Make My Son Yours Today

It’s finally September 3. Finally, you can buy — and read — Son of mine.

This is why you should do both.

First of all, it’s good. Kirkus Reviews mention Son of mine A “Fast-paced mafia family saga with engaging characters, great dialogue and brutal revenge.”

Fast-paced, not plodding. Compelling, not just interesting, characters. Great dialogue, not good dialogue. Hard-boiled revenge, not soft-boiled, poached, or scrambled revenge.

Second, it’s cheap. $4.99 for the eBook. E-books typically cost more than twice as much. The print edition, if you prefer to read the old-fashioned way, is only $14.99. Which is also cheap, compared to most other books.

Why did I choose cheap? I really don’t care about the money. I like it when people read my stuff and enjoy it. The cheaper it is, the more likely people are to give it a chance. (And if you ever get hooked, I’ll raise the price.)

Thirdly, it is sometimes exciting, sometimes action-packed, sometimes funny (I think, but then again comedy is hard) a twist on the mafia genre, inspired by the real mafia that ruled the city where I grew up. My father worked for that organization as a bookmaker. I was young (unlike today), but I kept my eyes open and (unlike today) my mouth shut.

Fourth, although it is technically the sequel to My Fatherit works really well as a standalone story. Of course it gives away the ending of My Fatheralmost from the first page. So maybe you should read My Father First.

Fifth, and most important, both books are written with today’s sensibilities in mind. The chapters are very short, aimed at matching the reader’s (and writer’s) attention span. You can finish a chapter in five minutes or less, if you have five minutes to spare.

Or you can read it all at once, as many have done.

I know, I know. Many of you will find it hard to believe that the blogger can actually do something else. In the past 23 years, I’ve written over 20 million words. I’ve learned how to think and write quickly. And I’ve read enough books over the years to know what works and what doesn’t.

PFT was created to be the website I would visit for NFL news and analysis. My books were written to be the stories I would want to read. If you like what’s on the website, chances are you’ll like the books too.

Hopefully you give My Father or Son of mine an attempt. (You’ve wasted a lot more than a few dollars on much worse things.) Anyway, I’m going to set aside a few hours a few evenings a week to write more and more books.

My original goal was 20. Now I’m aiming for 30. The idea is that if I write enough, eventually one will be pretty good.

The reality is that there are two pretty good ones ready to go. Whenever you want to go, why not go now?

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