A Little Bit of Kaidinn – by Steven Jarvis

Let’s start with this.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

First, the Loxx account is not Microchip. It is generally operated by Doug Matthew Stewart, although like other accounts operated by his MAGA3x affiliate, it is shared by accomplices. The purpose of the Loxx scheme is to undermine Microchip’s credibility in order to avoid further prosecution, in addition to the successful conviction of Douglass Mackey for a crime.

Second, Lia Spinelli is Doug’s girlfriend. She, like Doug, is connected to the Flynns and speaks Russian. She, like Doug, has likely been visited by the Feds for their illegal work with Microchip, which interfered in the 2016 election, along with a convicted Nazi webmaster with poor hygiene and grooming habits, Andrew Auernheimer, who admitted to working for Jeff Giesea of ​​the PayPal mob.

Connecting Doug and Lia to Flynn as first-degree connections and Peter Thiel as second-degree connections is important to understanding how they fit into the MAGA3x disinformation network.

Doug is the founder of Antifa and also an integral team player building QAnon content under Mike Flynn. Lia admitted to Flynn being Q, which he has since been accused of, along with the fact that he was outed by co-conspirator Alex Jones, who the Trump campaign also effectively linked to Pizzagate in order to suppress a lawsuit naming Trump and Epstein.

Anything Doug, or his associates, do on the Loxx or Tal Microchip accounts can be prosecuted under obstruction and conspiracy because its purpose is to harm the federal government’s business, which Microchip dutifully cooperated with after cleverly volunteering.

Kaidinn’s continued false insistence that the account is Microchip is for the benefit of Doug and Lia’s LARP and should therefore be ignored. Still, other things she says do have merit.

The first sentence is mostly factually verifiably true, except maybe the predator part. Lia, Doug, Susan Portnoy and others at the same level have scraped and sorted data from a large number of Americans, including teams at every major US social media outlet. They scraped images of my own children and used them to create a sexual meme featuring Michelangelo Maccabee posting those of my then four year old daughter. The child predation also applies to those who targeted my own child, namely Portnoy, Remi Barrette, Maccabee, Mike Rothschild, Amber Rebecca King, although I’m not sure what the hell Kaidinn is talking about.

I am confident that if a warrant were issued for any of the major operations, the federal government would find caches of images of children and other documents detailing their targets, connections and conversations with TorSwats, KiwiFarms, OnA, 8Chan and, in specialized cases like Portnoy’s, military-grade spyware tying their operation to Peter Thiel himself or to foreign intelligence agencies, as they were able to find one obscure Disney+ Hamilton PFP through images of half a billion possible items based on a screenshot I posted within minutes.

Palantir, ClearView, or maybe Pegasus?? Whatever she has, it’s going to be in bad shape when that knock comes.


If the child is not hers, it would be highly inappropriate for Lia to do this. It is also similar to the childless Susan Portnoy who also abuses the images and privacy of other children to create a false identity of a clumsy former social worker who has no idea about children or child safety.

We will merge these parts.

I don’t know if I ever said anything about the honeypot traps that Mensch’s MAGA3x branch used, right?

A source told me about one of Mensch’s “Manson Girls,” so named because Nancy Williams worked as a prison nurse for Charles Manson. A Lincoln Project operations officer sent nude photos to a journalist who Charles Johnson now considers a reliable source. The journalist, however, immediately ignored her.

That didn’t stop Mensch’s women from publishing the nude photos as a false flag for revenge porn, which sowed discord and caused the journalist’s two podcast partners to back out and drop him.

That source also noted that Mensch’s HoneyPot knows Fly, who is Weev, a female hair product and convicted Nazi criminal Andrew Auernheimer, in person.

To proceed.

I personally have never looked at Lia, who Kaidinn says is 54. That was another kernel posted by the account, as was this one.

Like I said, drama. Projection too. This is an important addition to everything that has been said: the recognition that Kaidinn helped Doug/Lia have the right context, along with her associations with Mensch.

And this.

No wonder Susan Portnoy was pro-Tate and blacked out his name after Jim Stewartson wrote about him in a very unfavorable light after her flame was charged with something akin to sex trafficking outside the US.

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