It will be really bad news if Team Kamala gets in · Caldron Pool

Vibes and joy. That’s what Team Kamala wants us to run with. That’s how she thinks she can run a country. That’s how she wants to make America great again. That’s what she wants us to focus on and ignore the little things like policy matters, like the economy, crime, national security, cost of living, and so on.

Americans don’t get joy when they fill their shopping carts with groceries. They don’t get joy when they put gas in their cars. They don’t get joy when they lose their jobs to illegal immigrants. They don’t get joy when they see rising crime rates. They don’t get joy when America’s enemies abroad are encouraged by an administration where the president sleeps on the beach while the vice president campaigns. Who’s running the country?

And we’re supposed to have another four years of this? Of course, I shouldn’t be so cynical. There are people who really want Kamala to win. The leaders of Iran, China and other anti-democratic countries would like to see Kamala in power.

Furthermore, criminal cartels in Mexico really want Kamala as president. Terrorist organizations and countries that promote terrorism worldwide want Kamala to be president. Mexico and Central America want Kamala to be president to continue to rake in the financial pie.

Also obvious is the fact that the mainstream media wants her to win. We are not only up against Kamala, we are up against the Democratic media industrial complex. The lamestream media is giving Kamala in-kind donations by refusing to do their job. They are not asking the hard questions and are giving her a free pass for everything she says and does.

The real Kamala

Of course, Kamala and her handlers will have to keep reinventing her in her quest to get the top job. Kamala keeps saying that Trump is terrible for America, but every day she seems to be turning more and more into Trump. Now it seems like she wants to be strong on crime, strong on the border, strong on the economy, etc.

At least that’s what her anonymous associates say. Her handlers and surrogates are working overtime to convince us that she really is a moderate and always has been. Too bad for them: if it weren’t for the countless audio and video recordings of her telling us exactly what she’s always believed, they might almost get away with it.

She’s really just a ghost — she hasn’t said any of this stuff about changing policies. So far, only people on her campaign team are saying things like that. We need to hear directly from Harris: Has she really changed her policies? If she has, why? Is she really disavowing her last four years in the Biden White House? Was she really against his policies the whole time? I don’t think so.

So we need to keep asking the tough questions that the media refuses to ask. Is she really going to build a wall? She and Joe had four years to do it! Is she really going to address skyrocketing inflation? She and Joe had four years to do it!

Is she really going to crack down on crime? She and Joe had four years to do it! Is she really going to greenlight fracking? She and Joe had four years to do it! Is she really going to support small businesses? She and Joe had four years to do it!

The absolutely bizarre thing is that she and Tim tell us they are going to bring change – much needed change. They keep saying “Day 1” we will fix all your problems. Uh, the Dems have been in the White House for 12 of the last 16 years – including the last four. THEY are the problem, no one else. Yet all they talk about is how bad things are and how it’s all Trump’s fault!

Despite all the obfuscation and fake news, Kamala is Kamala. She’s a radical from San Francisco and she elected Tim Walz, who is even to her left! As left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has said, she will be the most progressive president ever. That’s the only truth we can count on.

BTW, if you want to see her actual policy positions, this site conveniently has them all in plain sight. People can try to lie and cover up what she actually said, but it’s hard to deny what’s here:

Her first interview

So, 39 days later, after hiding from the press and public scrutiny, Kamala has finally done an “interview”—with CNN! And with Tim Walz at her side! So brave. So brazen. So full of nonsense. Oh, and it was pre-recorded! How convenient to clean up the messy bits. And that gung-ho Democratic shill and Kamala’s fawning Dana Bash is asking the questions? Good grief.

Incredibly, she had to bring her security blanket – her emotional support animal Walz. So much for the strong, independent woman! As judge Jeanine Pirro rightly said, “Here is a woman trying to break the ultimate glass ceiling, and she has to drag a man along with her.”

Uh, she’s supposed to lead the free nation and stand up to the bullies in Iran, China, Russia, and North Korea? She’s going to take on Xi Jinping or Kim Jong Un when she can’t even face her buddies at the far left CNN!? God help us.

And she couldn’t even last a full thirty minutes of questioning – at least after the editing. A very short Q&A is all we got. And it was a softball interview. Americans were robbed. We have every right to know what her views and policies really are. Simply hiding from the American people until November 5th is simply not enough.

The only thing she actually said was this: “My values ​​haven’t changed.” Her actual words were these: “Dana, I think the most important and significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is that my values ​​haven’t changed.” That’s right, she’s still the hyper-radical left-wing San Francisco politician she’s always been.

Her values ​​stink. She doesn’t value workers, or families, or freedom, or the right to life, or a strong America. And worse, she has her surrogates trying to fool the American people into thinking she’s changing her positions. Every day we hear that she’s abandoned her previous positions and changed everything for border walls, health insurance, and fracking.

Who is the real Kamala? Does she really have ANY principles other than her old Marxist beliefs? It seems she will say anything – no matter how false – just to stay in power. As Groucho Marx once said, “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”

For example, in the interview she said that she supported fracking in 2020. Uh, in 2019 she said she was 100% against fracking, and she’s never denied that. This is just one of the many areas where she has to deny history, deny reality, and deny everything she’s always said.

The border

Another obvious twist to the facts is the bizarre claims that she is not soft on the southern border, and that she wants to see the wall built. Yep. She WAS the “Border Czar” despite all her lies and all the lies of the media. Under her and Joe’s watch, they have de-secured one of the most secure borders ever. Child traffickers, drug dealers, criminals, and terrorists have all crossed the border with ease.

