Fear mongering, support for the criminal state of Israel, etc. – Brutal evidence

Is Alex Jones really the truth-telling patriot he claims to be, or is there a hidden agenda behind the megaphone-wielding darling of the alternative media?

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Like NPR, Alex Jones enjoys a prominent position in the alternative media scene. From Wikipedia:

The syndicated radio program The Alex Jones Show is syndicated nationally on Genesis Communications Network to over 70 AM and FM radio stations in the United States and on WWCR Radio shortwave. Live broadcasts are weekdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CST and Sundays from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST. The Sunday broadcast is also carried by Emmis Communications’ KLBJ Radio.

In 2010, it was estimated that he had an audience of over 2 million listeners, a demographic larger than that of other conservative pundits.(24) By 2011, he had a larger online audience than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh combined.(41) Author Will Bunch says that Jones was partly a model for Glenn Beck, who “synthesized” some of the paranoia of Jones’ commentaries into his persona.(24)

Jones also operates several websites that focus on news and information about civil liberties issues, global government, and a wide range of current affairs. Some of these sites include www.infowars.com, www.prisonplanet.tv, www.prisonplanet.com, and www.jonesreport.com.

I was briefly a fan of Alex Jones during my early research into the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, but have since become disillusioned with his incessant fear-mongering, gross exaggerations, and failed predictions. What has come to bother me most, however, are his constant references to Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, and Germany’s role in World War II, subjects about which he either knows next to nothing or deliberately distorts, and I strongly suspect it is the latter. His remarks and grandiloquent statements about Hitler and the Holocaust are heard in many of his broadcasts.

It seems to me utterly strange that an investigative journalist, as he calls himself, could be so completely ignorant of the facts regarding Germany’s role in World War II. One of the many false claims Jones likes to repeat is that the Nazis added fluoride to public water supplies to sedate the masses. Another is that Hitler disarmed the German people to facilitate his rise to power. The fluoride claim appears to be factually incorrect, and the disarmament of the German population is demonstrably and grossly false.

It seems almost impossible that Jones would not have noticed the wealth of information about Germany’s role in the war and it therefore stands to reason that, if he is aware of the truth, he must deliberately falsify and distort it. The question is, why?

There is clearly a criminal element of Judaism that has been at work in the West, particularly in the United States, for a very long time, and Alex Jones consistently does everything he can to avoid the subject and deflect criticism of the Zionist mafia, just as the mainstream media does. Extreme overrepresentation of Jews in virtually every major institution in the United States and elsewhere, as well as Zionist philosophies, can be found in the government, media, education, and financial sectors, yet Alex rarely speaks in depth about the political influence wielded by these criminals. If he is the patriotic American he claims to be, why does he largely omit from his programming a well-established and crucial element of corruption, an element that is essential to understanding the problems we face today?

As it turns out, we don’t have to question Jones’ loyalty. He was kind enough to give us the answer in several videos. And as many have long suspected, that loyalty lies with the racist state of Israel.

The Alex Jones Show, January 2, 2017. His tirade begins at 1:15:00:

Video: The Alex Jones Show -1-2- 2017 – Full International Broadcast

An earlier video from Alex Jones proudly proclaiming his support for Zionist Israel:

Video: Alex Jones Supports Zionist Israel

More recently, Alex demonstrated his support for Israel in this clip:

Video: Alex Jones Dances With Jews

I think for many, myself included, listening to the content that Alex Jones put out was enlightening and encouraging, a bit like sitting in on a “Geopolitics 101” class. Thankfully, many of us have long since graduated and can now see Jones for who he really is; a liar and a bullshit artist whose propaganda is a stumbling block to anyone seeking the real truth.

Sources for further study:

Veteran researcher Ryan Dawson of ANC Report analyses Jones’ nonsense.

A podcast from American Free Press.

Jones used to tell his audience that it was the Arabs who ran Hollywood, but now it’s the “chi-coms,” referring to the Chinese. His switching the Arabs for the Chinese is another indication that Jones is being targeted by outside forces. Jones also tells us that the “chi-coms” are the major players in the Jeffery Epstein network, which is of course completely false.

