End Times Headline News. September 4 2024

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has submitted a resignation letter.

Source: Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament), on Facebook Quote from Stefanchuk: “The Verkhovna Rada has received a resignation letter from Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.” Details: Stefanchuk posted a photo of the document and added that it would be considered at one of the next plenary sessions of the parliament.


At least six prominent officials in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky‘s government submitted letters of resignation on Tuesday, signaling a significant reshuffling of the country’s political leadership.

Strategic Industries Minister Oleksandr Kamyshin—who oversees weapons production—stepped down in anticipation of a new appointment. Kamyshin’s announcement precedes the resignations of Deputy Prime Ministers Olha Stefanishyna and Iryna Vereshchuk, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska, and Ecology Minister Ruslan Strilets. Vitalii Koval, who oversees the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU), also resigned. The resignations were submitted to Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk, who leads the country’s unicameral parliament.

Kiev has launched an investigation of Roman Gladky, Chief of Staff of the Unmanned Systems Forces

Ukraine has suspended the chief of staff of its drone forces following reports that his family lives in Russia. The decision was made after a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada security committee, the General Staff wrote in a statement on Telegram on Tuesday evening. It said that Ukraine’s top general Aleksandr Syrsky has decided that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) will “conduct an additional special inspection” in regards to Roman Gladky, Chief of Staff of the Unmanned Systems Forces (USF).

Gladky will be “suspended from his official duties for the duration of the inspection,” the General Staff added.

Ulaanbaatar “did not comply with its obligations” by failing to execute an ICC warrant, Brussels has stated

The European Union has “taken note” of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Mongolia and expressed regret that the government in Ulaanbaatar did not detain its guest. Putin spent two days in Mongolia, engaging in bilateral talks and marking the 85th anniversary of the WWII victory over Imperial Japan at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. “President Putin is under an arrest warrant by the ICC for international crimes, specifically alleged crimes of unlawful deportation and unlawful transfer of children,” the EU said in a statement on Tuesday. “The EU regrets that Mongolia, a State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC, did not comply with its obligations under the statute to execute the arrest warrant,” the bloc added.

Poland’s globalist foreign minister said his country should intercept and neutralize Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory before they breach its airspace on Monday.

Radoslaw Sikorski’s remarks, made during an interview with the Financial Times, come despite NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg opposing the action. Sikorski emphasized the necessity of protecting national airspace independently of NATO’s stance, suggesting that objects heading toward Poland warrant action before reaching Polish skies. He underscored that safeguarding airspace is a constitutional duty for each NATO member.

The US is close to an agreement to give Ukraine long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia, but Kyiv would need to wait several months as the US works through technical issues ahead of any shipment, US officials said.

The inclusion of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package is expected to be announced this autumn, three sources said, though a final decision has not been made. The sources declined to be named because they are not authorized to discuss the topic. Sending JASSMs to Ukraine could significantly alter the strategic landscape of the conflict by putting more of Russia in range of powerful, precision-guided munitions, an important concern of the Biden administration, the officials said.

The Eastern Economic Forum kicked off in Vladivostok on Tuesday, with the four-day event serving as a platform for the discussion of initiatives aimed at developing the Russian Far East, and expanding regional cooperation with and between Asia-Pacific region countries. Economists tell Sputnik about the special significance of this year’s forum.

The Eastern Economic Forum is more than just a regional economics-centered gathering. It’s a meeting place attracting Asia-Pacific powers big and small alike searching for new prospects for cooperation and equality-based architecture for regional partnerships. With around 60 percent of the world’s population living in Asia and the Pacific, and the region accounting for nearly 40 percent of global GDP and representing about 22 percent of the world’s total land area, the region represents a goldmine of economic and political opportunities for Moscow and its partners amid the continued tectonic shift in global affairs taking place today.