Their admin won’t even tell us the names of the criminals, gang leaders and terrorists who are now in our country for ‘security reasons’! While hundreds of terrorists have been arrested at the border, how many are in the country now? And we have no idea where they are.

With some 12 million illegals now living happily in the country thanks to Kamala and Joe, even if only one percent of them are criminals and such, that’s 120,000. And we have no idea where they are or what they’re up to! Thanks, Kamala.

And there’s a very good reason Kamala is so fond of open borders. Those who flood into the country, when they vote (and incredibly, there are no ID checks required to vote), will overwhelmingly vote for their benefactor: the Democrats.

There’s nothing like getting free votes when the Dems give them free goodies – free housing, education, healthcare, and so on. The more taxpayer-funded benefits and goodies given to illegals, the more of them will try to enter America.

And it gets worse when you know that so many of them are turning to crime, rape, and murder. So many grieving victims have tried to speak out. Trump has been eager to let them share their stories, while Team Kamala and her left-wing media base have been reluctant to report them.

And it doesn’t get any better with Tim Walz as her running mate. During the 2020 Minnesota riots, when much of the city went up in flames, Walz let rioters, looters, and arsonists walk free for days. And when some of them were finally arrested, Kamala happily gave them money to bail them out! Imagine what America will look like with four years of this anti-dream team.

Vote wisely

With about 66 days to go until the vote, we’ll see how things play out. Of course, anything can happen. We can fully expect no more Kamala “interviews,” certainly not before the September 10 debate. And her handlers will continue to hide her from the American public, except when she’s reading from her prescribed autocue.

As I’ve said often enough now, Team Trump is not a paragon of perfection. To rightly warn about the Kamala/Walz nightmare does not mean that Trump, Vance, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and CO are flawless and untouchable. For example, Trump moving more pro-abortion is just one obvious concern for conservatives and Christians.

But as we should know, despite the massive media coverup for Kamala, compared to her and Tim, this is truly the dream team. This is truly the choice we have to make if we want to save America. There are simply no other options available to us right now. That may not be ideal, but it is the reality we face.

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OPERATION RAPIST TRUMP: CIA WEAKEN ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2024, MADE FOR TV ARREST, INDEMNIFICATION, TRIAL, ASSET SEIZEMENT, SWAT TEAM HIT AND/OR OTHER LEGAL ACTION TARGETED AGAINST DONALD J. TRUMP UNDER THE COVER OF A CONSPIRACY TO VIOLATE ONE OR MORE LOCAL, STATE, FEDERAL AND/OR INTERNATIONAL LAW(S) RELATING TO RAPE AND/OR SEXUAL ABUSE, SPECIFICALLY TO SABOTOM THE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN (POSSIBLY WITH ALLEGATIONS OF RAPE AND/OR SEXUAL ABUSE BY ONE OR MORE CURRENT AND/OR FORMER TRUMP’S ATTORNEYS) (E.G. ALINA HABBA, CHRISTINA BOBB, CLETA MITCHELL, JENNIFER LITTLE, JESSE BINNALL, LINDA KERNS, LINDSEY HALLIGAN, ETC.), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) 10 U.S. CODE § 920 — RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE IN GENERAL; B) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 55 — KIDNAPPING; C) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 109A — SEXUAL ABUSE; D) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 110 — SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND OTHER ABUSE OF CHILDREN; EN/OR E) 18 U.S. CODE § 2242 — SEXUAL ABUSE (SEPTEMBER 19, 2024): CIA headquarters located beneath CERN near Lake Geneva in Switzerland Planning of arrest, indictment, trial, seizure of assets, SWAT team raid, and/or other legal action against Donald J. Trump on September 21, 2024, exactly 137 days before the 2024 U.S. presidential election on November 5, 2024, exactly 368 days after The Washington Post published a report titled Judge Clarifies: Yes, Trump Was Caught Raping E. Jean Carroll on July 19, 2023, exactly 409 days after a jury in Manhattan, New York found Donald J. Trump guilty of alleged sexual harassment in 1996 Columnist E. Jean Carroll focusing on sexual assault in New York City (specifically intended to foreshadow On May 9, 2023, exactly 584 days after Donald J. Trump officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 United States presidential election On November 15, 2022, exactly 683 days after the CIA staged an FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida (specifically designed to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second FBI raid on Trump at a later date) On August 8, 2022, exactly 1,248 days after Donald J. Trump became former President of the United States On January 20, 2021, exactly 1,778 days after former Trump associate Jefferey Epstein reportedly committed suicide while in his New York City jail cell (which was specifically designed to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a suicide attack on Trump after his arrest at a later date) On August 9, 2019, exactly 2,622 days after the CIA staged the first viral deepfake hoax titled “You Won’t Believe What Obama Says in This Video!” On April 17, 2017, exactly 2,814 days after “The Washington Post” published a video of Donald Trump saying “You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.” You Can Do Anything. On October 7, 2016, exactly 5,947 days after the CIA staged the resignation of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer after he revealed he frequented a prostitution ring run by the “Emperors Club VIP” escort agency in New York City. On March 10, 2008, exactly 9,652 days after the CIA staged the sex scandal between President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. On January 17, 1998, and exactly 28,497 days after Donald J. Trump was born in Queens, New York. On June 14, 1946