September 2 – Pope Francis is a fraud

Pope Francis washes feet of migrants.jpg

(Pope kisses migrant’s foot)

Pope Francis says rejecting migrant hordes is ‘a grave sin’

How does Pope Francis know this migrant is not a thief? Isn’t he glorifying someone based on race? Do you believe that globalists like Pope Francis really care about migrants? They are only used to displace whites. His actions are designed to disgrace everything he is supposed to defend.

“As he often does, Pope Francis condemned the idea of ​​national borders, especially in the West, where the globalists send all illegal migrants. Although Vatican City, where Pope Francis and his faith live, is one of the most secure pieces of land in the world, surrounded by a huge wall several meters thick, he believes that everyone else should tear down their walls to let the migrants in.

Readers’ Comments – “Bergoglio is an illegitimate plant of the deep (state) church and perhaps even worse, satan who sits on the throne of Peter as allegedly prophesied by our lady of Fatima. As astutely written by Archbishop Vigano, Bergoglio has taken it upon himself to destroy Catholicism and all credibility of the church. There are now two Catholic churches, one that is faithful to our lord and savior Jesus Christ and the gospel and Bergoglio’s church of sin and communism led by him and his homosexual cabal.

“Francis speaks on behalf of the WEF and is part of the cabal that wants to destroy the European countries. A blasphemous impostor of the highest order.”

Francis – Long-term Zionist tool

The late Jewish sage Baal Sulman explains how communism is the ultimate goal of Kabbalah


Candace Owens: “Nobody Wants to Talk About the Christian Holocaust”

Political commentator, author and activist Candace Owens speaks to Piers Morgan about the media blackout on the persecution of Christians. “The biggest problem I have with Israel is the fact that they are supplying weapons to kill Christians in Armenia, the oldest Christian country in the world, and yet no one talks about it,” says Owens, who calls for equality in reporting.

Viewer’s response: “I graduated from high school and had never heard of the Holodomor. They forced me to learn about the Holocaust every year. But no Christian genocide is taught in public schools. None. You wonder “who” exactly did this and why?

The Protocols and Anti-Christ World Revolution. The most forbidden information on the internet…

Paragraph 1

Part 2

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


(Is this the script?)

Packed with research directly links sudden deaths to Covid vaccinations

“In their research, the top scientists discovered a direct link between the rising excess mortality in Germany and Covid mRNA injections.

The study’s esteemed authors are now sounding the alarm about the devastating side effects of the vaccines and calling on governments to conduct thorough investigations into their explosive findings.

“Economically inactive”

1.6 MILLION migrants in UK are unemployed, costing taxpayers £8.5 BILLION: report

The £8.5bn estimate doesn’t even include the cost of asylum seekers, who are routinely accommodated in four-star hotels, and of foreign students, meaning the true cost to the British taxpayer is likely to be much higher. Furthermore, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed that the Home Office has spent a staggering £7.9 billion on asylum, border and visa management in just three years, despite a budget of just £320 million. They went over budget by £7.6 billion.

Russ Winter — The Alexandre Stavisky Affair: Jewish Immigrant Fraudster Brings Down 2 French Prime Ministers

“Serge Alexandre Stavisky (1886 -1934) was a Ukrainian-born Russian Jewish immigrant to France who gained sufficient leverage over the government of the Third Republic to pull off a massive financial fraud, and then successfully evaded prosecution. The case is a prime example of the current New Underworld Order (NUO) Crime Syndicate situation.”

BREITBART: “Whitewash: British university removes ‘Anglo-Saxon’ from curriculum”

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left- ZOG media prepares the goyim for slavery

Biden-Harris regime resumes ‘legal’ flying of illegal migrants into US

California bill banning voter ID passes legislature, awaits Newsom’s signature

The Origins of the American Mafia and the Pinocchio Slave Boys of ‘Pleasure Island’ (by Cynthia Chung)

Matthew Ehret

“I just watched Cynthia’s recent deep dive into the origins of the Mafia and was so blown away by this incredible series of discoveries that I felt compelled to share it. If you’ve tried to wrap your head around the Mafia but haven’t delved into the guiding hand of the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Tammany Hall operations in the US, KKK, and Guiseppe Mazzini’s Young Europe, then I’m sorry to say you won’t understand what the Mafia really is.”


British journalist under house arrest over terrorism charges

Sarah Wilkinson is a journalist who collects information about events in Palestine and shares it online.

On Thursday, August 29, 16 or 17 counterterrorism agents arrested her and ransacked her home. She is now effectively under house arrest.

MUST WATCH VIDEO: La Quinta Columna Microscopy Study Shows Nicotine from Tobacco ‘Completely Destroyed’ Moderna, Pfizer, Dental Anesthesia Injections Nanobots

New research by microscopists at La Quinta Columna has found that the “self-assembling entities” found in Pfizer, Moderna and, more recently, dental anesthetics are “destroyed” by a nicotine mixture made from mixing tobacco with distilled water.

Researcher Rafa Calvin made this discovery by isolating a sample of dental anesthetic for 30 days and then applying to it a nicotine mixture made from a solution of 1 gram of tobacco and 5 cc of distilled water.

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