In the second quarter of 2024, EU member states imported more natural gas from Russia than from the United States — for the first time in almost two years

From April to June, the European Union bought more than 12.7 billion cubic meters from Russia and 12.3 billion cubic meters from the United States. Director of the Russian Department of Economic Cooperation of the Foreign Ministry, Dmitri Birichevski, says Russia now supplies 15 percent of the total volume of natural gas imported by the European Union. This despite the EU’s REPowerEU instituted back in May 2022 to shift away from Russia and cut it off from its flow of energy profits.

Former US President enters plea of not guilty to the charges presented in special counsel Jack Smith’s revised election subversion indictment against him.

Former US President Donald Trump has entered a plea of not guilty to the charges presented in special counsel Jack Smith’s revised election subversion indictment against him in federal court, according to a court filing reported by CNN on Tuesday. The not guilty plea was made in a filing in which Trump also requested to be excused from attending an upcoming court hearing in person, according to CNN.

It is strange that there is no discussion of it, but in two weeks and one day on September 18 Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president in the November election in two months, is scheduled by a corrupt Democrat “judge” to be sentenced for 34 felony counts pulled out of thin air by a corrupt Democrat prosecutor for how Trump’s accountants reported an expense.

Trump’s accountants reported the expense as a legal expense, which was a reasonable classification of the expense, but the corrupt Democrat prosecutor said it was a campaign contribution by Trump to his own campaign and that by reporting it as a legal expense he is guilty of interfering in the election. It is this absurd personal opinion of the corrupt Democrat prosecutor–are there any Democrat prosecutors who are not corrupt?– that turned a non-issue of how an expense was reported into 34 felony charges.

Rob Flaherty – Kamala Harris campaign’s deputy manager (originally a member of the team put together for the now failed Biden reelection bid) – has spoken about what that campaign is doing about “misinformation.”

That’s one of the favorite subjects – and often tools of political pressure – of the current Biden-Harris administration, and Flaherty is no stranger to any of it. In the past, he served in the Biden administration as director of digital strategy and played a prominent role in exerting persistent pressure on Big Tech, to get these companies to censor even more content. Now, Flaherty tells Politico that the Harris campaign’s handling of what it perceives as misinformation is “extremely aggressive” and that it is “constantly” on the lookout for it, “monitoring” the internet – again, “aggressively.”

The BidenHarris government appears to be turning a blind eye to Chinese state-sponsored harassment of political dissidents, anti-communist protestors, and advocates for minority rights living in the United States.

While there has been a crackdown on illicit Chinese-operated ‘police stations’ in New York and San Francisco by the Department of Justice(DOJ)—more clandestine but highly organized efforts by the communist country to suppress the rights of anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) activists in the U.S. have largely continued unabated. According to an analysis produced by The Washington Post, Chinese diplomats coordinated with various Chinese-American and Chinese national-led interest and community groups to target and silence anti-CCP activists ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s 2023 visit to San Francisco.

Walz’s repeated travel to China would not have occurred without the approval of China’s Ministry of State Security

The Biden-Harris Pentagon is refusing to answer questions from Congress and the media regarding Democrat vice-presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz’s (D-MN) frequent travel to China. The lack of transparency has raised concerns about potential risks to U.S. military members and whether Walz properly disclosed these trips to the Army National Guard during his service. Typically, U.S. military members, especially those holding a security clearance, are required to report or request permission from their command before traveling overseas—particularly to countries considered adversarial to U.S. interests, such as China.

Illegal migrants in particular are a net negative and a dangerous strain on the welfare system

There are a great many tall tales circulating these days in association with illegal immigration.  Possibly one of the most prevalent claims from the political left is that western economies “need illegals” in order to support the dragging economy and fill a hungry labor market. An extension of this idea is that many of these migrants are “skilled workers” that the west desperately needs for vital roles. But how much do the US and Europe really need illegal immigrants in order to keep western economies going?  And how many of them actually bring important skills to western labor markets?  Would they be sunk without these people?  Or, would they be much better off?

