MAGA3x wants to overthrow the constitution

Elon Musk is one of the main financiers of MAGA3x, the PayPal Mafia funded network of mostly American bad guys, criminals, pedophiles, traitors, Russian-American spies, who want to undermine Western democracy. This collective network is responsible for most of the major disinformation, false flags, and disruptions of civility and security we have ever experienced, and does so generally through psychological operations. Below is one of them.

Thanks to criminal traitors like Mike Flynn, accused of leading QAnon and the January uprising, we have a Constitution under attack and dangling by a thread.

Mike Flynn is currently declared at war with his former or current financiers Musk and Thiel. Therefore, the operations I cover eventually shifted their focus to collectively disparaging Trump, who chose JD Vance, a full-fledged PayPal mafioso thanks to founding the extremist video platform Rumble with Peter Thiel as the leader of the group. Flynn may have wanted him to be that. While I can’t be sure, it’s clear from his hurt and anger that the choice mattered deeply and emotionally.

Next I looked at the QAnon war leader.

Since January, Mike Flynn and his surrogates have effectively created the impression that someone from the “left” would kill their man and that this would serve their purposes.

The story was effective. The FBI has still not connected the obvious dots that indicate what the real “deep state”, MAGA3x, did to secure their victory by covering up their biggest deficit until the target was missed and the would-be assassin was taken out. Flynn’s Digital Soldier cheerleaders, like Swedish terrorist Pedo-Bear-Robin Erickson (sp?) who has yet to properly explain how his dog was poisoned and died, have openly mocked my attempts to create minimal awareness of what was actually done to replace the man on their weak ticket.

Let’s think about this.

There was a reason Flynn wanted to remove Trump. He has outlived his usefulness and cannot win a fair election, having lost in 2012 and opted not to even file after his Roger Stone-taped candidacy announcement went unnoticed, lost the 2016 popular vote but not the Electoral College after foreign adversaries and MAGA3x openly manipulated public perception in his favor, and in 2022 he was slammed as the biggest loser who felt it was okay to hang Mike Pence even though he didn’t say those exact words.

Let’s go back to MAGA3x’s activities.

A key part of their operations involves Yonder-connected agents recruited by Anonymous and GamerGate misleading the public. A key operator in that effort is French-speaking Canadian Remi Barrette, the fraud “investigator” behind Conspirador Norteno, a literal reference to his criminality and the tango band in which he plays bass.

Remi has full access to Twitter, now X, allowing him and a second known bad guy, Andrew Auernheimer, to hack and manipulate or spy on private user data on the system. He has run a number of verified bot operations, verifying hundreds of accounts that he and others use within MAGA3x operations. Part of what he and his group can do is manipulate users’ feeds via community notes, shown here with a link in his alt self-verifying account.

Barrette is unhappy that he and his partners were unable to inject all the lies they wanted into the algorithm and make it stick. Only those with verified accounts, meaning they’ve paid or in Barrette’s case, got free verification, can post community notes.

The thread also features digital child abuser Amber Rebecca King, who continues to use an AI image of my toddler by Michelangelo Maccabee as a sexual meme, and Russian-speaking Lia Spinelli on Lissy.

To be fair, the reporting system is broken, as Musk gutted the safety and moderation staff very early on after Yonder’s team led by Susan Portnoy started putting racist content on the platform. Every tweet was spammed with the N-word 30 times, and then the content was publicly removed. Below is the parameters of the mission before publicly reporting/disclosing what her team was doing to harm users.

This simply means that X is unregulated, allowing it to be the intended radicalization engine that replaces the PayPal mafia’s Daily Stormer, Kiwi Farms, and 8Chan.

Musk laughed at this next manipulation: a poll by Mark Cuban asking whether people, or in this case Elon’s botnet, wanted their children to grow up caring, intelligent, and kind like Kamala Harris, or incompetent, racist, misogynistic, and criminal, like Donald Trump.

This was internally manipulated. A random account lied to Mark, so Mark used Elon’s AI to prove his point.

There should be 3x as many impressions as the number of voters because every view counts, every click to see the number of polls and every click on the number of polls.

The purpose of all this is to once again show that Elon, who wants to end our democracy, wants to get his own man JD Vance into the White House and wants to manipulate everything in favor of himself and his PayPal mafia friends.

This was the best answer to Mark: he was absolutely right, but the term he used should have been dictatorship.

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