Jack Smith, Hitman for Democrat-Lawfare Complex – NOQ Report – News, Opinions, and Questions for Conservatives and Christians

America First Report

The modern Democratic Party operates like a mafia family. Like the mafia, Democrats have a specific organizational hierarchy. There are the big bosses who sit at the top of the entire food chain, like the Obamas and the Clintons. There are the trusted consiglieres, like Attorney General Merrick Garland and outside super lawyer Marc Elias. There are the caporegimes, like Governors Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul. There was even a years-long vow of omerta silence surrounding President Joe Biden’s apparent physical and mental decline.

And then, as in any organized crime syndicate, there are the street-level foot soldiers: the hitmen. The role of the foot soldier is to dutifully carry out the orders of his masters. Often, the tasks assigned to the foot soldier are not exactly respectable: intimidation, extortion, blackmail, and, yes, eliminating those rivals who pose a real threat to the family’s territory or prestige.

In the year 2024, so-called special prosecutor Jack Smith (yes, only that’s his name, as Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Aileen Cannon recently concluded) is the quintessential foot soldier for the Democratic Party and the Democratic-lawfare complex that now serves as the spearhead of the party primaries.

No one should have been under the illusion that Smith was a noble law enforcement officer dedicated to upholding a neutral constitutional state. After all, Smith accused a former president of the United States of violating the Espionage Act—the controversial World War I-era law normally reserved for such extreme cases as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. After this week, however, the game is truly up: Smith’s naked politics and campaigning are on display for all to see. (…)

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Genesis Gold Group

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America First Report

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