If you want to know more about this little bastard (spoilers) his henchmen are a seahorse that wants to…

bow leech:

I said the new turtles still had phenomenal animation (much like its predecessor Rise), but the trailer I posted didn’t show it off as well as the goldfish fight, so here’s part of it (he steals a giant pearl, in case you were wondering what that is)


If you want to know more about this little brat (spoilers): his henchmen are a seahorse who wants to be a father (yes, they acknowledge that seahorses can get pregnant) and a punk eel girl (who visually looks like a moray eel, but she’s been electrified) and yes, all three get their own epic fight scenes.


They are also friends with these crazy little mutant sea anemones that only talk in TV commercials. Is that because the base animal has no brain?? Is that what happens when it is a cnidarian???

Anyway, they’re all likable villains except the Goldfish, and towards the end of his storyline it’s hinted that he rises through the ranks of the mafia.

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