Senegal: Mahamadou Kane, analyst of a global initiative against transnational organized crime (GI-TOC) – “Senegal is a hub of migrant traffic”

Can you confirm that Senegal plays a major role in international migrant traffic?

Senegal has become a hub of migrant traffic. It’s been a long time. It’s just that the phenomenon is in its last years. By the coup d’état, after the subsequent maintenance of the candidates of the Guinean population, of the Gambian population, the Malian population is seen en masse. On a découvert des Ivoiriens dans le circuit. The Ghanaians get more prizes for pirogues in Senegal for all of Spain. The phenomenon of the more recent maintenance, it is the Arabs, the Syrians of the Pakistanis, is between the other countries, but Senegal is for the pirogues.

What is your explanation about the road to Senegal?

If you question the candidates for migration, it comes down to you gaining more confidence in the Senegalese captains. Le Senegal is a means of payment, the captains are very good at navigation. If you are a confidant who denies you, it is intended that your confidence competes with us. Le Senegal is as Mauritania certainly a supporter of part of the part of Mauritania that returns to Spain, it is plus a part that is paid. During part of Senegal, at a good time in September, or if you have a new year, while you are part of Mauritania, you can stay your whole day or a maximum.

What is the consequence of a foreign presence in Senegal?

It is a phenomenon that stands on an observational basis. In the case of full, the aggressions are a signal above the Petite Côte. Authors are not authors who make their candidates for the migration irregular, which is not worth their travel project.

One of our life supplies is banditry. When it comes to reports of Warang, Nianing and my Dakar in the banlieue, the attacks on signals and the consequences of the authors. Migrants living in Senegal are guests in their homes who are sometimes abandoned or sometimes paying moments that they are faithful. It is a guest at the passers-by.

What is the fact that you encounter the passers-by?

L’Etat is a pied d’oeuvre. The surveillance begins with an increase in the number of maritime patrols, but it is more of a regional cooperation. The phenomenon is transnational and requires an answer to the question of a country. Senegal does its work with the countries involved in Mali, Guinea is more abroad.

The border of borders is a fact that makes traffic easier with the free circulation in the space Cedeao. Information can play a decisive role in the prevention of the genre of the phenomenon. An error makes it possible that the populations in the peripheral neighborhoods cannot count on the beaches or on the lodges of the migration candidates. It is possible that the population is suspicious of the presence of suspicious actors or candidates who stay in their homes.

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