Denver mayor angry at residents saying mean things about ‘newcomers’ as Aurora mayor criticizes failed border policy

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The worst thing about open borders and sanctuary city policies is that Americans are the ones who suffer the most. Then the very people who swear they are doing everything they can to help the little guy encourage some of the most evil people and policies America has ever seen.

No one in Aurora, Colorado voted to have their apartments invaded by violent Venezuelan gangs, but for far too many residents, that is the reality.

Mayor Mike Coffman said many multi-family buildings have been taken over by illegal, armed gangs and blamed “failed policies at the southern border.”

That’s at least a step in the right direction.

According to the transcript per Median:

I’m trying to go back and do the investigation of how there is a concentration of Venezuelans in these, these three buildings. Somebody put them there and somebody funded it. Whether it’s the federal government or not, we’re trying to find out who.

These gangs are apparently attracted to places where there are a lot of Venezuelan migrants. And so they have basically pushed the property management out through intimidation and then collected the rent. We have now, or have had, it’s still ongoing, operations with a task force of local law enforcement, state law enforcement partners, and federal law enforcement partners, to get them out. And arrests have been made, but these operations are still ongoing.

“I think we are the victim of a failed policy at the southern border because my law enforcement has said Venezuela is not cooperating with the United States in sharing criminal records,” Coffman responded, adding:

You’ve seen a third of the country leave. You’ve had these huge waves of migrants coming across the border, many of whom crossed the border illegally, were arrested, asked for political asylum, were not adequately screened, and were released into the country. The city of Aurora. We’ve done everything we can to keep them out of the city, quite frankly, because this is not our problem. This is a federal problem.

If a third of Venezuelans have left, where have they gone? And if the country has no criminal history to share with the US, how can the government determine who is truly seeking asylum and who is fake asylum? Because it seems that is not possible.

This is a federally-driven problem. But what I think we’re trying to figure out, and what I believe has happened, is that federal agencies have partnered with some of our local nonprofits, and put them there. Now, most of these people are very good, good people. But there is a criminal element that, from what I understand, what law enforcement often follows, is looking to exploit them within their own immigrant community. And so we believe that’s happening. Now, now we’re the 54th largest city in America with over 400,000 residents. These are just a few apartment complexes. But despite that, I’m not going to turn any part of this city over to a criminal element.

Denver Mike Mike Johnston, on the other hand, blames the victim and is more concerned with hurting the feelings of these violent thugs who shouldn’t be here at all.

Who would have thought that we would live in a time where foreigners who disrupt law-abiding Americans are treated better, while government officials shame those who dare to speak out against them?

These are not “newcomers,” these are illegal aliens wreaking havoc on Americans. The fact that the government welcomes them into a fake “sanctuary” is tyrannical enough. Denver can’t even solve his own homeless apocalypse. How are they convinced they can solve the world’s problems? The fact that this man remains in power is a scandal in itself.

A mayor claiming he cares about Americans’ speeches should be enough to disqualify him from office forever. But we no longer live in serious times, and his voter base is suffering from Stockholm syndrome because they sympathize with his idiotic position.

As I write this, Kamala hasn’t even mentioned the alien takeover in Colorado and she never will, since that didn’t happen until after she became border czar. It’s unbelievable how bad it will get if she gets selected.


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