New Report Reveals Complex Motives and Facilitators Behind Online Child Abuse – Survey of CSAM on the Dark Web

New Report Reveals Complex Motives and Facilitators Behind Online Child Abuse – Survey of CSAM on the Dark Web

A groundbreaking new report has been released by Protect Children, a Helsinki-based child protection NGO, that reveals the intricate web of factors driving online child sexual abuse. Produced in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and the Council of the Baltic Sea States as part of the EU-funded Project 2KNOW, the report provides critical insights into the motivations, facilitators, situational factors and barriers that influence individuals to engage in CSAM-related crimes.

With over 300 million children estimated to be victims of online sexual abuse and exploitation each year, this report highlights the urgency of addressing this global crisis. As the volume of CSAM circulating online continues to increase, fueled by the rapid growth of perpetrator communities and technological advances, understanding the factors that contribute to these offences is essential to developing effective prevention strategies.

“Our report provides a nuanced understanding of the complex drivers behind CSAM offending. By uncovering these motivations and facilitators, we can better inform prevention strategies that are both effective and humane,” said Tegan Insoll, lead author of the report, head of research at Protect Children.

“What drives online child abuse? Understanding motivations, facilitators, situational factors and barriers” – insights from a survey of undetected child abusers

Key findings:

Motives beyond sexual interest: While sexual interest in children is a known motivator, the report finds that CSAM crime is also motivated by other factors, such as emotional regulation, high libido, and sensation-seeking behavior.

Factors That Promote Crime: The report cites several factors that lower the threshold for crime, including adverse childhood experiences, substance abuse and desensitization to adult pornography.

Situational factors: Technological advances, the anonymity of the Internet, and the ease of access to explicit content online are important situational factors that facilitate child sexual abuse.

Barriers to Criminal Behavior: The report examines barriers to child sexual abuse through sexual harassment that perpetrators say are effective. These include intervention programs, deterrent messages, and fear of legal repercussions.

“This research is crucial to the development of targeted interventions that not only address the root causes of child sexual abuse through child pornography, but also strengthen the barriers that prevent individuals from acting on harmful impulses,” said Anna Ovaska, Project 2KNOW Coordinator, Deputy Director and Legal Specialist at Protect Children.

The research material was collected on the dark web between July 2023 and June 2024, with a total of 4,549 CSAM users responding to the survey. The findings are based on self-reported data collected through a unique methodology that intercepts users searching for CSAM on the dark web, giving them the opportunity to complete the survey voluntarily and anonymously. The survey, which has been ethically approved by the University of Eastern Finland, offers unprecedented direct insights into the minds of those involved in crimes of sexual violence against children, and provides a comprehensive overview of the psychological, social and situational factors that contribute to offending.

“This report sheds light on the highly complex and often hidden factors that drive individuals to commit child abuse online. By understanding these motivations and facilitators, we can take meaningful steps to prevent these crimes and protect the most vulnerable members of our society: our children. We hope that the insights from this report will inspire collective efforts to develop stronger, more effective prevention strategies worldwide.” Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen, Executive Director of Protect Children, Victim Services and Offender Management Sub-Group Chair, Interpol SGCAC.

About Project 2KNOW: Project 2KNOW is a two-year initiative funded by the European Commission dedicated to improving prevention of and response to online sexual violence against children. By advancing research, improving data collection and turning knowledge into action, the project aims to protect children from the harms of online sexual exploitation.

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