knowledge, has repeatedly conducted election interference operations since its founding in 2015, beginning with the false flag Alfa Bank Trump Tower hoax in 2016, led by Richie Guinn, aka CounterChekist, and Louise Mensch, aka DearMrPutin. Key to that operation was Remi Barrette, an anonymous hacker running Conspirator0 who authenticates himself with ZellaQuixote socks, posing as a “researcher.”

Barrette, whose real job is a data security engineer for Bell Canada, a telecommunications company, ran the technical side of the operation, using his access to internet traffic to generate misleading data based on a total of three email spam notifications to Trump Tower, for two Russian-linked banks and Spectrum Health, over a period of six weeks. A fourth email notification was made; but instead of dumping it in the spam folder, the recipient unsubscribed. After about six weeks, the company forwarded the Tea Leaves dataset to Mensch, who activated the hoax, just days before the 2016 election under Heat Street, a Rupert Murdoch-funded venture.

Mensch has been linked to working for Yonder via court documents filed by Anonymous hackers she hired to conduct “research” intended to help MAGA3x refine and re-execute various psychological operations. Mensch has been linked to working with Remi Barrette in March 2017 when the accomplices re-spun the hoax intended to tie into the RussiaGate narrative intended to paint liberals as conspirators. Louise has publicly admitted to hiring Fionda, as well as Will Welna, another lesser known hacker with a very mixed past and present. Mensch would later distance herself from her TeaLeaves hacker, claiming that Remi is a criminal from Wisconsin, nowhere near Waterloo, Canada, where he is a Norteno bass, the reason his full alias is Conspirador Norteno.

In 2017, Yonder also ran Project Birmingham, which used Joohn Choe’s company, along with other subcontractors including Joohn Choe, ignorant liberal researchers Libby Shaw and Chad Loder of Anonymous, along with Remi Barrette to build “Russian” bots, support 3rd parties, and really screw over in the 2017 Alabama Senate race by helping Roy Moore bury factual reporting about his inappropriate relationships with minors. That op, published in part by PayPal Mafia boss and Peter Thiel right-hand man Jeff Giesea, has been a mainstay of how the company operates, and has since refined and redeployed the same tried and true op multiple times.

I’ve reported on all of the above before, with accompanying screenshots and court documents. Most of those links are in my Yonder operations timeline article on the main page. Let’s do something new.

Susan Portnoy runs KassandraSeven, first internally as an owner, then publicly by linking to registration sites under her real name and linking to her personal cover story blog, Insatiable Traveler. She’s connected to the Russians who got a now-dead brainless guy dying of sepsis after ripping off billions from the government, help from an oligarch who filed a DMCA notice, along with a probable Putin spy whose name I can’t remember right now.

In addition to ties to Russians, dead and alive, Susan worked with Barrette for DeSantis to re-run Project Birmingham, giving Remi and Andrew Auernheimer full access to Twitter’s moderation console. Weev admitted as much here in February:

Portnoy has now illegally interfered in multiple federal elections, most notably on behalf of DeSantis by blocking Rebekah Jones from fundraising via hacking, spying, and illegally banning her as a third party from her account just prior to her scheduled campaign launch announcement. She has also been linked to interference in a California House race, along with the current presidential race, getting what she wanted even though it wasn’t what MAGA3x needed. 😉

Susan, as I said, has ties to the Russian Mafia. She also works on an equal footing with Mensch, Doug Matthew Stewart, Jack Posobiec, Andrew Auernheimer, within the broader MAGA3x network on what I consider the third tier of the transnational criminal syndicate. Above them are the generals like the one noted here, breaking bread with Louise and taking pictures. While Mensch is not sitting next to her prince, it is likely that he or his wife took the loving photo of two extremists, Milo and Louise.

In addition to Prince on level two, we have this man, the greatest traitor in American history, who has been shown by the court, based on prima facie evidence, to meet all of the following requirements.

Susan likely has ties to Prince, but she herself has admitted that she has her group of influencers collaborate with convicted felon Mike Flynn.

Above tier two are MAGA3x’s financial backers, who may be at war with their generals or generals if statements made via Mike Q Flynn are taken at their word. Note that the following MAGA3x on post is AI generated, but is representative of the current twisted narratives spreading.

Back to current affairs.

This is later in the Anon thread we started: mocking their activities, which were exposed by Jim Stewartson before they had fully matured.

Since they did the same thing when Flynn and his surrogates were actively on the radio telling their listeners that killing Trump would help their cause, I’m pretty sure Jim and I are right to point things out early on. Here’s a reminder, a month before Flynn’s near-success, of what MAGA3x did.

What then have they indicated they plan to do?

Jim has honestly been keeping a closer eye on this than I have, as in addition to his full-time job, he also monitors MAGA3x’s influencer and fraud research network.

The main disruptions that have been tested, and which Alex Jones blurted out, include cutting off power to areas and states where the impact of such illegal actions would reduce the access of liberal voters to vote. Flynn himself is looking for volunteers to monitor the polls, another illegal act that is simply being explained as voter intimidation and which, if someone is stupid enough to do so, would likely be put in the news as another loser and loser who could potentially be prosecuted.

Please vote. Vote early. Your vote counts and will be counted.

For the MAGA3x operations that I write for as my primary intended audience, what you are doing now will not provide you with any cover. None.

Lying about Jim Stewartson, his allies, myself, etc. has only caused you and your supporters more problems. Look at poor Flynn having to let ops like Jared Holt and Mike Rothschild vouch for him while his idiots make blunders like this to prove us right.

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