Here’s some helpful history for the growth of the “Anti-DEI” movement

(WND News Center)—I’ve been very impressed with the anti-DEI efforts of conservative activist Robby Starbuck. In the past year alone, he’s persuaded several major corporations, including Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, Jack Daniel’s, Lowe’s and Ford Motor Co., to scale back or end their partnerships with the homofascists behind the Diversity Equity and Inclusion mandates being imposed on business in this country. He’s a fellow Tennessee transplant from California who I’ve never met, but I want to help him and everyone else waging this heroic fight by providing a little helpful history about the main force behind those DEI mandates, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest LGBT advocacy and political action committee.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an impartial party in this matter. The HRC published a dossier on me about a decade ago, funded by the despicable RINO megadonor Paul Singer, in which I was declared public enemy #1 of the LGBT agenda internationally. Frankly, those were my glory days in the pro-family movement—the height of which was pushing for a ban on LGBT propaganda for children during a 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union, including many stops in Russia, which actually passed the law in 2013. These days, I’m pretty much a groundskeeper on my son’s farm, focused on publishing my sixth and dramatically expanded final edition of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (my “magnum opus”). (Buy the fourth edition here.)

Here is some of the new material I just included in the sixth manuscript of the book, in a section comparing the pederasty at the heart of Nazism to that among powerful homosexuals in the US today:

(Start fragment.) In November 2014, Terry Bean, founder of the world’s largest and most powerful LGBT lobbying and political action committee, the Human Rights Campaign, was charged in Lane County, Oregon, with the pedophilia of a 15-year-old boy, specifically with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one felony count of third-degree sexual abuse.

The Willamette Week reported: Bean made millions as a real estate developer and used his fortune to promote political causes, particularly gay rights. He is a founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading gay rights organization, and has given more than $1 million to the group. He is also a central figure in national Democratic politics. As WW reported in June, “No Oregonian has raised more money for President Barack Obama. At a Human Rights Campaign dinner in 2009, Obama called Bean a ‘great friend and supporter.’ The president hosted Bean on Air Force One in 2012, and when Obama visited Oregon, Bean had the honor of greeting him as the president stepped off his plane.”

The Portland-based newspaper Willamette Week is no enemy of LGBT issues. This same newspaper was caught with egg on its face when it supported the openly “gay” Sam Adams for mayor of Portland (despite accusations of pederasty against him) when he later admitted to lying about a sexual affair with a teenage boy.

The Terry Bean saga did not end with a simple trial and punishment, however. The original trial never took place because Bean reached a $200,000 settlement with the prosecution. The judge apparently allowed Bean to buy off the victim, and the case was dismissed, much to the shock of prosecutors and the public. The following is from a January 18, 2019, Eugene Register Guard article:

“When the case was dismissed in 2015, prosecutor Scott Healy wrote in his objection that he had ‘never seen a civil settlement agreement offered in a case this serious. … It was somewhat of a surprise to learn that such a resolution was even available in a child sexual abuse case,’ Healy wrote. ‘Normally, such a resolution is offered in low-level property crime cases where the offenses are not too serious and the defendant has no criminal record or history of similar behavior. That is not the case here.’ Healy characterized Bean as a predator with a ‘history of targeting, manipulating and victimizing young teenage boys for his own sexual exploitation.'”

But the Bean soap opera didn’t end there. In 2019, the alleged victim (now an adult) resurfaced and Bean was again criminally charged. He also filed a $6.5 million civil lawsuit against the attorney who represented him in the 2015 “settlement,” Lori Deveny, who he claims pocketed most of Bean’s money and gave him just $5,000. The Register Guard reported: “The man also alleges that Deveny forged his signature on the agreement and negligently advised him against a judge’s orders to accept Bean’s payment. … (She) hid the boy and his guardian from the Lane County district attorney’s office in various locations in Oregon until the case against Bean was dismissed in 2015, the lawsuit says. … According to the (Oregon State) bar’s online database, Deveny was disbarred in April and resigned in July (2019).”

Bean’s criminal case was not resolved until January 14, 2022, when all charges against him were dropped because the alleged victim “refused to participate” in the prosecution. (Jaquiss, Nigel (January 14, 2022). “State dismisses criminal sexual abuse charges against Terry Bean.” Willamette Week. Accessed 2022-01-15.”) (Final fragment.)

Now, given that mere association with disgraced historical figures has been sufficient reason in the logic of DEI advocates to defrock countless conservatives and remove statues and other historical artifacts from public lands, it stands to reason that the Human Rights Campaign should be held accountable for its association with its own founder, Terry Bean. At the very least, any future invocations of the name Human Rights Campaign or its acronym HRC should be accompanied by the reminder that it was founded by an accused pedophile.

The fact that Bean was only “accused” and not convicted and jailed (like his non-politically connected co-defendant) seems like another example of the abuse of power in our two-tiered justice system. As Assistant District Attorney William Oakley told “Saul Goodman” in the comedy-drama series “Better Call Saul” about Goodman’s similarly questionable escape from justice, “There’s evidence, and then there’s knowledge.”

It would be good if the big corporations that submit to the will of the corrupt HRC knew who they were really in bed with.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

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