LETTERS: Caring people still exist; illegals threaten the country | Opinion

There are still caring people out there

Those who went to the Pikes Peak Regional Air Show on the weekend of August 17-18 will remember the scorching heat. Friends from Arkansas flew in on Friday to join us at the air show on Saturday and left the next day to go home. We thought we were prepared for the heat. We brought several bottles of water. I had a neck brace around my neck and a battery-powered fan around my neck. I had bought a wide-brimmed straw hat to make sure I was protected.

But alas, by 11am I was starting to feel myself fading, so I asked my husband to help me find some shade. We walked over to a canopy of trees, but before I could get there, a kind lady beckoned me into the shade, put more ice around my neck, and offered me a seat. I discovered that she and her family had come from the Dallas area specifically for the show, as her father had flown one of the planes at the air show. Another hour passed and I felt like I was about to pass out. The lady to my right was very attentive and left to call a doctor.

The lady in front of me offered to help me to the golf cart, which we drove to our friends’ car. These were truly three “angels” in disguise. I didn’t know them, but I want them to know how grateful I am for their care and compassion. Our friends missed the Blue Angels because of me and that was definitely the highlight of the airshow. No complaints, instead they brushed it off as if it was nothing. They were more worried about me than about missing the show. It does the heart good to experience kindness in action.

Sarah Liu

Colorado Springs

Illegals threaten the country

When, oh when will the American people open their eyes to what is happening in this once beautiful and free country? A gang from Venezuela is operating in Aurora, taking over apartment buildings. Rent-paying citizens are not only left in fear for their lives, but also hoping to find another place to sleep.

This was captured on video by a young woman who helped one of the residents find another apartment after having to live with five locks on her door, fearing the worst.

Now, The Gazette ran this story as a headline, but Governor Jared Polis had the nerve to go on TV and call this the young woman’s imagination. How dare he? Hoping to be in the White House next time?

But the worst part is that a lot of uninformed people will vote for Vice President Kamala Harris as our next president. She and President Joe Biden have opened the gates to millions of illegal aliens, given them money, cell phones, insurance, housing, transportation, and allowed more and more people to invade, rape, kill, and bring illegal drugs into our country.

In her so-called CNN interview, when asked about this horrible situation, Harris said, I have prosecuted people who broke the law when they came into the country. (I had to paraphrase what she said.) That was years ago when she was the district attorney in California. Why were there no follow-up questions from Dana Bash? Like, what about the millions of illegal immigrants who roam our streets? What are you going to do about them?

The answer is clear: the Democrats want these illegals to vote for them so that no Republican will ever see the White House again.

I was born in a foreign country and came to the US at the age of 19, proving that I had a sponsor, that I was healthy and would never be a burden to the economy. Within two weeks I had a job and started paying taxes right away. I had to register every January to prove that my situation had not changed. I swore allegiance to our country at the swearing-in ceremony a few years later and have been a proud citizen of the US ever since. Now that I see what is happening here, I often wonder if I came to America at all.

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Doris Tavernier McLeod

Colorado Springs

Gangs prey on the weak

The Democratic Party is fully responsible for the criminal organization Tren de Aragua that allows its evil members to walk across the border to terrorize neighborhoods in the United States. Denver is now in the grip of this organization and the law has their hands tied behind their backs to do anything about it. How much do you like open borders?

This is where the Second Amendment comes into play. Citizens need to arm themselves against these raids. The police are not going to clean up this filth from the apartment complexes. Residents need to fend for themselves. These gangs prey on the weak and those that the leadership has no intention of helping out of the situation. American citizens do not deserve this from our leadership, and they do not deserve to be terrorized by backward gangs who know nothing about freedom and prosperity. You elected those who want to destroy this country. This is the thanks you get.

Joseph Ford

Colorado Springs

Angry about Arlington’s behavior

I am proud to live in a city with tens of thousands of veterans and active duty service members. I honor their service. I am married to a veteran of the military. It is hard for me to imagine that all of these veterans and active duty service members are not outraged by the former president’s behavior at Arlington Cemetery.

This person used the hallowed ground where those who served and died for our nation, individuals he has characterized as losers and losers, are buried to create a campaign video. He posted the video to TikTok.

There is simply no depth he will not sink to in the hopes of avoiding spending the rest of his life in prison or under house arrest. He is a convicted felon who has been caught in the courts for sexual abuse and massive fraud. He is under indictment in multiple jurisdictions across our country. What could possibly qualify him to lead the greatest nation on earth?

Joe E. Smith

Colorado Springs

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