Well-known names urge Kerala government to adopt 360-degree approach

They also appealed to the state government to help women who face reprisals for speaking the truth.

“Speaking their truth is also a form of justice and there should be no retaliation for it. The state government’s response to the Hema Commission’s findings, as well as the media coverage, have both placed an inordinate focus on the sexual assaults and crimes detailed in the report, to the virtual exclusion of the considerable space in its pages devoted to discussing the industry’s working conditions, lack of contracts, wage disparities and so on.”

“The only government action following the publication of the report on August 19 was the establishment of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate allegations made by women who have since come forward to speak publicly about their experiences of sexual harassment and violence in the industry. This move has given further impetus to the selective reporting of the media,” the report said.

“The inevitable implication of such selectivity is that addressing the root causes of violence – namely inequality and discrimination – is less important than the violence itself. Furthermore, the government has made no attempt to sensitize the media and the public to the possibility that women with legitimate complaints of crimes may not necessarily want to explore legal options for multiple, perfectly acceptable reasons. In the absence of such sensitization, we believe that the current atmosphere in the state tends to cast doubt on the allegations of any woman who chooses not to report to the police after making her grievances public,” it added.

The statement also criticized the pressure placed on survivors to file complaints with police. “Worse still, it has been brought to our attention that some women in the industry who have shared their stories with the public and the media are experiencing extreme pressure from police to file formal complaints. This is a deeply disturbing development,” the statement said.

“In all cases of sexual crimes, survivors’ and mental health agencies must be prioritised above all else. The government must strictly instruct the police and SIT not to bulldoze women, treat them with consideration and act in their best interest,” the statement said.

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