Elections 2024 as explained by Time Magazine in February 2025

Source: TIME

The sworn confession to the 2020 White House scam was made in February 2021. Time Magazine’s February 4, 2021 cover story shared the insider details of the grand theft.

The story was a breathtaking account of what the Deep Staters did to block democracy during the November 2020 election to put Biden in the White House.

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It is fine for the Deep Staters to confess. They own the mainstream media and much of the legal system and are waging war on any lawyer who tries to bring a case against them.

Time shared in a jubilant whisper: “There was a conspiracy at work behind the scenes, one that both contained the protests and coordinated the resistance of CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and corporate giants.”

Translation of this story: Fortunately, the Deep State government worked with Big Tech to silence and censor Donald Trump and his supporters, turn the government against them, and ensure that the electoral process was dominated so that only trusted Blue Operatives could keep their hands and eyes on the election and ensure that enough ballots and votes were created so that Joe Biden was declared the winner.

Something is wrong this time. Mark Zuckerberg has just made a confession. Somehow Zuckerberg missed the memo, choked, or panicked. Zuckerberg was somehow unaware that the February 2025 Time Magazine article may already be in draft form. So what will the February 2025 Time Magazine article say this time?

We had to save the world in 2020, we got away with it, we had to do it again in 2024

In the old political days of America we had the “October Surprise”. Usually the “October Surprise” was one or two political canards that were thought up at the last minute.

In the 2004 elections, it was the Swift Boat/Counter-Swift Boat and the Bush/Texas National Guard Service election frauds that were successfully thwarted.

Those were strange and precious days, and they are a reflection of a more innocent and simple America. Now we have Black Swans, far more impactful events designed not just to influence elections, but to change the course and direction of society.

At first people would worry about a single “Black Swan Event”. Now there are so many Black Swans that they are firing them at us on a fully automatic basis, like an uncontrollable tennis ball cannon on a tennis court.

Here are just a few of the Black Swan events or ominous stories so far that may form the basis for the draft report for Time Magazine’s February 2025 election special:

  1. Crowdstrike Global Computer Meltdown: George Kurtz, the CEO, asked for forgiveness and apologized for this catastrophe in July. I don’t believe it. Kurtz was part of McAfee when they did a similar software update push in 2010 that caused cyber chaos. Was Crowdstrike’s worldwide internet chaos a smokescreen to plant malware?
  2. Three billion social security numbers stolen: Three billion Social Security Numbers and associated identities were “stolen” when there were only 350 million Americans. This disparity makes no sense. The precise information needed to generate mail-in ballots on an industrial scale was stolen. How many ballots does it take to create a Kamala “slam dunk victory”?
  3. It took multiple assassination attempts on Trump to save America: Butler, PA was the first, but we have already been told that Iran is lurking there to take Trump out of the equation. Butler’s facts have fallen into the same black hole as the Las Vegas shooting.
  4. Biden’s Cognitive Cover-Up: We have a RICO conspiracy to cover up Biden’s cognitive state, but it was justified because the 2020 theft saved America? Kamala was in the middle of the conspiracy, but did it to save democracy? (P.S. we don’t have a democracy, we have a republic.)
  5. First successful presidential coup in American history: Was illegally replacing Biden with Kamala and illegally using Biden donations for Kamala justified to ensure Trump would not retake the White House?
  6. A nuclear decapitation strike was necessary to save America: This is the silver bullet that can be held in reserve if all the other Black Swans fail to throw the election. The New York Times broke the story about secret instructions from the group that runs America, whoever that is, to prepare for possible simultaneous nuclear exchanges with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Would allowing these countries to carry out a demonstrative nuclear attack on American soil be grounds to suspend the election to ensure that Trump does not return to the White House?

Demoralization and mass psychosis are the intentions of the Black Swan Conveyor Belt

There are 20 more insane reasons why the intransigent Globalists and Deep Staters have a conveyor belt of lies to destroy America. We are dealing with irrational, hateful people who don’t give a damn about the American Constitutional Republic.

Anyone who thinks they are better off now than they were four years ago is living in a delusion. If they are really better off financially than they were four years ago, good for them if they earned it through hard work, innovation and successfully implementing a vision.

That’s much harder in Kamala’s America, unless you’re part of the crony capitalist mafia.

Most Americans are no better off financially, spiritually, or morally than they were four years ago. If gleefully shouting “Trump is a criminal” is more important than America collapsing under open borders and the world descending into the fires of World War III, I disagree.

Time Magazine may already have a draft story for its February 2025 issue. But we still have time to improve their story. The good news is that we are the majority, we just have to start acting like it and learn to take back control of our once great country.

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