Orange Socialism – The Burning Platform

Guest blog by Eric Peters

How do you effectively resist socialism? What about to disagree?

Trump just did it – again.

He promised that if he becomes president, he will force you – through the taxes you pay to the government and the premiums you are obligated to pay to the “health insurance” mafia – to pay for IVF treatments. “Your government,” he said – without a trace of understanding the irony of that statement – ​​“will pay for” (meaning your taxes will pay for) “or your insurance company will be required to pay for” (meaning you will be forced to pay even more for the compulsory insurance (you are already obligated to pay for) “all costs associated with the IVF treatment.”

Bad enough. Worse was the applause that followed.

Annoying, isn’t it? Assuming you’re not a socialist. This rules out all Democrats and most Republicans. Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are two of the exceptions. And that’s why socialism always wins elections in this country. And it will continue to win, no matter which socialist is elected in two months.

I was talking about this with radio presenter Gard Goldsmith the other day. About how Fabianism work. The term refers to slow socialism; two steps forward – through open socialists, who fundamentally communists because the difference between the two is as small as the difference between Hunts ketchup and Heinz ketchup – and then one step back, via socialists who like to pretend that it isn’t.

Just like Trump.

He has shown himself before as what he is, when he promised replace – not repeal – Obamacare. His plan, you see, is “better” than the plans of the socialists who imposed government-controlled (and government-enforced) “health care” plans on Americans. His plan is “more efficient” and all the usual related nonsense.

The relevant thing is that the still a plan.

Socialists love to plan things. And whether these socialists are of the Democratic or Republican variety, they both love to impose their plans on people.

Trump probably doesn’t consider himself a socialist. Like most Republicans, he advocates whatever he thinks “works.” There is no ideology underlying what he (and they) advocate; they just know that their “plan” is better than the “plans” being pushed by the socialists they pretend to be—and perhaps even believe they are—opposing.

Cognitive meets dissonance, again.

Of course the alternative to what you all could do is Orange Socialism is even worse. But maybe it’s actually better – in the sense that we at least get what is advertised. Instead of pretending that we got what was promised (see in this connection Lock her up) while accepting what would otherwise probably have been rejected by people who do not want to consider themselves socialists.

Bumpstock bans, for example. And what about those “fancy” drugs? (They were “vaccines,” as Rachel Levine is a woman). “Get the guns first, go through the process later,” anyone?

“I like to pick up the guns early“, Trump said. Italics added. Whenexactly, Trump likes it to take people’s guns? Why, when he thinks it’s time to take them away. Imagine if Biden had said it. Imagine the reaction of the people who support Trump if Biden had said it.

What do Republicans who don’t like to think of themselves as socialists think when they clap after Trump tells them he’s going to force them to pay more taxes so the government can provide them with “free” things like IVF treatments? Do they think the insurance mafia – which is “forced” by the government to pay for IVF treatments – won’t make the “insured” pay for it? Including those who don’t need or want IVF treatments?

Are they that stupid?

Or are they just socialists – just a lighter shade of red? It is interesting to note, as a side note, the exchange trick in color assignment that occurred at some point after Ronald Reagan’s presidency. If you were there to see it, when Reagan took over the country, the only state showing red was Minnesota, Walter Mondale’s home state. All the other states showed blue.

And then came the switch trick.

Suddenly blue was the new red – so to speak. That is, blue became the color of socialism – for the first time in American history. In world history, the color red has always been associated with . . . CommunismThe most powerful end result of socialism.

Now the reds are blue – and the reds are also red. Just a different shade of the same color.

Listen to the Orange Man and experience it yourself.

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