Watchman: So the Hollywood Elitist Elect Satan Soldiers — Knowing They’re the Worst of the Worst — Then Wine About Having to Protect Their Miserable Lives — No One Really Cares You Voted Them In — Live With It — Enjoy Tribulation

The post Watchman: So the Hollywood Elitist Elect Satan Soldiers — Knowing They’re the Worst of the Worst — Then Wine About Having to Protect Their Miserable Lives — No One Really Cares You Voted Them In — Live With It — Enjoy Tribulation first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

The group based in the UK, which includes an astrophysicist and a funeral director amongst their ranks, also charged Dr. Anthony Fauci; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO); June Raine, chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA); Dr. Radiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, as “responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code … war crimes and crimes of aggression” in the UK and several other countries.



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Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on!

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After years of rising crime in Los Angeles, elites in wealthy neighborhoods are finally panicking about the recent string of high-profile retail robberies and home burglaries. Experts say wealthy individuals are purchasing bulletproof cars, safe rooms, employing armed guards, and even constructing walls with barbed wire around their properties.

The issue of violent crime is nothing new to Los Angeles, but a spillover to upscale neighborhoods has put elites on edge. The Hollywood Reporter reports agencies who provide private security are seeing increasing demand for private patrols.

Since August, Rising S Company, a company that builds underground bunkers, has installed 13 safe rooms, nine safe doors, two underground bunker shelters, and two window fortifications across Brentwood Park, Beverly Park, and Paradise Cove. This compares with seven safe rooms in California in the last 2.5 years.

Estate manager Bryan Peele, president and founder of the L.A.-based Estate Managers Coalition, said his clients have “fully equipped safe rooms that they can live in for a few days, if necessary, that are completely hard-wired with phone cables, Internet, everything.”

One of Peele’s clients has three bulletproof cars and wears fake Rolexes. “This guy will take a $200,000 Rolex and copy it, using stainless steel and other metals, so it looks like the original but costs maybe $2,000-$3,000 per watch. So, in the event that it’s stolen, the client is out a lot less money,” he said.

Many upscale homes are installing more cameras, constructing fences with barbed wire, and employing 24-7 security details that will protect them from once their private jet touches down to their mansions.

Some people are even taking firearm and self-defense classes so they will know how to defend their family and or themselves in an emergency.

Violent crime rises from an alarming cocktail of criminal justice reforms. For instance, thieves can steal up to $950 in goods and receive a slap on the wrist, the equivalent of a traffic ticket. Criminal gangs have taken advantage of relaxed laws and have recently gone on a wave of retailer smash and grab robberies. There have also been high-profile robberies of elites.

When philanthropist Jacqueline Avant was murdered in her Beverly Hills mansion earlier this month, it was a wake-up call for the community.

“Almost immediately after the Avant shooting, it’s been crazy busy. We have increased operations in that area tremendously,” said Aaron Jones, CEO of International Protective Security. “I have a lot of regular VIPs; when people call, I get on the phone with them. We understand the urgency of what’s going on. It’s nonstop.”

Criminal justice reforms caused all this madness. Law and order needs to be restored or people will start moving out of the area.

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Watchman: Satan Soldiers Are Getting Frustrated They’re Wanting the Watchmen, Truth Seekers and the Individuals That Bring Forth the Truth to Be Punished?

By StevieRay Hansen


September 2, 2024



This Guy’s Delusional Demonic, a Liar and Has Been a Part of Mass Murders via Kill Shots, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins Has Angrily Called for Anyone Who Spreads “Misinformation” About COVID-19 Online to Be “Brought to Justice.” So Collins Should be Brought to Justice First, He Should Fine a Good Lawyer, Just wait until God Deals with Him, Real Punishment for a Life Time.  National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has angrily called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to justice.” Satan Soldier Master Liar Francis Collins, NIH Director, Resigns After Gain-of-Function Falsehood Exposed   “Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” Collins told the Washington Post. Citing an onslaught of angry messages directed at…


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Watchman Warning: Kill Shot Expert, Ranking Member of Satan Soldiers Moderna CEO Says Even Young Will

By StevieRay Hansen


April 6, 2024


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Need To Take Vaccine Booster Shots Indefinitely… COVID-19 a Bio-weapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard Fleming documents evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a bio-weapon created over the past two decadesOnce you conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is a bio-weapon, you must also recognize that the COVID shots are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bio-weapon. In other words, they are bio-weapons tooThe same people involved in the funding of this bio-weapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these COVID shotsHealth care workers are injecting people with something they cannot possibly give informed consent for, which means health care workers are violating their Hippocratic OathHealth care workers who give these COVID shots are also violating the International Covenant on Civil and…



Death Angel Says: Oregonians Have Raised a Generation of Satan Soldiers — Godless Young

By StevieRay Hansen


August 19, 2022



Heathens That Have Now Turned on There Creator, (The Parents) Climate Change Is Not Responsible, the Ungodly Anti-Christian Adults Must Take Full Responsibility, You Created a Monster Now Deal With It ‘Reprobates’… Half Million People Evacuated in Oregon As Wildfires Spread, Arson Concerns Grow  Wildfires continue to rage throughout Oregon Friday morning, have killed at least three people and forced more than half a million from their homes.  AP cites data from the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, which shows about 12% of the state’s 4.2 million population, or about 500,000 residents, have been evacuated. As much as 1,400 square miles (3,625 square kilometers) have burned across the state this week. State officials said wildfire activity flourished Thursday afternoon in northwestern Oregon as hot weather and windy conditions fueled the fires. The Northwest Interagency Coordination Center’s latest fire map shows there are many uncontained wildfires across the state.  Readers may recall the U.S. Climate…