On his Monday, January 2 show, Infowars’ Alex Jones went on a hysterical tirade, crying and praying for Bibi Netanyahu, saying the “globalists” want to destroy Israel, which will bring about Armageddon, …

If you are an Alex Jones fan, be smart. Use your critical thinking skills. If you have spent money on his show business, think again. Psychoanalyze Jones thoroughly. He laughs his head off all the way to the bank.

Jones wants your money, which is his “precious”. And to get that money, he will always mix a bit of truth into a river of fabrication, strong enough to distract you from focusing on the main issue.

Mike Piper on Alex Jones and Jorden Maxwell.

Alex, in his own words.

David Duke talks about the Zionist mafia and the role Alex Jonses plays in it.

Apparently some of Jones’ listeners have caught on.

What Jones said during one of his many broadcasts promoting the Y2K nonsense borders on the criminal.

By spreading misinformation about Muslims, the controversial talk show host is trying to create a climate of fear that is making Jones and his advertisers a lot of money.

Bill Cooper gives a very candid account of Jones’ nonsense.

Apparently even some of the henchmen working for Jones don’t believe the nonsense he’s selling.

Alex exposes his own lies.

A collection of Jones’ lies and commentary.

A lot of sewage has come out of the hole in Alex’s face.

On February 12, 2012, it was revealed that Alex Jones was likely an operative for STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas. On February 15, 2012, just 3 days after the original article was published, Jones abruptly canceled his nationwide speaking tour that he had been promoting since February 2, 2012.

Jones stated that his sudden change of plans was due to the fact that “the collapse is so close.” Jones has clearly been portrayed as a traitorous spy and is scared. The revelation of Jones’ ties to Israeli intelligence should come as no surprise, as Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America.

About seven weeks after exposing Jones as a liar and a fraud on his highly regarded national patriotic radio program (watch and listen HERE), William Cooper (author of the best-selling alternative news book, ‘Behold A Pale Horse’) was shot and killed in his Eager, Arizona home on November 5, 2001.

Noted author, historian and political theorist Cooper clearly exposed Jones as a fraud and, according to many, was murdered a few weeks LATER to silence him.

THE CONTROVERSY OVER ALEX ‘BULLHORN’ JONES as an alleged Zionist henchman has now expanded to include his alleged Zionist-Jewish connections on his 1) personal staff, 2) website advertisers, and 3) link to Time Warner President Edgar Bronfman Jr.

Jones’ apparent allegiance to Zionism, which explains why he almost never targets Zionist Jews or the racist, Zionist rogue state of Israel when he goes on his infamous tirades and attacks, may well stem from a Protestant Zionist belief system and the widespread reports that his wife is Jewish – which makes his two children Jewish under Talmudic law and eligible for Israel’s Law of Return. Since Jones’ wife is of Jewish descent, both she and the children would automatically have dual citizenship… Alex would not qualify.

If people aren’t convinced yet that (Jones) is a blatant henchman and representative of the Jewish money power in this world, I don’t know what is… he is not a legitimate patriot fighting against the New World Order, but a Zionist henchman.

These pages will show…

  • Alex and Kelly Jones’ documented connections to Bronfman, attorney Elizabeth Schurig…who happens to be Alex Jones’ personal attorney.
  • Free Speech Systems and other Jones companies have the same elite Zionist business address as Bronfman attorney Schurig.
  • Jeff Rense was forced to quit GCN because he dared to post a LINK on his news site to another site featuring a legitimate journalist’s story questioning Jones’ true motives and his apparent Zionist agenda.
  • Interesting examples of speech reversals, taken from Jones’ own statement about Rense.
  • Ted Anderson betrayed the so-called ‘GCN mission’ by giving in to Jones’ demands.
  • Anderson supports Clear Channel by regularly buying advertising for his Midas gold business. People send Midas Resources checks for silver and gold… Ted sends checks to Clear Channel.

The van driver, Darren Osborne, is now on trial. The proceedings have revealed that Osborne became radicalised in a matter of weeks after becoming obsessed with the commentary of Tommy Robinson, a former leader of the violent anti-Muslim hate group the English Defence League, an employee of Rebel Media and a frequent guest of Alex Jones.

‘Johnny Gat’ shows the dramatic difference from Jones’ previous broadcasts.

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