Watch ‘Call For Fun’ on Amazon Prime Video UK

Date added: September 3, 2024


Yash takes over his father’s call center business and turns it into a romance hotline center, with the help of his college friends. With the new business, the youngsters embark on an exciting journey with hilarious misadventures, including a confrontation with the mafia.

Certificate: 13+

Year: 2017

Duration: 2 hours 1 min

Episode length: 2 hours 1 min

Director: Janak Toprani

Form: Parmeet Sethi, Zaan Khan, Priyanka Arya, Charu Asopa, Yash Chaturvedi, Bharat Dabholkar, Linesh Fanse, Ashish Gade, Prashant Kanaujia, Shubhangi Mehrotra

Studio: NH Studioz

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