Satan Soldiers Plandemic Will Send Family Into The Streets — “Homeless”

By StevieRay Hansen


May 5, 2022



There’s a treacherous conspiracy at work that involves both sides of the American political counterfeit coin… While the Fed keeps touting the “transitory” nature of runaway inflation, millions of Americans will soon be living under a bridge as both house prices and rents are now rising at a record pace (at least until cities start charging a “bridge habitation” tax). Earlier today we reported that the latest Case Shiller data showed that home prices across the country had soared at the fastest pace on history, surpassing even the epic surge from the housing bubble, after rising at a record 19.1%. Needless to say, at the rate home prices are rising, most American will soon be priced out of owning a home – even with record low mortgage rates – if they haven’t been already, which means they will be stuck…



Death Angel on the Move: Satan Soldiers to Introduce Going Door-To-Door Get Ready for Vaccination Divisions Around the Global — Tribulation

By StevieRay Hansen


January 25, 2022


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Pestilence Has Arrived: Evidence is Emerging to Suggest That The Covid Variant Poses a Very Real Threat To Patients Who Have Already Been Fully Vaccinated (Pestilence By Way Of Vaccine Kill Shot) Force is now the only rule remaining in Satan-controlled World. Everything else has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food You the high tech conglomerates (HYPER-REPROBATES) chose to attack God’s children (The Christians) you brought destruction upon yourselves and your high-tech corporations, it’s amazing how wrong you can be when dumb down in biblical truth, God’s word has survived the tyrants for thousands of years, yet you CEOs have missed the most important part of life, God’s…


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Satan Soldiers Have Been Busy Planning Vaccine

By StevieRay Hansen


December 28, 2021



Passports Began at Least 20 Months Prior to the Start of the Covid-19 Outbreak… With the world being told that so-called ‘vaccine passports’ will be required for all international travel in future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theatres, concerts and sports events, the impression we are being given is that the measure is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic. In Europe, however, which hosts 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical exporting countries, planning for vaccine passports began at least 20 months prior to the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. Apparently, the pandemic conveniently provided European politicians with the ‘excuse’ they needed to introduce the idea. The ‘European Commission’ – the executive body of Europe – first published a proposal for vaccine passports on 26 April 2018. Buried deep in a document dealing with ‘Strengthened…


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Australian Satan Soldiers Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases Contacts To Quarantine Camps — Coming to America Next —Tribulation Now In Play

By StevieRay Hansen


December 25, 2021


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The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night. Howard Springs Quarantine Facility has capacity for 2,000 overseas arrivals and about 1,000 domestic travellers. (AAP: Glenn Campbell) “Residents of Binjari and Rockhole no longer have the five reasons to leave their homes,” said Northern Territory chief minister, Michael Gunner, referring to the country’s five allowable reasons to avoid lockdown (buying food and supplies, exercising for up to two hours, care or caregiving, work or education if it can’t be done from home, and to get vaccinated at the nearest possible location). “They can only leave for medical treatment, in an emergency, or as required…



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Watchman’s Update: As WEF Begins, Their BS Is Always in Our Face, Proving That WEF Is Evil. Dark Davos: Escort Services “Completely Booked” These Guys Are the Enemies of Humanity, and It Is Not Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

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HNewsWire Update: by Tyler Durden Just when you thought you had heard it all… This lady (we are presuming she/they is/are a lady) – who looks like she has not…


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Was a Nazi slogan brandished at a Reopen Illinois rally? The answer depends on what you search, and when you search for it. HNewsWire: ACROSS THE NATION, protesters have taken to…


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Watchman Says God Is King and There Can Be No Other: Musk Says: No Doubt My Satan Is Behind My Transhumanism Movement. Satan Hates God’s Plan and Will Not “Bring Many Sons to Glory” (Hebrews 2:10). Satan Will Do Everything He Can to Try to Destroy Mankind Before That Happens, and Transhumanism Appears to Be a Way Satan Is Trying to Do That

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HNewsWire: Imagine a future when earth’s inhabitants are not humans, but cyborgs-robot like beings with both biological and mechanical components. With exosuits for added strength, cybernetic arms and legs,  surgically-implanted…


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Watchman Predicts an Upcoming Period of Civil Unrest. During the Current Border Crisis, the Biden-Harris Administration Has Publicly Declared That They Are Welcoming the Largest Number of Refugees Into the United States in Three Decades

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By SRH It is crucial for law-abiding Americans to be fully informed about the cities, counties, and states that have enacted laws, ordinances, and policies that hinder immigration enforcement and…


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Author: StevieRay Hansen

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The post Watchman: So the Hollywood Elitist Elect Satan Soldiers — Knowing They’re the Worst of the Worst — Then Wine About Having to Protect Their Miserable Lives — No One Really Cares You Voted Them In — Live With It — Enjoy Tribulation first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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