German voters reject political squatters

  • Alternative parties take lead in German regional elections

  • Volkswagen closes factories for the first time in 87-year history

  • Record amount of business investment shifts to China

  • No money for jobs unless you make weapons

  • The crises of war, food, energy and migration can be reduced to one:

  • What to do when robotics and artificial intelligence replace the workforce

  • There are alternatives, but they involve decentralized energy and electricity.

  • They demand that we reject the big lies we have been told

  • Voters have already done that, as the Greens have fallen to around 5% with their big shutdown

See also:
The Great Replacement of Everything – Dollar, Western Civilization Abandoned: What’s Going On? (July 21, 2024)
Ursula’s digital wallet is a pig’s ears – EU passports linked to online rights and injectables (December 28, 2023)
Germany in free fall, Africa seeks peace, NATO seeks permanent war (June 17, 2023)
Europe reels under Germany’s looming decline – New South-North energy axis could reshape continent (Oct 29, 2022)
It’s All Over Bar The Tyranny – Musk worship, space dust and innovative dead ends: society is going to Pfiz (December 31, 2021)

(2,200 words of approximately 11 minutes about your company)

VW plant in Osnabrück in Lower Saxony may be the first to close

September 3, 2024

Voices from political protests put pressure on the established order, which is accompanied by an increase in censorship and narrative control.

The latest blow to incumbent politicians comes from Germany’s eastern states, where disillusioned left-wing voters (Die Linke) propelled Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) into the lead with 33 percent in Thuringia and second place in Saxony with around 31 percent. Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance took third place in

The reason for the complaint is the cost of living crisis, as opposed to the endless money for war. For some, the contemptuous treatment of citizens during Covid is still a thorn in the side.

The so-called political center is not giving in, despite the fact that three quarters of the people voted, a record turnout.

In Thuringia and Saxony, the Christian Democrats (CDU) refuse to form a coalition with the AfD. They try to block this by allying themselves with parties of the ‘democratic center’.

In a race against time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron refuse to acknowledge the rising tide of opposition. Corrupt and unpopular European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has seized a second term.

To see Vaccine Scandal A Case Study in Great Reset – Companies Set the Price, Create a Market, and Regulators Get Out of the Way (Oct 18, 2022)

In Britain, Kier Starmer has outdone the Conservatives in the Covid era.

Even if you accept the story about climate, carbon or nitrogen, pandemics or passports, you should have noticed that they lead to the same population solution. But what if that final solution is also a lie — grand, or platonic and noble?

The statements called “polycrisis” are leading questions that prompt respondents to a specific answer or outcome. For example, food shortages or biodigital ID imply rationing or castes.

It is refreshing to get to the heart of the matter; to silence the headlines and the neck-twisting images of this or that crisis. We have no metaphors or references to Game of Thrones.

While it may seem like war, an energy crisis, food inflation, uncontrolled migration and crime, these policies can be boiled down to one question: what to do with the population when robotics and artificial intelligence take over much of our work?


It is important to identify the cause of these successive crises and demand accountability. Otherwise these ‘centrists’ will either bide their time, until they achieve their goal, or crawl away and are replaced, as in Britain, by another snake of a different colour.

The European Commission, like other supra-governmental bodies, probably sees AI as a replacement for, but not an empowerment of, the workforce. The promise of free time will disappear as profits go to the few.

The fable of transhumanism is a cover for a choice they have already made: it is not about evolving into humanity 2.0; it is simply that the owner-investors no longer have any need for homo sapiens 1.0. So they seek the Great Closure.

To see Artificial Intelligence, Digital ID and Depopulation – Worldcoin and Life in an App (01 Aug 2023)

Like the alternative media, a new breed of politicians is challenging the mafia that was already in power before they started the Covid response, the wars, the great lockdown and the replacement of everything.

The incumbents call themselves the center. Joseph Stalin did the same. Anyone who challenged him was a left or right deviant. Today the term is far right or extremist.

Instead of asking why people vote this way or how they, the incumbent politicians, have failed, they demonize voters.

We will discuss how the economy is changing as technology replaces workers. This is not a sudden crisis, but a long-awaited change. The Great Reset is a plan by the moneyed powers to seize all the profits of automation instead of sharing them.

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