Chaos as far and wide as possible. Massive spread across the nation!”

Law-abiding Americans should be made well aware of the cities, counties, and states that have laws, ordinances, and policies that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield illegal alien criminals from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This is because the Biden-Harris administration has imported the third world into the first world, and with that comes elevated risks of violent crime and chaos. Footage of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members raiding an apartment building with at least one AR-style rifle and pistols in the northern Denver suburb of Aurora shocked the nation last week about how quickly sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats can spiral out of control after rolling out the red carpet to illegals. 

When Joe Biden (Barack Obama) put Kamala in charge of our open southern border, they knew exactly what they were doing.

They knew that no one would hold the almost invisible Vice President accountable for the nightmare that would surely ensue as a result of their lawless policies. They knew that opening our borders to violent gangs, drug cartel members, human sex traffickers, pedophiles, murderers, and rapists who were recently released from Venezuelan prisons would destroy large cities and local communities. They knew these criminals and thugs would displace minorities in sanctuary cities like Chicago and Aurora, CO., but it was worth it for them. Democrats traded the basic right of US citizens to be protected by their government from foreign invaders in their homes and communities for millions of new votes.

A heated confrontation erupted outside the Walcott Hotel in New York City after a citizen journalist spotted U.S. Army personnel on-site again.

Last week, citizen journalist Jason Goodman, founder of Crowdsource the Truth, captured footage revealing a U.S. Army presence at The Wolcott Hotel in New York City, which has been controversially converted into a mega-shelter for migrants. The Wolcott Hotel, a historic establishment on West 31st Street, closed its doors to regular guests in 2023 due to the ongoing migrant crisis and concerns related to the COVID-19 Delta variant, as reported by the New York Post.

Every day we see stories like this, but instead of addressing the issue, the government keeps bringing more people in. This is only going to get worse.

Group says American troops have ‘blood on their hands’

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir’s port. The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to “deter potential threats to Israel” amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. “Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs,” Almayadeen writes. “They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region.”

Coverage of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza is mostly dominated by talk of weapons. Reporters and analysts focus on suicide drones, on shell deficits, on targeting algorithms.

But for all the attention devoted to modern weapons and munitions, both conflicts are proving that modern war still comes down to people. In Ukraine, battlefield deaths on both sides were estimated to number more than 200,000 by the fall of 2023. Though US weapons and munitions have been critical to Kyiv’s war effort, it was territorial militias and hastily trained citizen-soldiers who helped save Ukraine from total conquest in 2022. At the same time, it was a partial mobilization of more than 300,000 troops that stabilized Russia’s lines and prevented a potential collapse in late 2022. Today, the war has settled into an attritional slugfest, with both sides desperate to keep the flow of new recruits going, to the point where ranks have opened to older men, women, and convicts.

The Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged.

According to a Reuters report citing U.S. military sources, which said one of the targets hit on Monday was a Panama-flagged vessel named Blue Lagoon I and the other was Saudi-flagged Amjad. The Houthis took responsibility for the Blue Lagoon I hit, Reuters reported, but made no mention of the Saudi-flagged vessel. According to an AP report, Blue Lagoon I had been traveling to an undisclosed location from the Russian port of Ust Luga, broadcasting that it carried Russian crude on board. The Houthis had previously said they would not target Russian or Middle Eastern ships.

Iran’s foreign ministry has summoned the British charge d’affaires in Tehran over recent sanctions against the Islamic Republic, the semi-official ISNA news agency said on Tuesday.

The British government said on Monday it had added four designations under its Iran sanctions regime.

Justice Department announces criminal charges against six senior Hamas members, including leader Yahya Sinwar,in connection with the October 7, 2023, attack in Israel.

The US Justice Department on Tuesday announced criminal charges against Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and other members of the organization in connection with the October 7, 2023, attack in Israel. The criminal complaint filed in federal court in New York City includes charges of conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, resulting in death, according to The Associated Press. The Hamas members are targeted for their alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murdering of Americans during the October 7 attack, reported ABC News.

