PM Luxon in Malaysia — Asia Media Centre

Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has received Christopher Luxon for an official visit to Malaysia in recent days. The visit marked the enduring bilateral ties between New Zealand and Malaysia, and more than 67 years of diplomatic relations.

On the program during the visit:

The Malaysia-New Zealand Strategic Partnership

The leaders acknowledged the cooperation between the two countries under the four pillars (Prosperity, People, Planet, Peace and Security) of the Malaysia-New Zealand Strategic Partnership signed in 2023. The two leaders noted that they both intend to continue to strengthen the Malaysia-New Zealand relationship in ways that deliver real benefits and promote shared security and economic interests.

Defence and security cooperation

Both leaders noted that Malaysia and New Zealand have a longstanding defence relationship, dating back to World War II. The prime ministers reaffirmed that the two countries will maintain regular bilateral defence cooperation. They welcomed the work of both countries’ Ministries of Defence to update the 1996 bilateral defence cooperation agreements, as well as the agreement to explore the possibility of holding a Track 1.5 Defence Dialogue.

They also reaffirmed their commitment to regional cooperation under the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA).

The Royal New Zealand Air Force’s new P-8A Poseidon aircraft continues a long-standing practice of New Zealand maritime patrol aircraft being deployed to Royal Malaysia Air Force Base Butterworth as part of the upcoming FPDA Exercise Bersama Lima.

The Prime Minister appreciated the continued close cooperation in countering terrorism, preventing violent extremism and combating transnational organised crime, including through capacity building and mutual exchanges of experts. They welcomed a new bilateral cooperation arrangement that will support this engagement. They instructed officials to continue to explore opportunities for New Zealand and Malaysia to work together to strengthen social cohesion.

Trade and economic relations

The Prime Ministers noted the strong and highly complementary bilateral trade relationship, supported by bilateral and regional trade architecture and daily direct air connections. Both countries shared a commitment to uphold the international rules-based trading system.

They also directed officials to conduct a scoping exercise ahead of the launch of a review of the Malaysia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (MNZFTA), to identify new areas and gaps that can be addressed under the review to improve bilateral economic relations. Trade ministers will meet next year to chair a joint committee to make recommendations for revamping the MNZFTA.

Both leaders welcomed the upgrading of the ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) and the successful implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The two leaders acknowledged the strong cooperation between Malaysia and New Zealand through the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in advancing the Putrajaya Vision 2040, including through the implementation of the Aotearoa Plan of Action, aimed at promoting an open, vibrant, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040.

New Zealand and Malaysia remain committed to supporting economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond through the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). New Zealand and Malaysia will work together on the comprehensive review of the CPTPP with a view to updating and improving the agreement.

They also reaffirmed that the CPTPP remains open to accession by economies that are ready to meet the agreement’s high standards and can demonstrate compliance with their trade obligations.

The leaders noted the substantial results of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), which has concluded agreements to increase supply chain resilience, accelerate the transition to a clean economy and strengthen anti-corruption and tax measures.

They also pledged to further remove unnecessary barriers to trade and work together to ensure that exporters can make the most of the two countries’ comprehensive package of free trade agreements, which should lead to a 50 percent increase in the value of two-way trade by 2030.

In this context, the Prime Ministers acknowledged the ongoing work to conclude a bilateral customs mutual recognition arrangement, which will allow trusted traders to enjoy expedited cross-border customs clearance in both countries. They noted strong potential to further expand Halal and other trade between Malaysia and New Zealand. They welcomed the pilot implementation of electronic certification for trade in both directions. They also directed officials to continue interagency work to further increase market access for each other’s products and to enforce compliance and reduce transaction costs for our exporters. Both leaders looked forward to relevant agencies on both sides working towards the conclusion of:
a. the draft export plan for fresh fruits and vegetables from Malaysia to New Zealand, specifically for the export of Malaysian pineapples to New Zealand;
b. an implementing regulation for dairy products, which recognises the equivalence of the food safety system for dairy products;
c. an improved Halal implementation scheme; and
d. an electronic certification implementation scheme.

