NYC Confirms Committing Crimes Does Not Barr Migrants From Taxpayer-Funded Shelters – Daily Stormer

Related: NY Post: New Americans now make up 75% of arrests in Midtown, more than 60% in parts of Queens

If you are a migrant, you are allowed to do that.

You can do anything.

New York Post:

Being arrested in New York City doesn’t mean migrants can’t go to taxpayer-funded shelters, Mayor Eric Adams’ administration admitted Tuesday.

“We’re not saying you can’t come to the shelter anymore because you’ve been arrested,” Deputy Mayor Anne Williams-Isom said during Adams’ weekly press conference at City Hall.

The revelation followed a Post report that found that migrants were flooding the criminal justice system. A Manhattan police officer estimated that “about 75%” of arrests in Midtown were migrants, mostly for cases involving robberies, assaults, domestic incidents and the sale of counterfeit goods.

“I’m sure there have been a lot of arrests made by different groups that come here, especially groups that may not be able to work,” Williams-Isom added.

She also confirmed that the city does not keep records of immigrant arrests. The NYPD is not allowed to ask suspects about their immigration status..

These people also commit serious crimes.

They don’t get arrested for little things.


Total collapse of civilization.

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