In a powerful statement, the Global Imams Council has denounced Hamas’ hostage executions, challenging extremism from within Islam

The Global Imams Council has released a statement condemning the murder of hostages at the hands of Hamas terrorists. The statement, which was released on the Global Imams Council’s X (previously Twitter) social media account on Sunday, September 1, 2024, referred to the actions of Hamas as ‘barbaric,’ stating, “We are deeply saddened and outraged by these heinous murders, which violate all principles of humanity, religious teachings, and international law.” The Global Imams Council acknowledged that the targeting of civilians not only violates the laws of Islam, but the Geneva Conventions as well.

Israel Police criticized the State Attorney on Wednesday after the US filed charges against the Hamas leadership, KAN reported on Wednesday. 

According to the report, the criticism centered around the fact that in Israel, nothing was achieved on the subject, while the US had filed charges based on evidence gathered in Israel. 

Kirby says proposal requires pullout from crowded areas of corridor in phase 1 after PM claimed IDF will control it indefinitely; Barnea told Qatar Israel to fully withdraw in phase 2

The White House declared Tuesday that its latest, Israel-backed hostage deal proposal includes an IDF withdrawal from heavily populated areas along the Philadelphi Corridor, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Israel must indefinitely maintain a presence along the Egypt-Gaza border stretch. “The deal itself, including the bridging proposal that we started working with… includes the removal of Israeli Defense Forces from all densely populated areas… in phase one… and that includes those areas along and adjacent to that corridor,” said White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby in a briefing with reporters. “That’s the proposal that Israel had agreed to.”

The Canadian government is on the verge of passing legislation to create a pandemic, prevention and preparedness plan WITHOUT first having an official review and analysis of the response to COVID-19.

The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act


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12 hours ago · 105 likes · 39 comments · James Roguski

Reviewing Charles Richet’s work on anaphylaxis, awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913.

The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common?

This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app…

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18 hours ago · 311 likes · 174 comments · Sasha Latypova

The UK Government’s sixth allocation (“AR6”) round for “renewable” energy auctions has achieved a record-breaking outcome, securing 9.6 gigawatts of “clean” power across 131 projects.

This marks a significant turnaround for offshore wind projects, which saw no contracts awarded in the previous auction round. However, it comes at a cost to consumers. A loophole in Government contracts could cost households up to £180 million a year. The AR6 auction has sent a “clear signal” that the UK is back in the global race for clean energy investment, according to RenewableUK, a coalition of over 450 companies which aims to ensure increasing amounts of “renewable” electricity are deployed across the UK. 

Neither fiat currencies nor central banks have any functional place in free societies…This world that financial and political elites have built is unsustainable.  It is also a kind of economic slavery

Imagine life in the near future. ..A man resides alone in a tiny apartment.  He would prefer to be married, but the State considers that antiquated institution “patriarchal” and “white supremacist.”  He would prefer to have children, but he can’t afford them.  Besides, his yearly carbon allowance is insufficient to cover another resource-wasting human being.  He has never owned anything.  He rents his bedroom, his furnishings, and his meager entertainments.  Each month, a digital account associated with his digital ID receives a number of central bank digital currency units.

So many people lately have been talking and writing a lot about the US Treasury “Buy Back” program officially started in May this year with the excuse of improving liquidity in the US Treasuries market (Debt buyback program set to improve liquidity, says US Treasury official).

However, what many fail to realize is that the US Treasury has been actively meddling in the FED monetary policy for more than one year already, precisely since May 2023. What was happening exactly at that time? First Republic Bank was going bust (FDIC press release). So what exactly did our dear Janet “Shroom” Yellen do? She started to significantly increase the proportion of US T-Bills issuances versus longer-dated Treasury Notes and Bonds. This action was blatantly against the law that restricts the US Treasury Department to finance the US Federal debt with a proportion of T-Bills no greater than ~20%, but as you can see in the first chart below, Janet completely ignored it (and no one, as far as I remember, challenged her).