Connections between people

The leaders expressed their commitment to further strengthening educational ties, enhancing two-way student mobility, institutional partnerships and collaboration, and academic exchanges. They welcomed the decision to broaden the scope of the Chair of Malaysian Studies at Victoria University of Wellington to facilitate a wide range of academic exchanges at all levels. Both leaders also welcomed the conclusion of renewed Education Cooperation Arrangements in the field of education and higher education between the two countries.

The Prime Ministers also underlined the value of Track II exchanges between their countries, including the long-standing partnership between the Asia New Zealand Foundation and the Institute of Strategic & International Studies Malaysia. TThe annual ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand (AANZ) Dialogue plays a key role as one of the strategically focused Track 1.5 and Track 2 mechanisms for ASEAN and these dialogue partners. With the continued participation of influential policymakers, practitioners, academics, journalists and other thought leaders, they are committed to their goal of encouraging dialogue and promoting understanding.

Prime Ministers agreed that youth exchanges are vital to building mutual cultural understanding and friendship and noted the wide range of existing exchanges. These include the successful bilateral Working Holiday Scheme, the Asia New Zealand Foundation Business and Culture Internship Programs, the Manaaki New Zealand and Malaysia Government Scholarship programmes, the New Zealand High Commission’s Indigenous Internship and Youth Study Tours to Malaysia. Both Prime Ministers indicated that they plan to explore opportunities to further expand youth exchanges between Malaysia and New Zealand.

Climate change and disaster management

The Prime Ministers recalled and reaffirmed their support for the UNFCCC COP28 outcomes, which called for Parties to align Nationally Determined Contributions with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. They acknowledged each country’s respective commitment and aspiration to net zero targets and noted that there are opportunities to explore further cooperation in areas such as sustainable finance, carbon markets and agriculture.

Leaders noted the importance of working with partners to successfully respond to climate change and transition to a low-carbon economy. Malaysia and New Zealand are both committed to implementing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Clean Economy Agreement, including through the IPEF Cooperative Work Programmes, and through the Asia-Pacific Carbon Markets Roundtable it provides opportunities to share experiences in carbon market developments, including in relation to voluntary markets, emissions trading systems and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

The Prime Ministers acknowledged that collaboration in climate-smart agriculture plays a crucial role in supporting the sustainability of food security without increasing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Both leaders welcomed and looked forward to the potential collaboration between agricultural research institutes under the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries and the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. This collaboration could include capacity building, exchange of knowledge and best practices, and information sharing.

The two Prime Ministers further noted that there is cooperation in capacity building and training in disaster management between the two countries, including at the ASEAN level. They acknowledged that climate change increases the need for robust disaster management practices in both countries. The leaders announced extensive cooperation between the National Emergency Management Agency of New Zealand and the National Disaster Management Agency of Malaysia (NADMA) in the field of disaster management.

Regional and global developments

Prime Minister Anwar and Prime Minister Luxon also exchanged views on regional and global developments, including Malaysia’s role within ASEAN as the country assumes the role of ASEAN chair in 2025.

The Leaders reaffirmed their shared aspiration and common interest in promoting and maintaining a peaceful, prosperous and rules-based Indo-Pacific region, supported by ASEAN-led mechanisms. They agreed to strengthen ASEAN-New Zealand cooperation in line with the objectives and principles set out in the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, including enhancing ASEAN Centrality, inclusiveness, openness, transparency and respect for international law.

Both Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the ASEAN-New Zealand relationship and looked forward to the 50th anniversary of ASEAN-New Zealand dialogue during Malaysia’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2025.

To mark the anniversary, New Zealand has indicated that it will co-chair an ASEAN-New Zealand Commemorative Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

The leaders also expressed their grave concern over developments in the South China Sea, Myanmar and Gaza. The prime ministers urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint and de-escalate tensions. They also discussed the latest developments in Ukraine and reaffirmed the international community’s call on Russia to abide by its international obligations and withdraw all its military forces and equipment from Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory.

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