David Menzies and Sheila Gunn Reid examine Justin Trudeau’s recent appointment of transgender activist Kristopher Wells to the Senate.

Foreigners entering the Russian Federation for a period of more than 90 days will be obliged to submit their biometric data upon entry into Russia, that will be part of efforts of the Russian state to strengthen national security.

So far, a draft bill has already been submitted for consideration of the Russian Parliament (State Duma) being designed by members of the local political party “A Just Russia – For Truth.” An official spokesman of the Party comments: “The existing features of writing the surname-name-patronymic of citizens of certain countries in Cyrillic and Latin allow for several options for writing passport data, which makes it impossible to clearly identify a person who has entered the territory of the Russian Federation, which, in turn, makes it possible for persons who have committed an offense in Russia and were previously deported to re-enter Russia».

It’s not easy being a child in the American police state.

Danger lurks around every corner and comes at you from every direction, especially when Big Brother is involved. Out on the streets, you’ve got the menace posed by police officers who shoot first and ask questions later. In your neighborhoods, you’ve got to worry about the Nanny State and its network of busybodies turning parents in for allowing their children to walk to school alone, walk to the park alone, play at the beach alone, or even play in their own yard alone. The tentacles of the police state even intrude on the sanctity of one’s home, with the government believing it knows better than you—the parent—what is best for your child.

Our world is crisis-ridden, and millions of people are suffering each day. Today, over 110 armed conflicts are taking place around the world.

These conflicts, driven by regional wars, foreign interventions, attacks on civilians, and other factors, directly impact 14% of the world’s population. As violence surrounds civilian areas, it leads to the destruction of critical infrastructure, contamination of food and water supplies, and exacerbates extreme poverty, according to research conducted by grassroots action platform Global Citizen. Each of the following conflicts has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis, leaving millions of people without access to basic needs due to violence and political instability. Many of these conflicts have led to the widespread displacement of millions of innocent civilians.

The killing, persecution and displacement of Christians in Nigeria is “unrelenting” and “a time bomb”, according to a major new report.

Christians “are deliberately targeted”, as well as “Christian communities, their livelihood(s), faith leaders and places of worship”, according to the report by Open Doors International, a faith-based non-profit working to raise awareness of global persecution, aiming to mobilize prayer, support and action among Christians. Christians are reportedly becoming “an endangered species” there, the report says. “Last year alone, in Nigeria there were more people that were killed because of their Christian faith than all other places in the globe combined,” Ryan Brown, the CEO Of Open Doors U.S., told Fox News Digital, adding “to be specific, there were 4998 Christians that were killed because of their faith in Nigeria last year.”

Yale’s Divinity School coerced students to read from a “spell” written by a “witch” as part of its Before the Fall Orientation.

Yale’s Divinity School coerced students to read from a “spell” written by a “witch” as part of its Before the Fall Orientation. The three-day orientation between Aug. 21 to 23 saw a series of talks and activities preparing incoming students for the year ahead, interspersed with small group discussions. One of these small group periods was the first activity of orientation. Participating as an incoming student in one of these circles, I saw how the discussion opened with a set of “Restorative Circle Rules.” These rules boiled down to a warning to be open minded: all viewpoints were expected to be heard, that you only have to take what you want from the circle and participate as wanted – at least nominally.

Burning Man attendees got stuck in a giant dust storm as they tried to leave the playa on Monday.

Burning Man is a yearly drug-infested music and art festival in Northern Nevada, in Black Rock City. This year’s festival turned out to be exceptionally degenerate with an ‘orgy dome,’ ‘virgin sacrifice parties’ and ‘horny alien encounters.’ Tens of thousands of ‘Burners’ flocked to the Nevada desert this year to engage in debauchery. Burners got stuck for more than 10 hours in whiteout conditions during their exodus from the desert.


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